Monday, June 16, 2008

Initiative the child of necessity. Can people be taught to take the initiative? ...Maybe because they figure the extra work will go unrecognized? When was the last time you undertook an initiative at work without being asked? Did it matter to you whether it was recognized or not? Organizations, churches are full of intelligent, motivated, and experienced people who LACK initiative. To me, it's a fire that burns with an individual. It isn't waiting to be told what to innate drive! Both of our kids have super great initiative!

I knew a lady I used to work with that processed medical claims; this lady would take home manuals nd Health guidelines...hour after hour, evening after evening, reading more to find the answer to a quicker and better way. That's initiative! I'm sure the bonus she received was just the frosting on the cake!

I have to brag on an eleven year old girl at church yesterday that had initiative to straighten the basket with drawing paper and the pens that did not work! That, ladies and gentlemen is pure initiative!!! Give us more people who will JUST DO it AS Niki proclaims!!!! Happy Monday!

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