Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It Was Fun!!! ...some random thoughts....

My hubby's birthday yesterday......I made his favorite cake in the whole wide world...chocolate mayonnaise cake....homemade, real homemade icing - you know the old fashioned kind confectioners sugar, butter, vanila (that sounds like a mystery seasoning now since it's not used very much) and real hershey's cocoa!!!! Tasted a little dry with the cake because I only had Europiean cocoa....but I went to the store and got hershey's for the icing and it was fabulous! Well, he's one year older, but seems to love it!!! A-ha.....and it's not old like he thought it would be!

Today is a great day to remind ourselves that fall weather is almost here....a bit chilly in the mornings...I have to prepare myself for fall and I noticed our neighbor is raking his leaves already.......hmmm.....is it time for fall clothes..what prepares you for fall? After I planted the Mums, I saw fall coming and I did wear a hoodie Sunday while the football game was on. Of course, my hubby says I'm cold natured anyway...guess I am....have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, September 29, 2008


What does the word joy mean to you?

To me it means the happiest of happies!!!!

I'm a very JOY-ful person and I really make no bones about it. I've even been criticized unbearingly by statements like "Where does she get her energy?" to "She couldn't be that happy!" It doesn't take much to make me joyful. I'm just joyous. Maybe that's why my Mom named me Carol....it means JOY!!!

Today just give it a try.............being joyful! It may make people wonder what you're up to!!!!

Practice being JOYFUL; it's an exercise you won't forget!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Inspirational Thought

Belief in ourselves is like a muscle --- it is strengthened by constant and careful use.

Whether you believe you CAN or you believe you cannot - you're right either way.

I base my beliefs on the Bible. So........in looking up Proverbs 3:5-6 it plainly says "lean not unto your own understanding" but to "TRUST in God." Do we really trust in God or us....I can guarantee you it's okay to believe in one's self. God is always there to lean on and I can assure you of that one FACT!

See ya in church. 10 a.m. let's fill up the pews!!!!!!!! Awesome!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Favorite Thing To Do

One of my favorite things to do is go sit by the Lake and watch the waves come in. My husband is getting ready to celebrate a happy event...one year older (or is it younger) trust me, he doesn't like a lot of hip hip hoorah for his birthday like some of us....ahmmmmmm .....so yesterday I got him one of the things he wanted, fishing license so off to the Lake we go...he caught a lot of fish (I love watching that) and I actually laid on the bench and fell asleep....it was so peaceful...and as it got darker...it was still so peaceful. Anyway, we had a lil' picnic right there on the lake; then we came back home and watched the debates.

It's fun to go to the Lake and clear my brain with my favorite and his also, thing to do!!!! Hope your Saturday is eventful.

A final note: I wish our grandson would have been there to see the look on his face when his grandpa caught a catfish!!! Again, have a super Saturday!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Super Day!

Hi-ya.....it looks like a super day to "tie up loose ends" which means...go get the dog food, stand in line at the Post Office and get stamps, go out and make someone's day (my favorite thing to do) and some work at the church....wrapped up in a super day! Have a Super Day yourself...while I'm at it!!! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finally Caught Up!

I'm finally caught up on reading blogs that I'm associated with. I tell ya, there's an aweful lot of hurting people out there. Does anyone really care? I do. That's what's so aggravating that there are people who care and I'm proud to say put me in that category. All they have to do is pick up the phone, call, and share. Too much pride!!! But, writing their thoughts on their blog is their own way of saying "hey does anyone care????" Whatever you do, please don't fall in the negative attitude of it's all about me and who cares about anyone else. I have seen time after time this happening and believe you me they are the ones that can live with that attitude...I don't choose to be that way!

