Thursday, February 10, 2011

So This Is How It Feels.........

BEING A GRANDMA.....To this day, they still steale my heart and take my breath away!!! I can remember the first gift I gave heart!!!! There aren't enough words! Like the sun coming out for the very first time! And the grass growing greener on my side of the fence. And the sky looking bluer than ever before.

Nana, Grandmother, Nanny, Grandma, Mimi, Gram, what shall I be called? Of course mine is Grandma which I love purely marvelous! Being a Grandma changes our thinking. We are so blessed to see our Son such a great "Dad." And now that one of our grandchildren is headed toward teen years, where did time go???? Daren has raised her with wisdom and love. It makes us so proud!

So this is what being a Grandma is. And our grandson is simply adorable! He is brilliant on those games on the various machines that play those games! Not, only that, but he is soooo lovable and so is our Granddaughter!!!...both Grandma's pride and joy!!

And that no matter how many or no matter how old; grandkids continue to take us to places our hearts never knew were there.

How about you? Are you a grandparent? I would love to hear how you feel being a grandparent. Have a rockin' Thursday!!!!!!!

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