Saturday, October 11, 2008


I spent most of my teen years trying to convince myself of my worth by becoming the smart girl, the nice girl, the one who spoke well before an audience and earned excellent grades. In my 20's I sought validation - I gave my power away to those whose offer of love was more important that the love I had left to give myself.

Before a child can even talk, she looks at her parents and others adults to confirm that she counts, that her existence means something! She asks the question: Do my Mom's and Dad's eyes light up when they see me? Do they think I matter?

The choices I made after that were those of my own going into my full blown adult life. I also remember the first time at my Grandma's house I was allowed to wash the dishes. My Grandma put a little stool in front of the sink so I could reach. I was so afraid I'd drop one of her dishes and I asked myself can I really do this? At the core of it all, sometimes we still ask the question Can I really do this? Will I get it right? Am I okay? Of course, the yes answer is what always remains!

Accept yourself for who you are! I love to reminence...I've had a marvelous time reflecting on how I've grown up, the lessons I've learned (& still learning) and what a fabulous life I am having at this time! Hey, while I'm at it....remember W.O.W. (Women of Worth) is tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. - see you there Ladies....great great subject: "Reconciliation"

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