Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Great Day For Us!

Halloween will always go down in history in the makings for my precious hubby and me!!!! Our first child was born on this day. Of course we celebrate in our hearts and minds, him, way over Halloween! It was a great day for us; it's just like it was yesterday....I was all prepared to pass out the greatest candy; instead about 3 p.m. I started serious labor pains and approximately 7:30 p.m., Oct. 31st a wish came true for us, our Son came into this world, and has always brought us happiness, joy, and much respect and I love it because of his marvelous support and admonishes me to always have fun with whatever I do or with the grandkiddos! I'll say share this great Halloween Day with us as we enjoy it to the fullest!!! And have fun with those Trick or Treaters; I'm sure they will be all decked out in the costume of their choice!

Friday, October 30, 2009

From Where I Sit.........from Carol's Heart!!!!

I see a lot of encouraging that needs to happen from my end since that is my passion for having this blog. Being in the blog-is-phere and reading other bloggers' subjects, it seems there is a lot of down moments with them and to the extreme that they spend most of their lives with "past" (there's that word again) hurts, pain, etc. and to me would need lots and lots of encouragment! I'm not saying I'm perfect at encouraging, but they constantly send me e-mails thanking me and wishing they could be like me. Whoa.....that set me to thinking. Am I really an encouraging person? My hubby says it's a gift and passion I have and from where he sits, I live that way!!! He says the first thing I want to do is "encourage someone who seems to be having a low day and can hardly wait to say something that will compliment them to hang in there."

Okay, that's a great way of putting "ME" -- so I can handle that! I just cannot wait until their face lights up when encouraging words come out of my mouth! (That's a brag on God, not me.) Maybe it is a gift and what's wrong with bragging on this quality since I really feel like God has given me the gift of encouragement. Giving Him all the glory is great, because who is the number ONE person who needs the encouragement.....ME.....who wants to encourage the encourager????? I know Geneva did this week by her comment....and I say thanks, Geneva. You are definitely an encourager of encouragers....whoooohooo. I know our Son and Daughter are definitely encouragers. Although FB is taking over in winning relationship living by society. But, I still love blogging. It has been three years that I had our Son put in my new blog and I have hardly missed a I'm celebrating a 3-year dream and for some reason I can't give it up! Enjoy your Friday!!! (& Halloween weekend!)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Past Vs. Present

I guess I am the world's greatest "Vs." writer....I enjoy so much comparing so that we all can make a choice to do what's happier for us!!!! Check out these questions and my comment.

Is your past one that you wish you had never lived?

Is your past something that you want to continue to relive again and again?

You cannot enter your tomorrow as long as you HOLD ON to your past.

Let get to Present! :=D

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prayer Journal

I haven't blogged a while re: my prayer journal. I got it out today and I'm semi-caught up! But I did notice some wonderful blessings, so reading it was fabulous! My strength is in the Lord and His grace and mercy! I am soooo grateful to the delight of God's blessings because of prayer. Listen, prayer works! Never give up! Only God can wipe those tears from your eyes. Oh yes, it hurts when we are in needs....but He works it to come out victorious when we fully rely on Him!

Reading your own prayer journal is amazing; not to sound high-headed about it, but enjoying everyday life!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Worse Vs. Best

From where I sit and listen to women, I find (come on ladies....'fess up) it to be true that we tend to think about the worse, then best. Are we too negative? Only an individual can answer that question.

Why is it always his fault? His meaning boyfriend, hubby, or any male?

Maybe it's time to own up and admit we need to take a long hard look at ourselves and start practicing the BEST! woohoo as said multiple times on FB!!!!

Don't miss out on your opportunity to experience God's best in your life because you are focused on the worse of your life!

Monday, October 26, 2009

She served with joy!

My husband was so happy that God had blessed Him. So, he said "Let's go to Joe's and eat out." (Since this is a rarity since we retired.) Joe's is where their motto is "Where Irving Meets People." The Owner of the restaurant is "Carol." But when she trained her .....waitresses.....that's what they were called way back when, she trained them respectfully to SERVE with joy! In fact, they have a tenure of being there, so by now, they have mustered the art of servitude! Lo and behold the Hostell seated us in just the perfect table where our Server was incredible! She served! I cannot describe! She was one of those that puts the plates and saucers up her arm (my Sister Eva Sue was a Waitress like that). Of course Senior Adults gravitate to Joe's because #1, it is very cheap....15% discount if you're a Senior and the Service is so great! We complimented her and she asked that we say what we said to her Manager.

