Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I just want to take a minute and encourage you today:

God is on your side. The creator of the Universe! The best is yet to come. He is not done with you. God sees your heart. Commit to becoming a better grandparent, parent, better spouse, better neighbor, better person.

You are in good company with God and let Him do the committing for you! wooohooo

Monday, June 29, 2009

Associate With People Who Add To Your Life

There are four types of people in your life:

people who add

people who subtract

people who multiply

people who divide

Associate only with people who add or multiply your life. If a person is subtracting or dividing, you need to separate from that person. It will bring you down. I promise. Life's too short to add so much stress to your life!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Give God Your Faith

God does not look at your past mistakes and exclude you from His promises. Neither does God give you His promises on the basis of any good works you have done. It is your faith in Him that brings God's promises to you.

God doesn't look at your resume. He isn't impressed with your cuteness or your cleverness. God says, "If you will give me your faith, I will give you your future."

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1

Congrats to us....we have a new great nephew, Harrison Smith, born last night about 3a.m. in Oklahoma!!!! ...to our neice Carisa and hubby Chad! Now they have a girl and a boy! That's cool! I love being a Grandma and I know my Sis, Jackie is happy also!!!!! For sure!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Make a Decision To Walk In Agreement with the Significant People in Your life

To come into unity means to come into agreement. Agreement means "to pursue a conscious decision to work together and meet by appointment."

Regularly affirm your "agreement" tot he significant people God has placed in your life.

Without unity and agreement, there is no blessing.

"Be at peace among yourselves." I Thess. 5:13

Do not deliberately hurt people. That's so unkind. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I know I usually have my blog at 6-ish a.m. instead of p.m. It's been a long day but extremely remarkable! May God give you lots of His Love and devotion and make you feel oh so significant!!!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Where Did June Go? ...sharing my heart......

These days are passing by oh so quickly! June came and is almost gone! Thank you so much those who have stayed with us for the retirement.....oh I've had faithful ladies who were in my W.O.W. (Women of Worth) class come by, one who has helped say positive remarks of what we meant to her.....just so much "positive stroking" and "Thank You's" and kind (oh so kind) remarks what we meant to them! Maybe that is why June passed quickly. Of course at this time I have the phenomenal, brilliant, amazingly incredible grandkids. Oh so cute and precious! Indescribable! What I love is the talent and so smart they are!

I've pretty much gotten very organized on some retirement stuff. And it just that ....stuff! Where does all of it come from???? Heaven only knows! But I know one thing...it doesn't bother me at all to get rid of it. I'm not a "horder" who keeps things strewn out everywhere...nopers that is not me...I will throw something away before I pile it up and it looks like the town dump!!!!! How about you? Do you hang on to it forever or dispose of it? I surprise myself because growing up with hardly nothing...my parents were poor as job's turkey as they say in Oklahoma....and one would thing I would hord stuff...not on your life. I love the saying, if you don't use it in six months get rid of it.......Amen on that one, Sista!!!

Enjoy the rest of June (it's almost over) and have fun! I'm having a blast!

Don't deprive yourself of having fun....that's what it's all about!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Trust Issues

Many of us have trust issues. Some of us have tried long and hard to trust untrustworthy people. Over and again, we believed lies and promisess never to be kept. Some of us tried to trust people for the impossible; for instance, trusting a practicing alcoholic not to drink again.

Some of us trusted our God inappropriately. We trusted God to make other people do what we wanted, then felt betrayed when that didn't work out. Truly we can learn to appropriately trust our God - not to make people do what we want them to, but to help us take care of ourselves, and bring about the best possible circumstances at the best possible times, in our life.

We need to learn to trust appropriately. Trust our God and ourselves and trust others until you know the facts are not true. That is what messes your life up. The Bible says "Trust in the Lord........with ALL your heart........" Prov. 3:5 So hard to do, but must be done to keep all stress levels down!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

People Who Try To Be God To Another Person

There's a huge difference between helping a person and carrying a person. We are not the Holy Spirit and not responsible for a person's success or failure.

