Saturday, May 31, 2008


Saturday is always Outreach day....a chance to see where everyone is....the why, if's, ands, or's (as my Mom used to say) and what's going on!!!! Reaching out to people is such a blessing!!! The ultimate goal is to their commitment to come to church on pressure, but caring as to why we haven't seen them lately. I know where would I have been if someone wasn't interested in me......and of course, W.O.W. is tomorrow...........yea! I finally heard from one of our W.O.W. absentees....boy have I missed her!!!! So, 9 a.m. - bright and early....I'm to the point where I have ladies calling me now and asking about it!

I hope your Saturday is a great one! Cya in church! My hubby and I have fun working on new music, his message, and many blessed things!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Great Statement

This is very inspirational.

Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

Better have your facts lined up!

Tough times don't last, but tough people do!

I truly hang in we used to say many years ago to the Teen Department, that I taught......Keep on plunkin'!......You CAN do it!

....Let go and let God! (oooooo a good one!)

I wish you a very happy Friday! I know I am! Go ahead....make someone's day!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The 10 Rules

1. Always eat breakfast
2. Move (exercise)
3. Read labels
4. Keep a Strategy
5. Quit being so self centered!
6. Be consistent!
7. Make special occasions count
8. Get a life!
9. Know it will get easier
10. Throw away ood (out-of-date items!)

This is a combination of a "several ages group" - cool, hu?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fathers Do Count....Very Caring Thoughts

On Mother's Day we as Moms had our fabulous, marvelous day charmed with wonderful flowers, phone calls, etc.........for the terrific Mom that we are. Now, we're headed into June where we can celebrate the cool Fathers! My husband is a super Dad to our kids as well as Pastor to many people. It is our prayer that finding a way to be in touch with your Dad would make a super Father's Day 2008!

My husband and I spent many hours volunteering to help a new Pastor several years ago, and he liked the big daddy image. No, neither am I the Mom of just any person, nor my husband the Dad of any person.....I'm admonishing this Father's Day to connect with your Dad...Dads do count and they are cool as can be! They are always so humble and tend to not like a lot of hip, hip, hooray though. I don't mind being transparent on this subject, because of the celebration in grand style that our kids bring soooo much joy to their Dad. Take a leap of joy and contact your Dad this Father's Day and thank him for bringing you into this amazing world!

And those are my very caring thoughts. June 15, 2008! Yay!!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Getting Back In The Grind

Just make a choice to get up and get goin'! I couldn't even begin to say all the things my hubby and I accomplished yesterday! (Sigh) - a day off! I did have one person who called for help, but it was my pleasure to listen and help.

Today will be a day of getting back in the grind....ugha-ugha...away we go. There's two choices to tackle all the appointments....just say and pray...God will give us strength, He will give tons of love, joy, and caring to go around to all of us!

I've had a lot of ladies send me an e-mail with prayer requests....remember we have a 24-hr. prayer line that takes calls at church, so don't hesitate to call. Your request will be prayed for six times today. God bless your 4-day work week!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Twice The Fun!

My husband and I had such a great time yesterday after Q&A.....watching funny movies can really enlighten one's day!!! We both never laughed so hard! When you've been married as long as we have, we take turns serving each other. One night he might cook and the next I might cook. One night he serves me my favorite ice cream and the next me serve him his favorite. I truly love it though, when we came home from serving others at Church and just sat and communicated. I love to hear his heart which is what he did to vent to me. Marriage is twice the fun when both get their way. I love it!

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Painful Experiences

God uses painful experiences to purify our faith because He understands the great value it will be. ....don't have a lot of time to elaborate on that...will at a later date.

In the meantime.........

I hope that everyone has a happy pre-Memorial Day and beyond that a Memorial Day tomorrow remembering those beloved ones we have lost to death. In the meantime, see ya at Lighthouse Church, 10 a.m. And....the fun we will have afterwards at Q&A and a fabulous Cook-Out!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


We all need balance in our lives. The positive with the negative.
Laughing and sadness.
Good with the bad.
Problems and victories.
What is your choice?
The one fact, I believe, we need most of all is to attend Lighthouse Church regularly to where the teaching my husband is giving out from the Bible and Victorious Christian Living will be the answer to balance.
Cya tomorrow at 10 a.m. You matter to God......and YOU matter to us!