Of course, the Manager came over and we had no problem whatsoever gloating over her being such a super Server. That brought us so much joy to compliment her and she said she would put high marks for her when it comes time for her review.

The greatness of this blog....I'll wrap it all up.....when it comes to serving other people, every person is worthy of their best! We felt like King and Queen when we left Joe's. I'd love to hear you share your story of someone who has SERVED YOU lately. Have a joyful Monday, serving! I'm going to Serve homemade potato soup to my hubby. He's a little under the weather from having two shots; flu and pnemonia. He's experiencing some that potato soup will work real well!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Remember - It's God's timing!

Many times, God promises us things and rather than wait until He gives those things to us, we become anxious and attempt to make things happen. In the end, we create a mess!

God knows the precise timing for the fulfillment of the things He has promised us and wants us to be patience so that nothing can stand in the way of His bringing to pass what He wills.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stay Close To God ...r...a...n...d...o...m thoughts

He is there, working in your favor! I'm a firm believer that what goes around, comes around; you reap what you sow. If you sow hatred against someone, you get hatred. It's just that simple! Some people just don't get it. If you choose not to speak to someone or reject them, you'll get plenty of rejection. I've seen this come about in every single minute in the ministry! If you look harsh at someone, you will get the same thing back!

As far as being a Christ-follower, I have noted all these years the question: why does someone want to live like that, knowing full well what the consequences are? Recently I noted with interest some pics someone sent to me and why would someone knowingly not smile at a really cool event? There's all kinds of excuses; they don't like their pic taken, they were having a bad dad, they wanted to sit and look angry or maybe they didn't know their pic was being taken. At any rate, I don't mean to be judging, but why look so unhappy, when you really are happy.

Staying close to God makes me want to live a victorious life and go with the flow! One bad apple can really spoil the whole bushell....God's word says "Worship the Father in spirit and truth for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." Jo 4:23

Snuggle up to Him and fully rely on Him! I promise - it works!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Only God Can Take Your Cares

Only God can take them on HIS shoulders.

There are bondages only God can break.

There are situations ony God can resolve.

There are circumstances only God can change.

Only God can fix your heart and cause you to love!

Only God can mend your mind.

Only God can give you a deep awareness of how valuable you to HIM!

What a glorious destiny He has for you!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Sounds so negative, but when put in a positive direction, it is really a way to put your faith into action!

Passive people don't win in life. People expect that "well, it just happens (it meaning joy, happiness, etc.)."

It happens when you trust the living Holy God! Read Joshua 1:8 - it takes effort to speak, effort to read and study and meditate on His Word, and effort to do that every day, day in and day out!

While unpacking, I found I have three current Bibles I use at some time every single day. Not meaning that I work out of all three, meaning one of the Bibles have promises marked and I lean toward that one. I could become passive and not even reach for one of them and say, oh well, that's too much work! No, I want my life to count; I HAVE to rely on His promises or I'll never make it!

He is Lord of all and supplies our every single need! Have a super Thursday and remember to read Joshua 1:9; it will get you out of passivity!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be On The Same Page?

It literally means, I think, have thoughts of safety, wellness, happiness, great health, prosperity, favor, rest, and wholesome with your hubby or even great friends!

In other words, nothing missing and keep the gap closed to the brokenness that comes in.

Also, it means same destination! I would like to admonish you to not be on another planet when it comes to being on the same page. I say that because, ladies, come on admit, we, at times tend to live in a me, myself, and I (into our own self) and have no clue what our spouse wants, let alone consider his opinion.

I saw a perfect example of this when we were dealing with an Executive at the bank who took a report we gave him; then he made up his own report and had no clue what our report fact, he kept saying "just wanna be on the same page with y'all"...... wrong on the same page; anyone with any facts could see how wrong he was.

Remember: Have a conscious commitment to a common goal together!!!! Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Audit Your Life!

Energy, creativity, commitment, and resources are the audit areas.

Know where you are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Know your limits! Endeavor to consider yourself very important!

Keep yourself organized or you will become grumpy, and have an attitude where NO ONE will want to be around you.

Where I used to work, when an Auditor came in to audit the medical and dental claims, we treated them like VIP's and my boss always said "Always cooperate with them."