God wants to have that position of responsibility so He can have that position of authority!

Only God is able to be there always for another person.

Only God is able to meet all needs.

Only God is able to heal, restore, deliver, and bring a person to wholeness.

Trust me....the world knows the difference between a phoney and the truth!!!

This retirement time is really awesome and rocks! Seeing the world through the fact that there definitely are people who try to be God to another person. Impossible!!! Get real with truth!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Start Mastering What Is Mastering You

You must be the monitor of your own needs and limtations!

(Probably my shortest blog in the history of my blogs....short, true, sweet to the point!) Think on that one for a while! and have a super great week!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

What Is A Dad?

A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.

A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence
when you get hurt.

A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail...

I am, without a doubt, loving the fact that my hubby is the Dad of 2 extremely fabulous kids and our Son is a Dad of 2 extraordinary kids!!! I wish both of you a tremendous Father's Day and all the other Dads! I saw on TV a Dad that just wanted REST today...I thought that was cool!!! I'm very appreciative of y'all and if that's what you want...REST...woooohoooo hope you get it!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Be Willing To Say, "I'm Sorry"

Why is it so hard for a person to say, "I'm sorry?"

We make all sorts of excuses. "He never says he's sorry; she never says I'm sorry" so why sould I say I'm sorry. "I was right, so why should I say I'm sorry?" Sorry doesn't mean anything, so why say it? That's wrong thinking. It doesn't matter what the other person says or doesn't say. Say "I'm sorry" a thousand times if you need to. Take the high road and pursue peace. "Seek peace and pursue it." (I Pet. 3:11). Oh, here's another great Bible verse. "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Express Joy & Pain

The expression of pain is a part of the grieving process every person needs to go through after he or she has been hurt or suffered a loss. Grieving is vital to our coming to closure. Grieving is part of the healing process anytime we have lost something precious to us. (A friend, family member, animal, etc.)

A person who suffers any kind of loss needs to grieve.

Who can wipe a tear that does not fall?

Get honest with yourself and take responsibility for your life: "I did it. I was wrong. I messed up. Please forgive me. That brings happiness my friend!

I John 1:9 - Any mistake you've made, or weakness can always be forgiven! Try it - you'll love it!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Awesome Encouraging Words RE: Depletion

If you ae depleted spiritually, then you need to take time to replenish yourself spiritually. If you are depleted emotionally, you need to do those things that fill you up emotionally. If you are depleted physically, you need to do what's necessary to restore your body.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Haven of Peace?

Every lady, I believe, wants her home to be a haven of peace. No matter what kind of pressures bombard my life from the outside, it's my goal to keep our home a place where my husband and family can enjoy freedom from strife and feel secure, loved, content, and calm.

While I subscribe to this beautiful ideal wholeheartedly, I realize making peace happen is another matter. So, I do the acronyms:
P - atience
E - ncouragement
A - cceptance
C - orrection
E - embracing

Each step on the ladder as you go up is the key to making and keeping peace in your home. Best of blessings at your try for peace and attaining it! Have a happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How To Become A Better You!!!

Constructive Criticism................
Certainly, constructive criticism can be helpful. An INSIGHTFUL point of light presented by someone who truly has your best interests at heart can illuminate an area where you need to improve. Sad to say, most criticism is not intended to build up another person; quite the opposite. The criticism that hurts the worst is frequently undeserved and unfair. Such criticism is a reflection more of the critic than of the person being criticized.

I've found that unwarranted criticism is most often based on jealousy. It stems from a competitive spirit. You have somthing that somebody else wants. Instead of being happy for you and keeping a good attitude, they try to cover their own insecurity by being critical, cynical, caustic, or snippy toward others.

Here's the key: CELEBRATE OTHER PEOPLE'S VICTORIES! It will definitely make you become a better you! Stay on the high road....let God fight your battles.

