Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The shadows are getting longer, the daylight hours are kids be careful treat or treating. And watch for cars very carefully when you cross the streets. Treat or treating is fun and always wondering what a kid is masked up and looks like..............the kid in me still comes out...........I love it!!!!!! But, then my Halloweens turned to pure joy and tremendous contentment when on one Halloween our precious, precious son (first child) was born on Halloween, 11:24 a.m.; so birthdays for him supercede Halloween any year whatsoever!!!!! My husband and I have already had our coffee today and reminenced over the very Halloween Day when the labor pains started and he was born and the tremendous feelings because we had prayed for a boy first and that's what we got just exactly what we wanted!! He amazes us in the wisdom, insight and talent he has! Yes, we are proud parents! We hope everyone has a marvelous day of fun and excitement!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Coming Soon To My 600th post!!!

That's a lot of mornings....
And writing.....
And thoughts....
And love....sent to whomever cares to read it....
Tons of rewards..........
Positive readings....
Awesome stuff!!!
Extremely encouraging.....
Thankfulness & Gratefulness
Do I love it???
Absolutely, unequivably!!!!
Did you subscribe????
I sure hope so!!!!
Love, love, love it!!!
Thank you, Son, for putting in my blog...I still need to
learn more how to really make it relevant, fun and doing YOU TUBE videos!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stay Focused

Stay focused is the name of the game. Or is it....get focused. Some people don't get it. This is the answer to life's tough questions! For instance, how do we develop good habits? It keeps us busy to be focused on the good habits or we might otherwise slip into the bad habits and some people need to be accountable for slipping back to bad habits. Psalm 28:7 is what I rely on to stay focused. As a young kid David developed the habit of talking to God, singing songs about Him, and writing psalms. This helped him to trust in and follow God to stay focused. Also, read Romans 8:5 - those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that plese the Spirit...those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things. I'll stay focused on the WORD. I may not be perfect at it, but it sure is comforting and reassuring.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Apple Computers - random thoughts

I know this is the Lord's Day, but I awakened this morning thinking about Apple Computers. To me, they can do about any thing.....I have never seen a computer that is so efficient and up to par that society loves and has! My husband says when he truly retires he doubts if he will ever turn another computer on. Of course he uses the computer so much to present his power power point information on Sunday that he teaches, and then the music is put on the laptop for Sunday worship songs. But sometimes, he has to go over and over the songs to have the timing right. That is frustrating...something slips in the computer and it begins all over...I've seen it happen, but he has the patience to fix it. I wouldn't! But, I'm sure with the Apple computer that would never happen. I've heard from the young jetset, very knowledgable brilliant computer people that the Apple has all the answers.

Oh well, do I want one....not on your life....I'm a simple simon type person and I type over 90 words a minute, so as long as it has a keyboard and my fingers can fly to type what I have to say, that's all I need. Our daughter and son have all Apple computers, laptops, etc. And I can adjust when I go to their homes, but to want one....nay....I'll just keep my hand-me-downs computers and do the research I need to find things on Google and keep on plunkin' with no ungratefulness at all.

Today in W.O.W. (Women of Worth) we are discussing Pop Culture...9 a.m. See you there....can't wait to hear the comments on this one. It's a relevant subject...come on wake up, and have your coffee or bring your coffee with you and we will have fun!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Love Those Grandkids!!!

I'm pretty hyped! I had lunch with our grandkids yesterday at the School they attend and it just energizes me; they are so awesome, smart and respectful!!!

So - watch out W.O.W. Ladies - tomorrow...I'm wired!!!!
9 a.m. Cyou there as you all have been so very faithful and I appreciate you!!!
Bring a friend - we are discussing Pop Culture!!!!!! It's a great subject!!
Love those grandkids!!! And tell them you love them and tell your kids!!! Have an
enjoyable, happy Saturday!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Cold weather...........hmmmmmm bring out the sweat pants and sock-a-roos!!!!! Brrrr.
I think my skin has gotten thinner....I'm cold when the weather changes....but I'll get used to it. Start thinking about the positive aspect of it. #1 - electric bill is cheaper because the air doesn't run. #2 - snuggling.....ooops that's pretty personal! #3 the dogs seem to love cold weather better. They run and chase each other........that's fun to watch. One drives the other nuts while she doesn't want to be chased so fast!!!!