Try that on yourself; Audit your life and be a VIP!!! As they say on FB woooohooo!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

True Self

Your true self is made up of your deepest desires and gifts, abilities, and dreams and passions. God created that in you. It is who He made you to be!

Selfishness is not a matter of pursuing your true self. Selfishness is when you stop giving to others and when you kee all of the harvest you reap for your own pleasures.

I find that when I share what I have, I feel so happy. It takes time (as we all know) to make a batch of wonderful toll house chocolate chip cookies. Sharing them with a neighbor means you have less, but think of the joy that thinking of others gives! I'm a global giver...when I make banana bread, it goes to the outer yonders of the earth to whomever. How about you? Do you give to God more and watch Him bless you mightily? Oooooo it feels so good! Have a happy Monday and be encouraged!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Victories!!!! .....Random thoughts......

You cannot conquer what you will not confront. And you cannot confront what you do not identify. Each and every day we must look in the mirror and deal with what we see there.

But, we must be willing to identify, confront, and conquer any issues in our life to have victories. I know so many people who carry "yesterday's problems" and cannot deal with them. God plans our destiny and wants to work out issues even if it gets to where it will awaken us some times and it could be an odd time of the day!

How can you see victories with blinders on? I also know some people who wouldn't admit it is their mistake for love or money! I think we are a much bigger person if we own up, fess it and go on with a happier life. I've also thought that there aren't very many people who can do that because it's easier to blame someone else. And then there's the dominating, controlling person that's around and as long as they can control, that will definitely cause not to confront.

My question is how can people live without warmth in their personality or love for the other person. I knew a girl one time that always said positive things about people...I wish I could find where she lives now, because I could use a double encouragement from her being so positive.

Begin the habit of caring, loving, and being positive and watch those victories soar!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Choose What?


What is good!

What produces blessing!

.....and shows love!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Walk in Agreement!

.....make a decision to walk in agreement with the significant people in your life!

to come in agreement and affirm!

Be loving to the people we consider different from us!

Be at peace among yourselves. I Thess. 5:13

I went to the Mall to walk a bit and I cannot begin to tell you how many arguments I heard from either a Mom and a child or husband or wife! I was shocked. I don't know why; I guess it was so public!

Think about it; walking in peace....awe how refreshing! Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

I so believe that statement! You must initiate or act upon what God has promised to you!

Start helping others.

The Bible is full of promises that are promised to you for "others."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Believe That God Can Heal You!

Healing is an equal-opportunity business.....

You must believe God is the Healer!

God can rebuild your broken life!

He can restore your broken home.

& best of all, He can remold your broken dreams!

I take my confidence in this from His Holy Word!

I challenge you to read the Psalms 119....the only longest chapter in the Bible!
(Then you will believe!!!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If you are depleted spiritually, take time to replenish yourself spiritually.

If you are depleted emotionally, you need to do thos things that fill you up emotionally!

If you are depleted physically, you need to do what's necessary to get that energy back!

It doesn't mean we do stop caring.....we turn our cares over to the Lord, asking the Lord to take care of us in ways we cannot!

Replenishing is so needed! Go for it!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Backwards and Foward

You cannot look backwards and forward at the same time!

Your tomorrow does not have to be like your yesterday. Where you came from doesn't determine where you are going!

Too many people today are predicting their end based on their beginnings. In life the most important thing is not where you start, but where you finish.

I am so thankful that God can interrupt a person's life and change the destiny of that person for His good. God does not use your past to determine your future....why should you?

I encourage you to not plan your future only by comparing it to your past. Be blessed this Monday! Always look to the miracles, blessings, and answers to prayers!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Work 6 Days And Rest One Day!

God designed us to have a day of praise and thanks and quiet meditation on His Word. He designed us to have a day in which we gather with others to praise and give thanks and to study His Word.

The 3 R's...restoration, replenishment and refreshment. God designed us to have a rhythm in our lives in which we have a time totally devoted to restoring what has been given out, replenishing what has been used up, receiving back what has been spent, and refreshing what has grown stale. Then we can have a great relationship with Him!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


.....someone to not give up.

.....being so grateful.

.....praying for those who have requested prayer.

.....getting the rest needed. (A must!)

.....get in the word!

.....have Saturday fun!

.....stay in a positive attitude.

.....remember your pets!

.....compliment a great job your hubby has done!

