Monday, November 2, 2009

Greatest Time Ever!!!!!

Last night we had birthday celebration for our Son!!! The grandkids were absolutely adorable, brilliant, and so wonderful just being grandkids. I love the way they are so alert. Our grandson is eight years old and had on the coolest his dad's and mom's...they had the holes in them. And I know those jeans are bought like that...I can remember the days my Momma told me to throw those away if they remotely looked like they had a hole in them or flaw. Everyone had a great time; it was so hard to leave!

Birthdays....they do not annoy me; they so overjoy me..... celebrating the recepient!!!! Our kids are sooo eternally grateful that we still "get together" and it brings such an amazing closeness. My prayer is "Dear God...never, never, never let us stray from each other as an extremely close family, and two hours, two seconds, or two minutes, let us ENJOY each other to the fullest." He has answered my prayer each time we celebrate a family member's birthday and the thanks we get is beyond comprehension! I will relive these memories a loooonnngggg time!!!! (Hence; no blog mind wouldn't stop thinking of the joy our Son has brought to our lives!!!!!) Have a great Monday!

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