Here's our commitment to You:
We'll accept you where you are.
We'll give you a safe place to investigae the message of God's word.
We'll remind you again and again that God loves you!
So, welcome - again, we'd love to see you! Attend and find out about "Balance"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Up & At 'Em

Late night....early morning! But, I'm up and at 'em and can't wait to see what this day holds! I've been "catching up" on blogs I read. Sooooo encouraging! There are so many super phenomenal inspires me to keep on caring and writing. (in that order)....Friday is a great day to just close off the week with admonishment and encouragement: Here's a great quote: "In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." Alex Haley

Make it a great day!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Signs Of Drift

Some very caring thoughts.......

Lately I've noticed people denying there even is a God who loves them and is there any time we need Him......Even in my own life, when I feel like I am drifting, I find a promise in the Bible and one that I found is "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He is always there for us and of course the question remains to be answered....who drifted away? God ??? Me??? Many times I've found that an attitude is contagious, especially if you are around someone who has no comment about what victory they have had in their life as far as God being the victor!!!

End the negative cycle; if you sense something, no matter how small, is not quite right in your relationship with God, don't wait until it becomes a big problem....I know I journal my prayers and that helps to keep me close to God and not drifting away. How about you? ....oh, one more promise....."My God shall supply all your needs..." The book of Philippians is awesome and full of God promises to keep from drifting!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm Here!!!!!!

That was fun! It is with enthusiasm that I join voices with the Psalmist, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" - Psalm 118:24.

Cya in church tonight; 3rd Wednesday!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


A grandma is a baby-sitter who watches the kids instead of the television.
Yes, that's said by grandkids.... Whoooopeeeeeee
Cya in church and W.o.W.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

...from my "I Love You, Grandmother Daily Calendar"

I don't miss a single blog as you have noticed. But, as you noticed I missed one......As you can guess, I'm Grandma-ing...and love, love, love it! But, I've been on a very fancy (way over my heard) Apple Computer, so have chosen not to write from there. a-ha (sigh) I'm on a I can whiz through. The last thing I want to do is mess someelse's, exactly what they have, computer!!!

Thanks for any and all comments, though.

Here's a cool comment from my "I Love You, Grandmother Daily Calendar" and the writer is Libby Houston and the dates were June: "Children use up the same part of my head as poetry does. To deal with children is a matter of terrific imaginative identification. And the children have to come first. It's no use putting off their evening meal for two months." (My comment: it's no putting off the grandkiddos for ANYTHING!) ...Carol D.

Oh no, I must not pass this one up from Annabel Twigg: "When I am sad and down, my grandma holds my hand; when I am happy she sits and smiles with me." (This is me). Happy Saturday............Cya Ladies in W.O.W. Women of Worth tomorrow, 9 a.m. Whooopeeee!!!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Bible

I was actually talking with someone yesterday who doesn't believe the Bible is truth. To me all she needs to do is read it. Especially the book of Proverbs. That book will rattle your cage!!! Such truth is definitely be found! Read the part where "a fool hath said in his heart, there is no God!" Wow! I'm doing a study on the entire book. It has been very inspiring! I'll blog a synopsis when I finish! :-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I found this quote from Dr. Frank Crane......I'm not sure who he is but he is mentioned in my "Love Inspirational Book." He said "Don't be afraid of your generous emotions." I love that! I'll pass it on to those of who read my blog today and hopefully it will be an encouragement to you as well. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Enjoy The Memories

Yesterday I declared Monday as a day to ENJOY THE MEMORIES of Mother's Day 2008! No cell phone, only sent one e-mail, but just lathering in the wonderful Sunday I had! I call it my "I love you Mom day!" I love Inspirational quotes. Here's one "Only connect" - E.M.Forster Soooooooo, now today is "Catch-up" day...gotta get busy, lots to do and lots of thank you notes to be sent!

i'd love to hear how your Mother's Day went.....hope it was happy!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Very Happy Mother's Day!

First I heard from our Son and then I heard from our Daughter! Makes a Mom's heart so happy and joyful! What wonderful conversations. They have always been so very thoughtful to call me and share their thanks, concern for my welfare, love and gratitude for me being their, love, love it! My day was described as a very happy Mother's Day! I received, as I always say, everything I wanted or did want, or will want! The love between a Mother and child is something to count on forever!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

May your day be ever so happy. This is our Day, Mom's. Can't wait! I love, love, love Mother's Day! I have the most awesome, fantastic, fabulous (even though they are grown) kids in the entire world! They rock!!! They tend to get shy about my bragging rights, but that's why I truly adore being a Mom, because my kids are so phenomenal! ....I'm going to have a glorious day and I hope you do also!

