Saturday, January 26, 2008


Every parent thinks they have THE greatest kids in the world. I don't think I have....I do have!

My hairdresser will be going on her long trip out of the country....I have been contemplating a new hair cut! Thus, she fit me in and actually worked yesterday on her day of leaving. #1 passion is being a Grandma.....I had to turn down an opportunity to be with one of the grandkids vs. the only appt. with hairdresser. prayer of caring today is:

Dear Lord: It is in your keeping that I place my family, knowing that You are able to keep that which I commit to You against that day. Bless my family greatly, Lord, and I appreciate so much their support and understanding. Amen

Ladies: Remember W.O.W. is in the morning at 9! We'll have a super time: a very relevant subject: Healing From Damaged Emotions!

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