Some people multiply something in life - we value them! Anyone who wants to can become an adder. It only takes a desire to lift people up and the intentionality to follow through!
I am fortunate. I have a lot of multipliers in my life, highly gifted people who want to see me succeed! They help me sharpen my goals and maximize my strengths! I don't mind mentioning the adders in my life!!!! I have a valuable lady who was my husband's Secretary; she and her husband continually ADD and we cannot thank them enough! Our Son and Daughter are definitely adders. Our daughter called us last night to add to our life; to tell us she loves us so much and misses us. That's so incredible! I feel so valuable having their encouragements.
Have a happy Monday!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Encouraging Managers
I know it's the Lord's Day, but last night before I went to sleep, I got out my precious prayer journal and wrote a prayer for Managers. Now that I'm wide awake bright and early, I want to extend my thoughts and hopefully if you are a Manager in any way, this will encourage you. That's my prayer.
What makes a great Manager? One who has a knack for making team members think they are better than they are!
He/She forces you to have a good opinion of yourself.
He/She lets you know he/she believes in you!
He/she makes you get more out of yourself.
And once you learn how good you really are, you never settle for playing anything less than your very beest!
Whether it be in Church Staff or Business World, and you embrace the title of "Manager" this is great to have a team that produces great results! You should double-be-blessed that you have dedicated staff members who have a lot of respect for you to do a great job and be a part of a winning team! And that's my take on being a super great Manager! Great encouragement to go by! God bless each one!
What makes a great Manager? One who has a knack for making team members think they are better than they are!
He/She forces you to have a good opinion of yourself.
He/She lets you know he/she believes in you!
He/she makes you get more out of yourself.
And once you learn how good you really are, you never settle for playing anything less than your very beest!
Whether it be in Church Staff or Business World, and you embrace the title of "Manager" this is great to have a team that produces great results! You should double-be-blessed that you have dedicated staff members who have a lot of respect for you to do a great job and be a part of a winning team! And that's my take on being a super great Manager! Great encouragement to go by! God bless each one!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
There are really four kinds of people when it comes to relationships.
Some people add something to life - we enjoy them. Many people in this world desire to help others. These people are adders. They make the lives of others more pleasant and enjoyable.
People who add value to others almost always do so intentionally. I say that because adding value to others requires a person to give of himself and that rarely occurs by accident. I have endeavored to be an adder. I like people and make it my goal to be a friend.
Some people subtract from life. Those people discourage me. I am grateful that I have recognized those kind of people and will not let it get me down. Okay, let's see....four kinds of people....adders, helpers, encouragers, and caring people. It's mandatory that I have these kinds of people around me! Thank you makes relationship so awesome!
Some people add something to life - we enjoy them. Many people in this world desire to help others. These people are adders. They make the lives of others more pleasant and enjoyable.
People who add value to others almost always do so intentionally. I say that because adding value to others requires a person to give of himself and that rarely occurs by accident. I have endeavored to be an adder. I like people and make it my goal to be a friend.
Some people subtract from life. Those people discourage me. I am grateful that I have recognized those kind of people and will not let it get me down. Okay, let's see....four kinds of people....adders, helpers, encouragers, and caring people. It's mandatory that I have these kinds of people around me! Thank you makes relationship so awesome!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Esther in the Bible is my Encourager!
Once I wrote a play about Esther. Great! As the kiddos performed it!
When Esther found the courage to approach the king, she saved her people. (Esther 4:14) it!
Look at the lives of people who accomplish geat things, and you find encouragers who helped them along the way.
Who can you encourage to do great things? Who has God put into your life to cheer on, raise up, and assist on their journey? Have you tried to do even the smallest acts of kindness and encouragement to multiply in the lives of someone who means a lot to you, snowballing into something bigger than you ever could have imagined?
When Esther found the courage to approach the king, she saved her people. (Esther 4:14) it!
Look at the lives of people who accomplish geat things, and you find encouragers who helped them along the way.
