Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ways to Simplify Your Life

Number one complaint I hear from women: "My house is a wreck and I don't want to do anything about it." Why not? I had the privilege of having my husband's Grandmother for a Teacher at the Bible College I graduated from. Who would ever believe I would marry her Grandson? So, when he and I have great conversations, he always compliments me for having great organization skills, he is so grateful. His Grandmother taught me that "when you get married, keep a tidy home to support you and your husband." I'll never forget that and I truly believe that is why our marriage is so happy. And even after we were married, Grandma reminded me that she was glad I was an organized homemaker because she remembered her grandson having a converstation with her as he was growing up that he had hoping he would marry someone who wasn't a total neat freak, but at least considered that he likes it neat. And on top of that he was in the military where they had to keep the barracks neat.....the fact that I got demerits when I was in the Dormitory where his Grandmother was Dean of Women.....I wanted to please her and have a neat room so that I wouldn't get demerits.

It will surely simplify your life if you will have your home in support of your daily living. I tell the ladies they will live a life on a whole new level. Not only will they be happy, but everyone will be happy. My Mom used to say "Everything in it's place and a place for everything." It's amazing what we learn as women from our precious Mom and Grandmothers. I can remember my Grandmother was so organized, she had a specific place in a neat pile for chiclet gum that she always gave me and if I took that gum without her giving it to me, she knew I got into it by how neat it was stacked and now messed up.

Soon I will be having a garage sale....I'm already thinking about which (one room only) I want to pile the stuff I want to set out to sale. I think my husband would compliment me for the neatness just so he won't trip over my "stuff." Have a great Wednesday!

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