Hey ladies: Here's a blessing: "My spirit and my words that I give you will never leave you or your children or your grandchildren, now and forever." Isaiah 59:21 NCV

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I took a little r&r from blogging. I had bunches of "thank you" cards to make. This is my favorite time of the year.......thankfulness.....gratefulness...I hope
that word isn't foreign to you, but I believe that is what is wrong with America....not enough gratitude and thank you's! That's my take on today's blog.
People have gotten rude and ruder......but I will still be old fashioned, Christ-like, loving and be grateful!!!! How many thank you notes have you sent lately???? Oooops, that's too much guilt. Just say "thank you" - practice it! It works! Makes for a very happy Wednesday!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Pastor Appreciation Day.............whoopee.............see you there at
10 a.m. or at the Harvest Dinner which is at 11 a.m. Honoring my husband
is the greatest thing I love to see and participate in! So, I will see
you there!!!! It's going to be fun! I hope we have a big crowd! The
more, the better!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Found Out

it is so hard to be "found out." But that is where God moves in. He wants to get to the absolute truth in you so that He can give you His absolute truth. Many of us go on for years in denial of the true state of our hearts. We don't grow there. We can actually live somewhat of a slumber. Life passes us by, and we don't experience the fullness of the riches of His love.....and we are paralyzed to give it out in return.

Tomorrow we have a great chance to show my husband, the Pastor our love. It is Pastor Appreciation Day! You'd be surprised at the excuses I have heard for not coming and this man, my husband, has done far more for mankind than you could ever imagine. I tell you this. If someone like my husband has helped the way he has without any griping or just sacrificing so much of his time, why not make a way, no excuses given, to come out and celebrate honoring him? That's what this blog is about......let God move in and motivate you to come out just this one day and let Him know you appreciate him! I'm excited and can't wait! He definitely deserves it! 10 a.m. See you there!

Friday, October 17, 2008


What do I do when I'm having trouble making friends?
Job 19:19 My close friends abhor me. Those I loved have turned against me.
John 15:15 I no longer call you servants...Now you are my friends.

The first thing we must do is remember that God is our constant friend and will never leave us. God plans for us to have friends. He will bring a closeness and we can rest assured that we can expect something marvelous!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


There's probably been ten times I've blogged on Gratitude. It doesn't make sense that people can't at least say "Thank You." I think that's the main problem in one says "Thank You." Okay I'm on a soapbox. Thank simple is that....Most people can't even muster up enough kindness to say "Thank You." That irritates me to no end! My husband and I discuss the word gratitude regularly. Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of going to Dillard's at the Mall to spend my birthday gift card from a friend and Dillard's regular gorgeous Mall Store has turned into an Outlet Dillard's where you purchase the left over Dillard's merchandise and you cannot return it! No was a total disaster. All the counters were empty; you could not try on clothes in the dressing room - they were roped off...the store was a disaster and no one to help. Everything was in disaray. After standing in shock, I finally started looking around.........again no one to help, no one cared to help. I ended up purchasing something and had to walk at the complete other end of the store to pay for it and all I kept doing was thank the clerk for helping me ..... what is this world coming to? The goregous Dillard store looked like a salvage store! It will take me a while to get over this. Imagine going to the perfume counter (there was only one or two left standing) and scratched furniture next to the jewelry counter and the goregous, magnificent china and crystal department was a disaster!!! Not one single bit of gratitude for even walking in and being a customer.

One clerk said it would be a Dillard's store for returned merchandise from all the other great Dillard's stores. Well, all I could say is that you still have a job so be grateful. I won't be going back in.......the attitudes of the clerks that were still there put me in a "gripey" mood, shall we say. I sure don't need that with all I am having to tend to until next Sunday!!!! Have a grateful Wednesday and stay with people who are uplifters!!!!! I know I am!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Centers of Power

Our whole lives are like our physical bodies - we all have parts that are already strong (centers of powers) and then we have parts we want to strengthen (challenge areas)...a-hmmmm

Our centers of power are those aspects of our lives where we feel competent, confident, fulfilled, at easy and truly alive where we get results. We avoid our challenge area because they make us feel inadequate, incompetent, sometimes even unlovable.

It is important to identify your centers of power and challenge areas. If your challenge areas are neglected for too long they can debilitate the centers of power ---- just as when your health is neglected, your career, home and other areas of life also suffer.

I would like to equate that to a spiritual the higher power, the spirit, and our Holy God. If you experience merely a hopeless void in this area, this is a challenge that needs immediate attention. Pick up the Bible and read a few verses - that is really our center of power. I know it is for me!!! I challenge you to read God's Holy Word. It is so applicable to giving us power and strength to overcome any obstacles and satan's evil that he tries to do.

Goal: Physical and Spiritual....try both. They work!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are You A Giver Or Taker?