We raised two phenomenal kids - of course they are grown and have an adult life but they are both extremely caring and that makes me proud as a Mom and that's what it's all about and added to that is a daughter-in-law who cares and two caring grandkids. I came up with a good phrase...the family that cares together, stays together!!!! Now, that's encouraging! and......I'm so very grateful that our daughter took time out of her very busy schedule to call last night checking on us. That was cool. and.....why blog? because I love it!!!! It's a time to be thankful and thoughtful of others.......family.....church members.....friends.....learning about relationships, etc.....the list goes on and on. It does take time to get caught up, but my heart is happy for all the great things that have been happening to families and people!!!!

Again, the moral of this story is - there are people who think seeing obstacles is a sign of maturity and insight. But, anyone of average intelligence can do that. God wants people who see a way beyond the obstacles and who encourage others to take it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Honor the Whole Team!

People who build successful teams never forget tht every person's role is contributing tot he bigger picture.

We have a team of volunteers at church each month now! We all need encouragement. Just letting someone know their work is appreciated makes this team run more smoothly, becoming stronger and more effective. it sure has taken a load off me!

The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side!!! Amen on that one! Enjoy your Wednesday!

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Feeling - random super thoughts!

A lot of people at church yesterday said I had a new take on my blog lately...they say they enjoy me sharing personal stuff........hmmmmmm so ....I can honestly say it gives me a new feeling and maybe someone out there in cyberspace can be uplifted by something that has happened or going to happen to me...who knows....I enjoy sharing my heart and love everyone so much that communicate with me - hey guys that doesn't mean I don't love the ones who don't communicate....I'm a people person and my gift is exhorting (so says my husband) so if you don't want to be exhorted (or encouraged my takes won't mean anything! it's awesome! What's awesome? Hearing from everyone!

Have a very happy Monday! Think I'll get this day going by pre-shopping for my hubby's b-day next Monday...the only super thing is he is going with me....we'll just shop 'til we drop...he says he doesn't want anything, but surely at an Outlet Mall he'll crater!!!!!!
Carol :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Be Grateful When Feeling Good

The happiest person on earth isn't always happy. In fact, the happiest people all have their fair share of low moods, problems, disappointments, and heartache. Often the differenc ebetween a person who is happy and someone who is unhappy is how often they get low, or even how low they drop, but instead it's what they do with their low moods. How do they relate to their changing feelings?

When I observe peaceful, relaxed people, I find that that when they are feeling good, they are so caring and very grateful. They understand that both positive and negative feels come and go, and that there will come a time when they won't be feeling so good. To happy people, this is okay; it's the way of things.

To a person always in a low mood, they don't know the difference because they are so comfortable with their low moods. They don't care because in due time maybe they'll be happy and maybe not. (Most generally not). And to be honest, they are drainy to me....my energy gets sapped from their "pretty far down mood."

I'd rather have grateful feelings and feel good, wouldn't you?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Such Joy!

Yesterday I had the JOY of visiting with a devout friend of mine and she has a boyfriend who is an Attorney. She was telling me what a great trip they had to go to Colorado and ski. .....and at the tip top of the mountains where they were skiing of all things he receives an urgent call from his office re: one of his clients. I never laughed so hard in my life. Now, remember, I wouldn't know the least bit about skiing because that is something I've never done in my entire life. My grandkids know more about it than I ever thought of having any idea! As she told the story how complicated it got, I couldn't stop laughing thinking of the visual! Then she started comparing what it would be like to be married to a Pastor (my circumstances) as to an Attorney........trust me...believe it or not, there's not much difference...anyway such JOY we had just sharing!!!!!

have you ever done that? just shared JOY? Try it, you'll like it!!!! I'm totally convinced that JOY will really enlighten your day; don't think about being all stressed out...get on a subject that will share JOY - it's healthy for the soul!

See ya at W.O.W. tomorrow (I'll be preparing for it today). 9 a.m. Love, JOY, and lots of humor, Carol

Friday, September 19, 2008

Took the Week Off Blogging

Since I love blogging so much, I decided to take the week off and rest my brain on writing. I have truly missed blogging! I got caught up on the other people I blog with, so that was awesome!