Who can you encourage to do great things? Who has God put into your life to cheer on, raise up, and assist on their journey? Have you tried to do even the smallest acts of kindness and encouragement to multiply in the lives of someone who means a lot to you, snowballing into something bigger than you ever could have imagined?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
One More Day!!!
This will be short. We have some finishing up for our 42nd Anniversary!!!! But, just want to encourage each one of you to have the time of your life with your family tomorrow! Don't let the humbugs get to you....think gratefulness and fun! Don't let anyone that is rude or negative get to you!!!!! Just be ever so thankful for enjoying such a fabulous time with family!!!! God bless each one of you and I am thankful for your love and kindness shown to me. And want you to know I want the very best for you tomorrow for Thanksgiving! I so love all of you that have stuck with me on my blog passion! Thank you!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Keep Your Marriage Love-Based!!!!
I talk to so many women who have a control-based marriage which I feel is centered around an individual.
A love-based marriage is Christ-centereed and, therefore focuses on meeting the needs and serving the other spouse.
My husband and I are passionate about love-based serving marriage!
A controller is more interested in what he or she wants than in what the other person wants. A controller can also never be completely committed to the Lord or completely God-focused because that person is too centered upon getting his or her own way. Neither one wants to relinquish his or desire to dominate and control the other one!
I Cor. 13:5 says love is not self-seeking.
A love-based marriage looks to the whole Bible for guidance on healthy relationships! (Also, breeds openness and respect!) I'm up early making some extra time to write in my prayer journal for you. I am so loving those of you who have commented that you love reading my blogs; what an encouragement and especially I am soooo grateful for each of you that keep in touch. It's my passion! Thanks and the happiest of Thanksgiving as you cook, serve, and share the love you have!!!
A love-based marriage is Christ-centereed and, therefore focuses on meeting the needs and serving the other spouse.
My husband and I are passionate about love-based serving marriage!
A controller is more interested in what he or she wants than in what the other person wants. A controller can also never be completely committed to the Lord or completely God-focused because that person is too centered upon getting his or her own way. Neither one wants to relinquish his or desire to dominate and control the other one!
I Cor. 13:5 says love is not self-seeking.
A love-based marriage looks to the whole Bible for guidance on healthy relationships! (Also, breeds openness and respect!) I'm up early making some extra time to write in my prayer journal for you. I am so loving those of you who have commented that you love reading my blogs; what an encouragement and especially I am soooo grateful for each of you that keep in touch. It's my passion! Thanks and the happiest of Thanksgiving as you cook, serve, and share the love you have!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Now This is Encouragement!!!!
Those who believe in our ability do more than stimulate us! They create for us an atmosphere in which it becomes easier to succeed!
Oh dear Lord, thank you for giving me this passion and I will continue on! woohoo
Oh dear Lord, thank you for giving me this passion and I will continue on! woohoo
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thinking of Others!!!
Yesterday we connected so wonderfully with our daughter! She is fabulous! And she is soooo encouraging! I'm just living so happily because her tremendous acts of love, kindness, and encouragement have multiplied in our lives, then we pass it onto
the lives of others, snowballing into something bigger than we ever could have imagined! We have a huge heart of gratefulness for her! ....and for our son, daughter-in-law, grandkiddos, and other friends who have made this 2009 hanksgiving truly a world of thankfulness and ever-ending joy!!!!
the lives of others, snowballing into something bigger than we ever could have imagined! We have a huge heart of gratefulness for her! ....and for our son, daughter-in-law, grandkiddos, and other friends who have made this 2009 hanksgiving truly a world of thankfulness and ever-ending joy!!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Make Others Succeed!
Not difficult at all.....
Those who believe in our ability to do more than stimulate us.
They create for us an atmosphere to which it becomes easier to succeed!
Ooooo what great fun.
People like to feel special....sincerely compliment them.
People are looking for a better them hope!
People want to be associated with them win!
Those who believe in our ability to do more than stimulate us.
They create for us an atmosphere to which it becomes easier to succeed!
Ooooo what great fun.
People like to feel special....sincerely compliment them.
People are looking for a better them hope!
People want to be associated with them win!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Encouraging Teamwork!