I'm definitely a giver. I can think of more things to give. But I think the most important of all is that as Christians we should give God's love out...have a happy attitude so that the world sees Christ in us. Lately I have frequented the Dollar Stores looking for things to decorate for fall. Why do we go to WalMart and other expensive stores to get what is so much cheaper at the Dollar Store? So, in that case, I am a giver because I found some $1 things and even 2 for $1. Watch your receipt because she charged me twice for only one $1 table cloth I purchased. Hence there was $1.00 and another $1.00 on the receipt as if I had purchased two. It's a good thing they know me because they will remember me that I did ask the cashier if she charged me double and of course she said no. But as I began looking at the receipt, viola.....I noticed it! I'm glad the Dollar Store is right by the Bank, so when I go back I won't have to waste gas. Being a giver......has made me look closely at my receipts. That's three times this week I was charged double!

Come on could be missing out on money in your wallet by not looking at the receipts. I sure learned my lesson..

C ya in W.O.W. (Women of Worth) in a couple of hours. Can't wait.......This is going to be a great class today!!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I spent most of my teen years trying to convince myself of my worth by becoming the smart girl, the nice girl, the one who spoke well before an audience and earned excellent grades. In my 20's I sought validation - I gave my power away to those whose offer of love was more important that the love I had left to give myself.

Before a child can even talk, she looks at her parents and others adults to confirm that she counts, that her existence means something! She asks the question: Do my Mom's and Dad's eyes light up when they see me? Do they think I matter?

The choices I made after that were those of my own going into my full blown adult life. I also remember the first time at my Grandma's house I was allowed to wash the dishes. My Grandma put a little stool in front of the sink so I could reach. I was so afraid I'd drop one of her dishes and I asked myself can I really do this? At the core of it all, sometimes we still ask the question Can I really do this? Will I get it right? Am I okay? Of course, the yes answer is what always remains!

Accept yourself for who you are! I love to reminence...I've had a marvelous time reflecting on how I've grown up, the lessons I've learned (& still learning) and what a fabulous life I am having at this time! Hey, while I'm at it....remember W.O.W. (Women of Worth) is tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. - see you there Ladies....great great subject: "Reconciliation"

Friday, October 10, 2008


You can take from every experience what it has to offer you. And you cannot be defeated if you just keep taking one breath followed by another. At one time when I almost lost my life through a serious surgery....I learned to take one breath at a time, the Lord kept healing me through the most excruciating pain and scarring. I always felt like I had more life to live - and taking every advantage in life - the primary ones being my health and the ability to take care of myself.

All these years I've beent taking lessons from life experiences. Stay focused; pay attention to everything and take nothing for granted. Celebrate birthdays every day. Give back to the world and the Lord what He has given to me. Open your experiences to grow and maintain growth! Bring it on! Have a super great Friday and weekend!

See ya in church.....10 a.m. Sunday.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Loosen up or you'll the miss the fun of it!

Okay - we're getting into the swing of Holiday already...I was in a store at the Mall yesteray and they had ALL of their Christmas decor out and it's not even October 15th yet! And if I didn't loosen up, I will possibly miss the fun of it! So I threw my head back, forgot about step, step, turn, kick, and just danced, celebrating the onset of Holidays!!! Wheeeeew, that was fun!!! I hope you'll not let it make you uptight and get wrapped up in nonessential stuff...but that you will really enjoy yourself and remember this Season as the time to make moments count.....and guess what??? when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you'll dance. Just enjoy all the decor if nothing else right now. There's Halloween on one corner, then Thanksgiving at the Dollar Stores and Christmas at the Mall! Have a HT - Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


One of my favorite authors at one time was Emily Dickinson. She always wrote "I dwell in Possibilities." That means so much to me. When I hear Paul Simon's song "Born at the Right Time" I think he must be singing about me. It makes me understand that I have the right to choose my own path (but since I am a Christ-follower, I ask our precious Lord to guide me as His will predicts) as these choices are a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility. What a gift that is to all of us who live in the land of the free! I hope your Wednesday is happy! : )

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Posing Question To Me

Here's a question I was asked this week: Does the feeling of entrapment only happen late in life, or does it sometimes occur earlier?

I believe the majority of divorces can be traced to disrespect and marital claustrophobia. In simple every day plain language ladies...that's when you put a chain around your husband's neck or ankle and want him trapped in the home just because you are bored or want to control his life. LET GO and let him breathe!!!!