In our area of Church work (which is 98 percent of our time) we did a counting of how many visitors we have had at our church. It pretty much averages 100 a year...we have 500 visitor cards filled out. That's totally amazing. Some have stayed; some have not. Some are just passing through; some don't have a church home; it took a while to do the report, but it sure has been interesting!

I hope your Friday turns out well. There have been so many who are enjoying this fall weather. I planted 6 bunches of Mums....they are so beautiful; I can't stop looking at them. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

My husband took me on a lunch date yesterday...to my very favorite place, Los Lupes. I actually cratered and ate the smorgusboard lunch! Talk about being stuffed! No way I could go back for seconds; oh, I love their tamales.....yum, yum, yum! It's just as cheap to get the smorgusboard because of the lunch specials.

Let me hear from you and what you are up to and I hope your week has been awesome.
Happy Friday!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Trust Issues

I have many good memories and some bad ones about trust issues. I recall the victories, the failures, the wise choices that someone was watching out for my best interest, and the mistakes that were made because I assured my self I could trust the person I told something to, but in the long run it back-fired on me.

The one thing my husband and I have is devout trust and he shares with me his heart and the fact that people say things to him about "his own wife." Does it hurt? You bet it does. The way I see it; sad as it may be, they are the ones that have to live with their guilty conscience. I have asked God to help me learn and grow because of them. To forgive my shortcomings and show me how to forgive them. He will grant me the love and strength to forgive those who have wronged me. And when the hurt returns, I will thank Him for getting through the chaos it involved.

Then the good memories flow through like a sweet, floral fragrance, so pleasant, so good. The times can never be retrieved; someetimes I wish they could. I'm learning to retrieve the lively, warm fires and to leave the sad, cold ashes behind. Forgiveness lingers like a healing balm and I remember to thank the Lord for the trials.

I know there are several people who e-mail me comments instead of putting them out here on the web; but yet, still, my confidence is in the Lord who gives me strength and encouragement. And plus I have phenomenal bounce back!

Just sharing my heart.....have a wonderful Lord's Day filled with many blessings and joy.

See you in Church 10:00 a.m. Yep I'm up early and can't wait!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Some People Subtract Something From Life

we tolerate them.
I read once what Julius Caesar asserted "A friend should bear his friend's infirmities. But Brutus makes mine great than they are." That's what subtracers do. They do not bear our burdens and they make heavier the ones we already have. The sad thing about subtracters is that what they do is usually unintentional. If you don't know how to add to others, then you probably subtract by default.

It's similar to the difference between building a relationship and purposely tearing it down. It takes a skilled craftsman much time and energy to build a beautiful chair. It takes no skill whatsoever to smash that chair in a matter of moments.

I value people who multiply something in life than the people who go around subtracting from life! How about you? I'm fortunate - for every bad that a person does to tear me down I have so many who respect me and sharpen my vision and maximize my strengths.

I'm encouraged by focusing on the importance of valuing and growing trustin relationships. I want to add to someone's success than see them stumble.

True character is seen when you ADD to making someone's life important and not tearing them down all the time. That's the bottom line.......say happy things about someone; don't get caught ruining their testimony and causing a rift in their marriage. And please know I would rather have my strengths maximizes than my faults! Any day! See ya in church! 10 a.m. tomorrow!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Givers or Takers?

I'm definitely a giver because I don't receive well. I'm always grateful but when I recently had my birthday; I couldn't wait to send my "Thank You's" because of my appreciation. What about You? Are you a giver or a taker? Or are you somewhere in between? What concrete steps can you take today and move further along from being a taker to being a giver? II Corinthians 8:1-5 is great to read regarding Jesus' affirming words about Mary's extravagant gift to Him. I always want to give a gift; shopping for someone is such a joy. My husband says I have giving attacks - that's when I always want to take a person or our family out to eat.....it makes me feel good to see someone appreciate what they received or just really like what I took time to get them. I could write on and on about this subject.

