Saturday, September 27, 2008

Favorite Thing To Do

One of my favorite things to do is go sit by the Lake and watch the waves come in. My husband is getting ready to celebrate a happy year older (or is it younger) trust me, he doesn't like a lot of hip hip hoorah for his birthday like some of us....ahmmmmmm yesterday I got him one of the things he wanted, fishing license so off to the Lake we go...he caught a lot of fish (I love watching that) and I actually laid on the bench and fell was so peaceful...and as it got was still so peaceful. Anyway, we had a lil' picnic right there on the lake; then we came back home and watched the debates.

It's fun to go to the Lake and clear my brain with my favorite and his also, thing to do!!!! Hope your Saturday is eventful.

A final note: I wish our grandson would have been there to see the look on his face when his grandpa caught a catfish!!! Again, have a super Saturday!

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