Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Love One Another"

The Bible has so many scriptures to compel us to "love one another." We may not like their attitude, gestures, or rudeness, but God helps us put up with it because of love!

Love is kind; patient; understanding whether or not the person accepts it or not. We are still admonished to give love. Some of us - that is all we have to give.

Agree? I'd love to hear your take on it. Be blessed this Sunday!


Pamela said...

Amen, sweet sister! I try to keep myself in check like this:

pamela is patient
pamela is kind
pamela does not envy or boast
pamela is not arrogant or rude
pamela doesnt insist on her own way
pamela isn't irritable or resentful
pamela doesn't rejoice @ wrongdoing
pamela rejoices in the truth.

and in reading this as i type it i am convicted once again by how far i've come and how far i have to go.

Love bears all things.
Love believes all things.
Love hopes all things.
Love endures all things.
Love never ends.

Carol Donnelson said...

Pamela: Awesome plus! You are so precious! I knew you were a fabulous loving person! Thank you! Love is what has kept me married to my hubby forty-two years! He is the MAN!!!!!!! I appreciate so much your encouragements. You constantly make my days, days and nights, and weeks and months!!! Whew!!!! That's a lot of gift you have there, dear one!!!!!! Again, thanks!