I hope your Friday is just fantastic. I have a lot of loose ends to tie up and get ready for Q&A for Sunday. We're having hamburgers instead of hot dogs this time. That should be super! Hope you will plan to come out - worship at 10 a.m. and Q&A around 11:10 a.m. It would be our pleasure to serve you!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Eternal Love Of God

As I have listened to hundreds of stories from women; their disappointment and anger falls into three categories. We are disappointed in ourselves, in others, and in our more honest moments, we are disappointed with God.

Our culture calls to us that what we need is self-esteem, that all would be well if we just felt better about ourselves. That is a lie. We live on a broken planet....a disappointing place. But, I urge you to bring whatever it is about yourself that disappoints you to God and let Him love you as you are right now. We cannot do it on our own, but God's outrageous and eternal love teaches us how to forgive. It is God's gift to us to help us live in a world that is not fair. All we have to do is ask God for the grace to extend forgiveness. Has someone hurt or disappointed you? Forgive and forgive again. Don't let a root of bitterness well up.

I encourage you to read Titus 3:4-5. God's love is definitely eternal!

Today is a sad day in history as we all know...9/11/02 devastating and tradgic....I urge you to pause a moment to reflect on New York and what those people are still feeling the pain of lost loved ones. It is going to be my plan today to pray for all in New York as so many of the news coverage brings back the horrifying event - I know it must be difficult for all.....I hope they feel God's love (His Eternal Love) in such a special way this day. ...from my heart, Carol

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's so peaceful in the morning time when all the neighborhood is sleeping and sometimes I sit on the front porch and do some "thinkin." I've been thinkin' about peace lately. Peace is a choice! I've seen some people walk their dogs early in the morning and if the dogs starts barking, they don't say a word to the dog in that it might awaken someone. Don't tell me we are living in a world of non-caring that badly? I choose peace. I very carefully close the front door so I will not awaken my hubby or even our dogs.

I've earned this peace......Being a morning person means I always got to work early and got my day going. It's a great time to think....just get things going.......so I hope you have a lot of peace in your home. I met with a lady this morning - oh - let's say around 5ish a.m. and she has three daughters.......great person and she just wanted to tell me how much I had helped her....wow! Can't beat that peace and contentment from a compliment like that!

Have a happy Wednesday. I know I will! I have so much to be thankful for!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

About Relationship Living In Marriage

Keep the fire going!

In dealing with women each week, several times I have been asked to tell about the many many years I have in relationship living in marriage. Okay, here's my encouragement:

I'm sixty-five.
I spent some of the years of my marrige expecting my husband to be more like me.
I spent the next ten years resenting that he wasn't.
Young women - and that's those of you under sixty - don't do that.
That's not living; that's drudgery.
You want to live. You don't want to drudge. Trust me!
Understand your man and get on with life!

Make it your goal to know what his pet peeves are. Then honor them and him definitely! Don't make him a project. If you want a project, take up knitting! Please him. If he likes a clean house, clean it up. I make it a point to have laughter in our marriage. Laughing for the pure joy of laughing. And laughing again and again! It's a great connection with him! Laughter is the exclamation point put on life! I'll put out some tid-bits in my blog. After forty-one years of marriage I definitely have some encouragement. All I ask is don't get a critical spirit of your husband.....honor, praise, and be grateful for him.

Monday, September 8, 2008

How Precious Are Those Grandkids? Very Precious!!

I missed their call! Our precious grandkids called to wish us a Happy Grandparents Day! I fell asleep on the couch after the ballgame and clean missed their call.. but they were on the answering machine so I heard part of it. Other than that, my hubby picked it up and for some reason I couldn't wake up enough to talk to them!

They are precious......oh so precious....I'll talk to them sometime soon...they have such perfect phone manners....and yes, they are very precious!

Have a happy Monday!!!! I've already been out and about, so I know I will!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grandparent's Day!!!!

