Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Developing Healthy Friendships

Friendship is..........to encourage
Through......God's source of love, companionship and friendship.
Proverbs (there's that book again) 27:17 says "Iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen the minds of each other." As we learn from each other, may we find a worthy purpose in the relationship.

Divine connections......He gives us grace to let go of detrimental friendships, and receive, by faith, discernment for developing healthy relationships. In that we ask Him to teach us what we need to know to be a quality friend, also developing in us a fun personality and good sense of humor......just be ourselves...the person He created us to be. Friends must be trustworthy.

I am totally blessed to have lots of friendships.

I wish I had enough stamps to send each one of you a personal Thank You, but instead I will say I am very grateful and humbly say "Thanks!"


Anne Jackson said...

you are awesome! thanks for your never ending encouragement & love!

Carol Donnelson said...

Thank you dear one...I will be on my knee bones praying for you daily as you journey in February for the Travel of your lifetime! You're the best!