My hubby and I work on goals on our Anniversaries...this year we encouraged each other for Teamwork....that probably sounds weird after being married all these years. We came to discover many things that we are brilliant at teamwork; then just a very minor few that we need to work on.
Team members (him and me) always love and admire the player who is able to help them go to another level. Sometimes it is me and sometimes is him. I believe teamwork means "I believe in you, I want to put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism." Then his is "I know you believe in me and together we reflect the expectations of respecting each other."
Teamwork works! Believe you me! If you want to increase the ability of your teammate, make yourself better! Blessings on this one as you begin the goal of TEAMWORK. : )
My hubby and I work on goals on our Anniversaries...this year we encouraged each other for Teamwork....that probably sounds weird after being married all these years. We came to discover many things that we are brilliant at teamwork; then just a very minor few that we need to work on.
Team members (him and me) always love and admire the player who is able to help them go to another level. Sometimes it is me and sometimes is him. I believe teamwork means "I believe in you, I want to put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism." Then his is "I know you believe in me and together we reflect the expectations of respecting each other."
Teamwork works! Believe you me! If you want to increase the ability of your teammate, make yourself better! Blessings on this one as you begin the goal of TEAMWORK. : )
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Anniversary Encouragements
Holy Cow!!!! We received tons of encouragements for our 42nd Wedding Anniversary! We cannot even fatham knowing so many people thought of us!! It brings such joy and encouragement! While we are simply enjoying a passionate life together, other couples have been so blessed by our example. No doubt, we've been through a lot together. Thanks for all your years and our's in the past! Wooohooo
I am so grateful that God takes us where we are and moves us forward! He forgives, chooses to forget, and holds us up in His amazing love! Thanks honey hubby for a phenomenal day; not just a day, but Anniversary day!!!!
I am so grateful that God takes us where we are and moves us forward! He forgives, chooses to forget, and holds us up in His amazing love! Thanks honey hubby for a phenomenal day; not just a day, but Anniversary day!!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
888 Post!

Yea!!! 888th post and it's our 42 wedding anniversary on November 18......I love numbers that stick out and 8 is one of them!!! This will be short...hmmm wonder why? This is going to be a super great day! All the compliments on FB and via phone or even e-mail...we are blessed!
I anticipate an exciting day and will have a fine-tuning heart before this day is over. Sharing my prayer journal: "Dear Lord, teach me how to actively listen today to the extraordinary love we both will give. Let our day be a safe haven of trust and love which I know it is. Help me be a wife of noble character. We embrace the future; do we ever! I am grateful, so grateful for my devout husband, Jim. In Your Precious Name, Amen" Love is permeating in this home today! yea!!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fine-Tuning Your Heart
Song of Songs 8:10-14 - Couples need to know that their relationships have a divnely ordained purpose. ...How can we, as Christian women, show our husbands how much we love, respect, and desire them?
Let go of past hurts.
Do not compare yourself with other women. God made you just the way He felt you should be made.
Forgive. Don't carry a grudge against ANYone!
Be comfortable with yourself. Know you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Make sure you respect your husband enough to give him your best.
Intimacy is a gift from God.
Have a blessed Tuesday!
Let go of past hurts.
Do not compare yourself with other women. God made you just the way He felt you should be made.
Forgive. Don't carry a grudge against ANYone!
Be comfortable with yourself. Know you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Make sure you respect your husband enough to give him your best.
Intimacy is a gift from God.
Have a blessed Tuesday!
Monday, November 16, 2009
6 Most Encouraging Phrases
Why are people so timid about expressing encouragement to someone? I refuse to let my mind go into negative mode and accept it. It's my passion...may God use me in a special way because today I have 6 phrases you can use!!!!
I love you.
Dinner is served.
All is forgiven.
Keep the change.
You're lost weight.
I believe in you.
Just do it! Encourage someone this day. Use the Niki favorite encouragement phrase!!! : )
I love you.
Dinner is served.
All is forgiven.
Keep the change.
You're lost weight.
I believe in you.