Perhaps you hve not been shaking things off, and recently you have let the slingers get the best of you; you've been dwelling on their criticism, fretting about who's talking negatively about you or who has rejected you. You feel sluggish because your well is nearly clogged up. It's time to clear out the rocks and keep your inner well fresh and clean! 'nuff said!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Forgive, Forgive, Forgive!

Do you easily forgive or do you carry a grudge?

It's something to think about. Do you harbor bitterness against someone?

Forgiveness is perhaps the greatest remedy for anger. Our precious Lord had every right to be angry toward those who placed Him there. Yet He asked His Father to forgive them. We are to do the same!

Just forgive. It's that simple! You really hurt your attitude if you look like you were eating sour pickles! Life's too short to carry grudges........lighten up....forgive!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Impact On Others

For those of you who have been so caring "checking" up on how I'm doing and knowing some of "Women of Worth" who attended my class, I want you to share an event this morning (yes, this a.m.) regarding how I am. As you knew, I had to go to the church extremely early; today I went early and there were two ladies sitting in their car and said they were waiting for the WOW class. I explained the circumstances, took their names, etc. and they thanked me graciously. I decided to go on in the church and have special prayer for everyone. If you are reading this blog, I want you to know you have been prayed for and I asked God to bless you in a great way (this day!) for the impact you have on others.

Remember this: I know our daughter always says, "Mom I love to see you happy." My comment: The happiness I feel is in direct proportion to the love I am able to give to others. (And that she says "is a lot!") What you're thinking what you're saying, what you're doing, is having an impact on you and the people around you right now! I know it for sure!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kids That Have Such A Caring Conscience!

She is so compassionate and loving. I feel myself shifting to something bigger and deeper when I talk to her. She calls to check on us (these retirement years I'm sure make your children be real concerned!!!) She always has the kindest compliments, encouragement, and wonderful empathy, caring, and love. I think when you make loving others the story of your life, there's never a final chapter, because the legacy continues. You lend your light to one person, and he or she shines it on another and another and another. We raised a couple of phenomenal kids (although they are awesome, cool adult kids now!) Only parents can lather and fully enjoy to the fullest the love and support and we love it!!! We are sooo blessed and fortunate and eternal grateful. What gets us is that both of them are concerned about our welfare, health, and goals. It sends joy, confidence, and oh such love!

Your conscience is often called the compass of the soul. It works like an inward monitor, similar to an alarm. When you doing something beneficial, your conscience helps you to know what is right and what is wrong. One of the best friends you can ever have is your own conscience. I'm so grateful for caring kids.

I know I'm not perfect, but I also know this. My conscience is clear before God. I know that I'm doing my best to please Him. That's why I can sleep well at night. I don't have a guilty conscience because I treated someone (on purpose) rude or hurting them. That's why I can lie down in peace. That's why I have a smile on my face. Keep your conscience tender, and you will discover that life keeps getting better and better. Thanks kids. I appreciate you!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Never Compromise your character for anyone

There are relationships that prey on your heart and rob you of control over your life. Don't give power to any person to manipulate and control you. Nobody deserves that power but God! No person can make you lose your joy, your mind, your temper, or any other aspect unless you give that person the power. Don't do it.

Occasionally my husband will have me answer his phone and me being his confidante and trusted wife, if someone calls and sounds super controlling, I don't call them back because he said we don't have to jump when they say frog! So, that I did and this person got huffy with me after that. At that point he says he'll handle it. We've been working together for 42 years......does this person expect us to break our boundaries just because they want an answer NOW??? What sounded like a catastrophe ended up being almost a mind over matter situation.

This is what I'm talking about - don't let them steale your joy, your temper, you joyful day! They love misery and to start a frustrating episode of the drama they live.....don't get caught up in it. Don't do it! Have a nice Thursday and be happy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Take The Limitations Off God!