If a husband feels trapped in the home and is only doing you a favor by working to provide for you and the family, then check out your chain because if you pitch a fit, it adds stress, lies, ill-feelings, entrapment which is very dangerous in your married life. You are devaluing him, trying to make him wimpy and lacking confidence in yourself. Please try to be grateful for all his hard work and appreciative of his wisdom of plain ole honesty and integrity in reaching goals that are attained. And while I'm on the subject.....teach your kids to love and respect their Daddy for caring enough to reach those goals. Kids learn all this from you, Mom, so have some rock solid character and behind their Daddy's back don't rip him apart.

I recently had the privilege of speaking to a Ladies' Meeting that brought out this subject......was I brave? Yes. Did they like it? No. It goes against society's dictation....but I say, be different....go the positive way and maintain a healthy, loving, kind statement household!

Philippians 2:3 says "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Have a happy Tuesday! Trust the Lord to help you in every way and e-mail me if your questions need deeper answers.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Unexpectations With Friendship

My life has a new unexpected layer....I thought I was through making close friends. Much to my surprise, thought, I found myself with a friend I hadn't seen for a long time, laughing, talking serious, but just connecting and embracing one another as a part of everyday life. It's added a new meaning, a feeling of community I didn't even know I was missing. We had become friends, oh I would say about five years ago when we were both at a Conference and she didn't bring any ladies from her church and I didn't either. Now, all we have to do when we are too busy is just connect via my blog or a daily devotional she writes that I subscribe to.

I've always known that life is better when you share it. I now realize it gets even sweeter when you expand the circle....look to a friend you haven't seen for a while, make a point to reconnect and enjoy the pure fellowship, friendship, and just plain ole fun! We learn from each other! The unexpected! My heart is open to the future being friends with her. Bring it on!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

on the 5th I have 555 posts!!!!

That's incredible!!! On the 5th, I have posted 555 blogs......whoa!!! Consistency....totally and absolutely!
Enjoyed writing....without a shadow of doubt!
Want to learn more about blogging....mosst definitely!

See ya in Church...let's fill the pews....we have a surprise for everyone today!
You'll have to attend and see!!! Bring your friends, family, and co-workers!!!
....where love waits! and.... Hope, Guidance, and Security!!!! 10-11 a.m.
One hour of great teaching, relevant worship songs, and a where you will really feel welcomed!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

True Belief

One of my beliefs is this statement I'm going to share and to be honest, it is how I live my life and when I can't I fully rely on God to forgive me for not living this way and redirect my thoughts!

Happiness is never something you get from other people. The happiness I feel is in direct proportion to the Love I choose to give. Let go of your anger with anyone and see what gets returned. Be loving to yourself and others and see that love reciprocated. What you're thinking, what you're saying, what you're doing, is having an impact on you and the people around you right now. I know it for sure.

See ya in Church tomorrow. I have tons of Outreach to do today. God will definitely see me through. Of course I value and appreciate your prayers.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Favorite Season

It's coming upon my favorite Season - thanksgiving!!!! It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you!

I live in the space of thankfulness and I have been rewarded a million times over for it! I started out telling ladies to give thanks for small things, like a doorknob! That's because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.

I know some people who have a problem with "Thank you" say, "You don't have to thank me!" Excuse me....oh yes we do! You wanna get me on a soapbox - try that one on for size! You're saying thank you because you know that even in the eye of the storm, God has put a rainbow in your clouds. You're saying thank you because you know there's no problem created that can compare to the Creator of all things!

I challenge you to start a gratitude journal...begin by listing five things that you are grateful for. And....if the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is "Thank you," - that would suffice! Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul from the pits of hell!!!! I promised it will allow you to look at your day differently!

Thank you Lord for Friday, for beautiful weather, for my mums that are blossoming out so very lovely, for family that loves me, for a husband who provides, for love, comfort and care from our almighty God, for ....and the list goes on and on. How about you? How far does your list go? Guess you can see now while my favorite Season is Thanksgiving! Yea!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Who Defines Your Life?

It's up to each of us to get very still and say, "This is WHO I am." No one else definites your life. Only you do.

So whenever trouble comes my way, I ask, "What is this here to teach me? What am I not seeing?" I know the answer will come. And I stay close (very close) to God!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Are You Living Your Best Life?

Why not? I know some who love pure misery. Well, that's not me. I also know some who delight in always starting a ruckus. (That's an Okie term). Some people can't stand someone else being happy. ....or how about this one? They want to control your life and when they can't - they stay away thinking it will hurt you.....not me...I figure it's their problem if they want to live in that kind of chaos.

On to living your best life. Here's an inspirational thought: Friends are important because they are the ones who are there for you when you are in need of security and advice. They accept you for you and make your life more fun and exciting! Chew on that one for a while. Live your best life - it's all you have!