Just do it! Encourage someone this day. Use the Niki favorite encouragement phrase!!! : )
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sweet idea
If you know someone who is in the middle of a difficult trial, struggle - a long illness or a period of financial strain - your words of kindness and love, your confidence in them, your ability to lighten their load can bring hope and encouragement to their lives.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Reading List of Blogs
I love to read other blogs and keep up with what's going on in each life! It's a passion with me. Lately I have talked to so many people who think blogs are a thing of the past since we have Facebook. I don't agree. Facebook is a social networking and so cool, but blogs let you in on what really does interest the writer. I truly love to encourage people...I'm finding out people want to live unto theirself, so they aren't interested, or they don't think they can write, so they don't bother with reading blogs. I have people who subscribe to my blog and it thrills shows me they care about me and that goes a l--o--n--g way!!!!
Right now I'm going on almost 900 posts I have written. Each day just gets better and more encouraging to me as I think back how far I have come since our Son put my blog in. It's a way of writing thoughts and being an encouragement even to one person, it is worth it!!! Getting up super early to read the blogs of friends that I have is so awesome! Recently I started reading Phil McGraw's blogs. Awesome!
Have a happy Saturday and a day off I hope from the hustle and every day grind of things! Be good to yourself and enjoy life!!!!
Right now I'm going on almost 900 posts I have written. Each day just gets better and more encouraging to me as I think back how far I have come since our Son put my blog in. It's a way of writing thoughts and being an encouragement even to one person, it is worth it!!! Getting up super early to read the blogs of friends that I have is so awesome! Recently I started reading Phil McGraw's blogs. Awesome!
Have a happy Saturday and a day off I hope from the hustle and every day grind of things! Be good to yourself and enjoy life!!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
How to Fight Discouragement!!!
Reject rejection.
See mistakes as temporary.
See failures as isolated incidents.
Keep expectations positive.
Focus on strengths.
Vary your approach to achievement.
Bounce back.
I do a lot of this! It's a constant prayer and call to action for me to encourage instead of discourage!!!! How about you? + a lot of scripture that keeps me going!!
See mistakes as temporary.
See failures as isolated incidents.
Keep expectations positive.
Focus on strengths.
Vary your approach to achievement.
Bounce back.
I do a lot of this! It's a constant prayer and call to action for me to encourage instead of discourage!!!! How about you? + a lot of scripture that keeps me going!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What makes you better?
Encouragement makes me feel so much better.
Makes the high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else!
Philippians 1:6 - "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until day of Jesus Christ."
Makes you believe in yourself!
It forces you to have a good opinion of yourself; makes you get more out of yourself. And once you learn who you really are, you do your very best.
And that's what my blog is all about; I want more than anything more and less, than to live it! How about you? It takes getting out of your bubble and doing it! There's nothing worse than to be around someone that WILL NOT encourage...they tear down...all we're responsible for is ourselves and account to a God who loves us wonderfully to help us encourage!!! Keep on keeping on; never give up!
Makes the high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else!
Philippians 1:6 - "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until day of Jesus Christ."
Makes you believe in yourself!
It forces you to have a good opinion of yourself; makes you get more out of yourself. And once you learn who you really are, you do your very best.
And that's what my blog is all about; I want more than anything more and less, than to live it! How about you? It takes getting out of your bubble and doing it! There's nothing worse than to be around someone that WILL NOT encourage...they tear down...all we're responsible for is ourselves and account to a God who loves us wonderfully to help us encourage!!! Keep on keeping on; never give up!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day!!
Sending a blog of encouragement to all the military people who deserve a great celebration for being a Veteran! I know my own husband I congratulate for serving in the Navy and a hero for Viet Nam war serving! He wears his Veteran Hat with pride and I give him all the fanfare because I appreciate every second served! Happy Veteran's Day! Tons of gratitude from me, that's for sure!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Settle for Very Best!
Never settle for less; give your very best.
Encourage and it gives the best to them and it comes back to you! I promise!
I truly believe ENCOURAGEMENT gives hope!
Psalm 33:22 - "Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You."
That is settling for the very best! Have a "best" Tuesday!!!!