Don't even get me started on this day! I LOVE being a Grandma. Recently we purchased a bunk bed for our two grandkids - of course they have their own room at G & G's home! So, we went to Anna's Linens to purchase the bed spread, sheets, etc. Our granddaughter chose the most lucious colors - aqua and brown and the complete twin size bed set was awesome....she chose striped with those color sheets and pillow cases. What's really neat is she chose a package that had super extra stuff -even to large towells to match! They are all gorgeous on her bed with the cool pillows. Then our grandson chose Nascar theme with a leather wheel pillow and a big (giant) pillow of walle-e eve - it's a cool pillow and what I love the most about going shopping with them is I'm up on what the new craze is! And they are always so grateful...what magnificent kids! So, do I love Grandparent's Day? Yep!

I hope they have a terrific day as well as their parents because today is their wedding anniversary; so in thinking about this day; it's going to be quite eventful for all concerned! Here's something our granddaughter (she's 10 yrs. of age) wrote on our chalkboard here at Grandma's. "Welcome to G & G's house where a grandkid can be a grandkid." Can't beat that one with a stick!!!!

Someone has said, when a woman has stopped bragging about how smart her chilren are (that won't ever happen with me) it's because she has started bragging about how smart her grandchildren are!!! Oh yes, and with that and a fresh cup of coffee this bright and early Lord's Day, I am going to enjoy being a Grandma - you bet~!!!!

I wouldn't leave our grandson out for the world!!!! ........there are no other word to describe him as very aware! He always notices when something is different when he comes over and it's as if he looks around and makes a special point to make a comment about something I have changed or things he really likes. He is so cool!

See ya in W.O.W. 9 a.m. Great Subject you won't want to miss!!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


TLC means Touch,
and Care.

The Bible is not a child-rearing manual, but it does give the basic principles we need to learn about how to be patient, encouraging, accepting, and loving in our correction and TLC of previous past with our children each day and at this point in life, of course, our grandchildren.

As we trust in the Bible timeless truths, we will "mount up with wings as eagles," because we have God's own promise ....believe according to My Word and you will live in joy.....and peace.....I think it's time we spread a little love around, as the song says, and have a lot of TLC - Touch, Love, and Care.

Reminder: Tomorrow - 9 a.m. W.O.W. Women of Worth....see you there!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Starbucks anyone????

Friday's a good Starbuck's day. I received a gift card for my birthday so away I'll go.....it's been a while since I've gone, but I'm sure I will run into someone I haven't seen for a while. Plus it's always a great place to get motivated to get all tasks done! Happy Friday to you and hope your "Starbuck's Day" is awesome!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The power of our minds

Many people spend a great deal of energy arguing for their own limitations, "I can't do that," "I can't help it, I've always been that way," "I'll never have a loving relationship," and thousands of other negative and self-defeating statements.

Our minds are powerful instruments. When we decide that something is true or beyond our reach, it's very difficult to pierce through this self-created hurdles. You'll fil your head with limitations that will frighten you from trying. In order to become a writer or anything else, the first step is to silence your greatest critic -you! Hopefully, make yourself turn your criticism into tolerance and respect and catch yourself being negative. This world needs more loving and positive people so make up your mind, which is what I have a goal to achieve....A mind to say positive, uplifting things!!!! Have a super Thursday! En-courage instead of dis-courage!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love Seeks No Reward

When you love, you love and no one can stop you from loving. If you still love someone, just know that you love them and keep on loving! Love remains constant, an immovable reality in our lives. I think when we know we are absolutely loved at all times we live out of a desire to please and honor the one we are in relationship with. I keep these Bible verses Psalm 139:1-6 close by........"Lord, you have examined me and know all about me. You know when I sit down and when I get up. You know my thoughts before I think them. You know where I go and where I lie down. You know thoroughly everything I do. Lord, even before I say a word, you already know it. You are all around me in front and in back and have put your hand on me. Your knowledge is amazing to me; it is more than I can understand."