.....give your ownself a pat on the back also!

make it a super Saturday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Where Do You Find God?

I find God at the kitchen sink.....since we are going through such unbelievable stress regarding the flu issues, for each and every dirty dish that's put in the dishwaster or counters wiped spotless because of germs, I definitely thank God that He is there to comfort and leave the issues up to him as I say a prayer of gratitude that He is there!!!!! He reminds me to be thankful and grateful for health and the ability to keep cleanliness to a max and remembering to wash my hands zillions of times, but most of all, that He is God and Lord of all!

It makes me let Him fill my heart with joy and gratitude for depending on Him! God is there, trust me, and as I walk away from the kitchen and return to my office area, I have the tremendous gratitude to pick up my Bible and find a verse of comfort: Proverbs 16:1: "The preparations of the heart, the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord." He is there to comfort, give grace and mercy. Thank you God!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Make It A Good Day!

Regardless of the circumstances, please make it a good day! Begin a moment of gratefulness and end with appreciation! I just appreciate our awesome kids! Yesterday I made choc chip cookies for my hubby. I wish I could take some to all of you that have been such an encouragement!

All I can honestly say, Make it a good day! Be appreciative!!!!! : )

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Being Joyful

My question is are we "being" joyful? Or are we just that....Joyful?

If you are purposed in your heart to be joyful, I believe it just comes out and you can't help it.

I have a small group of ladies that work at the Mall that want my assistance and depending on how things GO at home, I can expect to see joyful or non-joyful. We will all admit, the habit of non-joyful creeps in. I'll admit at times, I have been swept into my attitude which was joyful and became non-joyful. Like I say, we all admit it!

So the answer to being joyful is not being persuaded to let it grind at me...if I'm joyful, I'm joyful and would I have an influence on them becoming joyful? Yes, I believe I can; does it take work and more work? You bet....ladies that already have their mind made up are definitely harder to reach, but I would think the moral to this story would be JUST BE JOYFUL and enjoy the hug at the end because they'll remember how the joyfulness rubbed off. And that's my take on being me it takes work to be joyful, but it pleases God and that is what really counts!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Never Give Up!

No matter what comes your way, you can make it become a pathway to destiny. Just don't give up!


Your faith is dependent upon your ability to trust.

Your level of trust is determined by your relationships with Christ and others.

It takes faith to walk through a struggle than to be delivered from it.

Just keep on trusting His everloving care!

My prayer journal is getting caught up & you are in it!!! Thank the Lord for each one of you!

Monday, October 5, 2009

God's Wisdom

I wonder. Do we really let God in?

I've been giving that a lot of thought and came to the conclusion that is the WISDOM we get when we need answers and for vision!

Knowledge comes from study, but wisdom comes from God. Everyone one of us needs more of God's wisdom, I think. Not to sound preachy, but James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to her. It's the destiny for our life!

Wisdom is the comprehensive, all inclusive insight into the ways and purposes of God.

My prayers, my love and may God bless all of you that read my blog with His wisdom today!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Live A Balanced Life

Balance is a learning process. We each have to learn to live in balance.

The beginning of what comes with learning is a recognition that we are triune beings-spirit, soul, and body.

The Spirit has a need for both taking in nourishment and giving out God's love.

The mind has a need for both tranquility and stimulation.

The body has a need for both rest and exercise. It took me a long time to learn this. I feel more balanced than I used to be. I hope your Saturday is just what you want and well balanced!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Prov. 16:18

Be willing to say, I'm sorry."

Why is it so hard for a person to say "I'm sorry?"


We make all sorts of excuses; "He never says he's sorry so why should I say it!" It doesn't matter what the other person says or doesn't say. Say "I'm sorry" a thousand times if you need to.

Take the high road and pursue peace. If you have wronged someone, please make it right. That's a super great way to ruin a friendship.

I Peter 3:11 "Seek peace and pursue it." It keeps your attitude in tune!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let Love Reign!!!!!

Woohooo......I received lots of comments (I'm sure glad my 'puter is up and running....regarding yesterday's post!) No matter how much disappointment you've been through or bad stuff because of things beyond your control, you still have to be honest or as I call it "Go with Plan B!" We go from honesty to Plan B to Love!

Most of all let love reign! Keep the home fires burning; communicate, love, just keep love and happiness right before the eyes!!!! God promises us His mercy and grace at just the time we need it.