Encourage and it gives the best to them and it comes back to you! I promise!
I truly believe ENCOURAGEMENT gives hope!
Psalm 33:22 - "Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You."
That is settling for the very best! Have a "best" Tuesday!!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Lives Changed!
Have you ever felt your life changed?
I have.
We spent our entire lives encouraging others and now it's time we receive encouraged! That sounds odd to me, but receiving does change one's life!
No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person important!
That will change a life of giving and receiving! Pure and simple! Enjoy your week. Bless and be blessed!
I have.
We spent our entire lives encouraging others and now it's time we receive encouraged! That sounds odd to me, but receiving does change one's life!
No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person important!
That will change a life of giving and receiving! Pure and simple! Enjoy your week. Bless and be blessed!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Everyone Appreciates A Kind Word!
One of the avid motivational speakers, John Maxwell said: "Speak up TODAY and say something positive. Even a tombstone will say something good about people when they are dead."
I believe it is not insincerity when you compliment your enemy. The compliment is an honest statement of praise for some objectiv trait or merit that deserves commendation. Your praise may help a lonely soul! The world is starving for appreciation. It is hungry for compliments. Somebody has to start the ball rolling! Try saying something kind to your fellow friends and family! It works!
I believe it is not insincerity when you compliment your enemy. The compliment is an honest statement of praise for some objectiv trait or merit that deserves commendation. Your praise may help a lonely soul! The world is starving for appreciation. It is hungry for compliments. Somebody has to start the ball rolling! Try saying something kind to your fellow friends and family! It works!
Friday, November 6, 2009
High Apples
When I ever go to eat chinese food, I love it when they leave a fortune cookie because I love to read the inside admonishment.
Here's a super great one: "Reach for the high apples first; you can get the low ones any time." I'm stuck on that one. Let that soak in and be encouraged as you read it. This will give you a grateful attitude and be proud of your accomplishments!
Happy Friday! It's supposed to be 80 degrees! Reach for those high apples!!! yea!!
Here's a super great one: "Reach for the high apples first; you can get the low ones any time." I'm stuck on that one. Let that soak in and be encouraged as you read it. This will give you a grateful attitude and be proud of your accomplishments!
Happy Friday! It's supposed to be 80 degrees! Reach for those high apples!!! yea!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Pray Boldly!!!!!
Pray and obey!!!
Pray Boldly!!!
But, do pray!!!
God wants to do exceedingly above and beyond!!!
He will show us!
Like I've said, we need faith that He multiplies!!! Ask for it!
Ps. 118:24 "This is the day the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!!!"
Yesterday I was around EVERYONE (& I mean that) with unbelievable attitudes and I'm not judging, I promise. Have you ever been in a great mood and then run into down and outers??? HMMMM I have my share. So, I tell myself I can't change people - I just need to pray. One of my friends took me to lunch and then she wanted me to go with her to a store close by and she had to buy some "jelly shoes" for the pool she had been doing her water aroubics and out of six people who waited on us....all 6 blew her off. I felt badly for her, so I left and she was going to another store to check on them. I told her to forgive them and go on and not let them ruin her day.
Today I'm going to take some time and pray boldly and for myself that their negative attitudes don't remain in my mind. It takes an "Attitude of Gratitude" to just praise Him and keep on serving!!
Pray Boldly!!!
But, do pray!!!
God wants to do exceedingly above and beyond!!!
He will show us!
Like I've said, we need faith that He multiplies!!! Ask for it!
Ps. 118:24 "This is the day the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!!!"
Yesterday I was around EVERYONE (& I mean that) with unbelievable attitudes and I'm not judging, I promise. Have you ever been in a great mood and then run into down and outers??? HMMMM I have my share. So, I tell myself I can't change people - I just need to pray. One of my friends took me to lunch and then she wanted me to go with her to a store close by and she had to buy some "jelly shoes" for the pool she had been doing her water aroubics and out of six people who waited on us....all 6 blew her off. I felt badly for her, so I left and she was going to another store to check on them. I told her to forgive them and go on and not let them ruin her day.