If you believe God to heal a cold, He'll heal a cold.
If yu believe God to shake nations, He'll shake nations. How big is your God?

God is as big as you allow Him to be!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Organize, organize, organize!!!

Keep your home organized to SUPPORT everyone when "hurry-up find that" comes!!!
These are most encouraging thoughts I can assure you will keep peace in the family!
Can you find it at a "fingertip's notice?"

If you cannot, get with the program and organize! How would you like to coordinate a business and home-related info? I can attest to it.....it's fun if you will just get to it. I awakened with organizing on my mind and already have it done! It's right at my fingertips....hooray!!!

Clutter is very offensive; especially if someone came to visit you and couldn't help but see your personal stuff. I saw a program on Oprah last year that was pathetic - regarding women who are "horders" who never had anything when they were a kid, so they hord everything and put it right out in the open and you trip over it when you visit them. I did find that hard to believe until I saw that show. Her husband was livid! They could never keep peace in the family! My husband has already organized his hobby stuff and because I've been enjoying time with our dogs Pixie and Chloe - I got behind. Well, I'm caught up now....so I can focus on peace now! Have a very happy Tuesday! (& pla-----eeeeze......organize!!)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Focus on the Good Things

Change your focus. You must change your focus as you leave your past and embrace your future. You must begin to see yourself in new ways.

Focus on your future. What you focus on is what captures your attention and your affection.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Let God Restore You!

When God restores you, He brings you to wholeness. He gives you the courage to love again......the courage to face life....the ability to experience life fully. Out of your wholeness, you are able to love the unlovable, be brave in the face of terror, and trust even after years of not being able to trust. Open yourself up to God's restoring love.

I've had eighteen subscribe to my blog this week! I'm honored and my hubby is esthatic over this!!!!! He has been such a super encourager!! I am blessed!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Step Into The Blessings God Has!

Instead of infirmity.....our Heavenly Father gives us wholeness.
Instead of wandering....our Heavenly Father gives us direction, destiny, purpose and fulfillment.
Instead of mourning and sadness over what has been....our Heavenly Father gives us joy about what can be and what will be.
Instead of low self-worth.....our Heavenly Father tells us we are valuable!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Great goal!

Redevelop my relationship with God! Pure gut check!!!! I'll take your prayers on this one!

Happy Graduate HIGH SCHOOL TEENS!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Button Pushers (or are they telling lies?)

Button pushers, lies, and just plain ole' users......that's so negative! Why do people choose to live like that. They chase their own lies and couldn't be truthful even if their life depended on it. How do you encourage a person who constantly tells lies? That's a great question. Me....I just sit back and watch them get in their perpetual lies and honestly I don't think they know the difference between a lie and the truth. It's a sad way for them to live. And the people who are around them just sit back and watch it, but there is even nothing they can do. Until the person owns up they are lying. It is my sincere prayer that ladies that have a moment by moment lie issues will come clean and face the real truth.

Wanna make that a matter of prayer with me because I think husbands are really missing out on a wife who lies....it could get very complicated, but it's a problem and they can victory over it if they will not deny that they have a problem.

My heart is so burdened over ladies that do not tell the truth. How about you? I know I'll hear from some via e-mail and look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Develop Positivity

If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it's helpful to do kind, peaceful things. These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and helpful. You might like holding a door open for people, or telling someone they look nice (friends). Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful. It's fun, personally rewarding and sets a good example. I send my own created cards. This world is so full of selfish, rude, non-caring, (don't care if they were even forced to) and jealous people. They think they are hurting by not contacting you; but the in the long run they are hurting their self because of the pent up bitterness, self-centeredness and negative emotions.

Everyone wins when you go the positive route! Come on - give in....be kind!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Life Without Facebook

I've made a decision.....life without Facebook. My husband and I decided life with each other is what we want. I won't be checking it, nor participating in it. It's bee a humongous disappointment. It's too negative for me and it doesn't look like any improvement for others!

Here's a thought: You feel what you think.