Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Take Personal Responsibility For Your Own Behavior

Get honest with yourself and take responsibility for your life: "I did it. I was wrong. I messed up." Rebelling against God for it? Ask for forgiveness. I believe we must LOVE and FORGIVE. I John says it right in the Bible!

There's no sin beyond the boundaries of God's faithfulness to FORGIVE.

Don't carry around all that guilt. It's not worth it! Happy Wednesday!


Geneva said...

AMEN! This is awesome :)

Carol Donnelson said...

I have a difficult time forgiving, but the love way overshadows the forgiving, so it makes me forgive! It seems like the other person is the one that should say I messed up. As my Mom used to say "Let bygones be bygones." So, we are forced to forgive. I appreciate so much your comment, Geneva!