Today I'm going to take some time and pray boldly and for myself that their negative attitudes don't remain in my mind. It takes an "Attitude of Gratitude" to just praise Him and keep on serving!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Spending time alone can be fun, if you don't sit and pick out the dorky things you do! If you just get your mind on what you love to look at or people you find who will receive your enthusiastic attitude. There's been so many times when I go to visit a friend and find that some of the people around where they are, have odd looks like "who is she?" Then my brain starts thinking...."I don't like their non-verbal looks...." You know what I mean. I don't look for their approval, I would just love for them to join in the conversation and enjoy if they choose to come around.
Have you ever noticed that when you are walking your dog, people talk to the dog and not you? Hmmmmm
I love to go and see what is going on in the world so that I came come back home and journal for my-to-be up and coming book I want to write. Everyone knows I am a "People Person" so seeing someone hypes me up to write! Of course, there have been times when I sit on the bench in the mall to see exactly what is taking place in the world with people. I call it aloneness because I'm not alone; God directs my path and gives me just enough time, talent and testing to see if I am following my goals, dreams, and plans!!!! Enjoy being alone and take it for what it's worth. You are worth it for sure!!!!! Time to think, and think some more!!! : )
II Cor. 12
Have you ever noticed that when you are walking your dog, people talk to the dog and not you? Hmmmmm
I love to go and see what is going on in the world so that I came come back home and journal for my-to-be up and coming book I want to write. Everyone knows I am a "People Person" so seeing someone hypes me up to write! Of course, there have been times when I sit on the bench in the mall to see exactly what is taking place in the world with people. I call it aloneness because I'm not alone; God directs my path and gives me just enough time, talent and testing to see if I am following my goals, dreams, and plans!!!! Enjoy being alone and take it for what it's worth. You are worth it for sure!!!!! Time to think, and think some more!!! : )
II Cor. 12
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
F - forgetting
A - all
I - I
T - trust
H - Him
Bottom line, we have to trust Him.
For all our needs, our love given out, our answers, and our victories!
I put my total trust in Him and ask that He is with me every second of every day!
His promises are sure and true! Put your faith out there and see if He is there. Yes, He is!
F - forgetting
A - all
I - I
T - trust
H - Him
Bottom line, we have to trust Him.
For all our needs, our love given out, our answers, and our victories!
I put my total trust in Him and ask that He is with me every second of every day!
His promises are sure and true! Put your faith out there and see if He is there. Yes, He is!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Greatest Time Ever!!!!!
Last night we had birthday celebration for our Son!!! The grandkids were absolutely adorable, brilliant, and so wonderful just being grandkids. I love the way they are so alert. Our grandson is eight years old and had on the coolest his dad's and mom's...they had the holes in them. And I know those jeans are bought like that...I can remember the days my Momma told me to throw those away if they remotely looked like they had a hole in them or flaw. Everyone had a great time; it was so hard to leave!
Birthdays....they do not annoy me; they so overjoy me..... celebrating the recepient!!!! Our kids are sooo eternally grateful that we still "get together" and it brings such an amazing closeness. My prayer is "Dear God...never, never, never let us stray from each other as an extremely close family, and two hours, two seconds, or two minutes, let us ENJOY each other to the fullest." He has answered my prayer each time we celebrate a family member's birthday and the thanks we get is beyond comprehension! I will relive these memories a loooonnngggg time!!!! (Hence; no blog mind wouldn't stop thinking of the joy our Son has brought to our lives!!!!!) Have a great Monday!
Birthdays....they do not annoy me; they so overjoy me..... celebrating the recepient!!!! Our kids are sooo eternally grateful that we still "get together" and it brings such an amazing closeness. My prayer is "Dear God...never, never, never let us stray from each other as an extremely close family, and two hours, two seconds, or two minutes, let us ENJOY each other to the fullest." He has answered my prayer each time we celebrate a family member's birthday and the thanks we get is beyond comprehension! I will relive these memories a loooonnngggg time!!!! (Hence; no blog mind wouldn't stop thinking of the joy our Son has brought to our lives!!!!!) Have a great Monday!
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