Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thanks, thanks, and more thanks!!!!

This post is dedicated to grateful hearts for your comments to either my texting or blog. As I sit here so very early in the morning and probably the only one in this neighborhood that is up at this beautiful hour, I think about the caring people and y'all are the ones. I know the "jet set" (that's wannabe brilliant executives) and have entrepreneur spirits comment because I know you are out there in the working world and that's what y'all want to hear! So, with that, and with some encouraging thoughts I have today, I shall continue. So, I appreciate your comment, Geneva. Short and sweet, but needed.

What's on my mind today?.....encouragement if you are planning on getting a new look. Yesterday one of my friends who manages the Clinique counter gave me a makeover, so now I have a bronze color blusher that makes me look like I'm 34 again! She showed me how to put it on and honestly it looks like I just got back from getting a tan in Hawaii!!! My hubby was esthatic about my looks. Because I also had my hair spiked a on the sides and back and that looked oh so awesome. It would surprise most people, but my hubby loves my hair looking funky and the new look gave me a new outlook on life! Have you ever felt bedraggled and felt like you needed a new something?????? Well, I had a coupon for a "free haircut" at Regis that I had forgotten that I away I went. If I can ever figure out how to put the pic of my new looks I will.

And thanks to our son and daughter who encourage us to have a fun retirement. Their wonderful words of encouragements come at a super great time and are needed because we have been stuck in a rut! And now we are starting to do something different than just the ordinary mundate day to day routines. And....replenishing what has been used up, receiving back what has been spent, and refreshing what has grown stale. God definitely designed us to have rhythm in our lives and be totally devoted to life's restorations. These are my praises for this day. Enjoy your's!!!!

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