Cya in Church 10 a.m. where we will be honoring Mothers.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fabulous Evening!!!

Both sets of grandparents, the honoree birthday girl....our "10" year old granddaughter, of course our son and daughter-in-law (lucky parents) and our grandson + avid friends who have the title "Uncle" or "Aunt." And our granddaughter chose a Japanese Restaurant for her grand event! And we sat at the table in a room all by ourselves - tremendous atmosphere and respectfully took our shoes off before we entered.

I want to brag on our granddaughter who so appreciated her gifts as she said so many gracious thank you's to everyone! She is sharp as a tack!!! She looked over and saw I was struggling with chopsticks, so she politely gave me a set of connected chopsticks that I could use to eat my rice and teriyaki chicken. She loves sushi, thus selecting Japanese cuisine. What a tremendous great evening! Who said families can't have super conversations, and tons of fun???? I had the best time of my life!!!! It's one of those times when you walk away and have ALL positive and only great comments on your travel home!!!

Re: Today's agenda: I'm so happy to honor all Moms and Daughters at a great event at our church in about four hours at a brunch. Another fun event......and what follows for Mother's Day is going to be super as our church honors all mothers in a special service they won't forget! Cya there!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

So far, so good..................

The closer we get to Mother's Day, the more I withdraw into a shell (so to speak) because my precious Mamma passed away in 1970, and I miss her drastically. So far, so good......Mother's Day has come early this year and we have been observing our adorable granddaughter's birthday and she gets so excited over things, it keeps my spirit up!!!!!

Never fear....I think about my Mom and she left a lot of super fantastic memories for me. But, I will have many special moments of remembering the great things about her; what a phenomenal woman! Here's something you probably won't Mom never drove a fact as each one of us sisters grew up and had a boyfriend that drove, when we would go on a date, she would ask that we drop off at the grocery store and pick up "Del Monte Green Beans." The label had to say Del Monte...I think it was more to check out the time we got in from a date because she would be up waiting for that can of Del Monte Green Beans and would always say "Thank you" ....My Mom was a giggler. I can remember her sitting on a stoole in the kitchen, smoking a cigerette, and giggling at what my fiance at the time (now my beloved husband) would have to say. She thought he hung the moon and would probably have giggled over anything he said.

My Mom was one of a kind......I hope you love your Mom and enjoy her giggles or whatever it takes to just ENJOY her. I'll be talking to my Mother-in-Law and enjoying her exciting greeting to me "Carol, hello!!!!!" - she will be 86 years this year and of course is in a rehab center, but still loves to hear our voices!!!

Have a super Friday and enjoy your day!!!! Make it a good one while you're at it!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Personal Perspective

This is your basic attitude in life. How do you think? Personal perspective influences your thoughts, opinions, choices, actions, and ability to make changes.

Always be willing to see another perspective. Choose if you want to change and decide to change it - even if you do not know how yet. Stay connected. Keep change at the forefront of your mind by reviewing your lists daily. Add and delete things. Change will happen more easily and quickly than you anticipate if you focus and refocus on what you have written down.

The happiest people keep their mind learning. My goal is soul searching and spirit shining. I constantly face up to past disappointments and learn from them or adapt to goals that change the circumstances.

Be challenged to have fairness to all people for your personal perspective. Write down goals to achieve this. Build on positive challenges and don't be afraid to admit you have wronged in this area. You'll feel different and better!

One of the questions I ask ladies when they want help is "What is your answer to showing fairness?" Sometimes they look at me like "Dah, I don't know what you're talking about." Articulate those thoughts and e-l-a-b-o-r-a-t-e.

Something to think about on a Thursday, but make it a good day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blogger Buzzes & Mother's Day Question

Hmmm still have not taken the time to upgrade my blog but after reading the "Blogger Buzzes" I'm excited about learning and having fun with it!
Can't say thinketh me procrastinate : - )


Question: How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like He made me. He just used bigger parts.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, TCD!!!!! : )

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You Never Know..............

.....what a person is going through.....
Yesterday I talked with a person who was struggling.....
You couldn't tell by just looking.....
I told her she didn't have to carry that load by herself...there are
people who care.....after she vented, she said she felt a whole lot
better. My heart went out to her. It makes me wonder how many other
people are suffering and do not trust anyone to share it with. Hmmmm
Fact #1 - there really are caring people whom you can trust.
Fact #2 - there also remains people who go around causing what I call
a ruckus whom you cannot trust. (jealous because you can be
When I cannot trust someone I tend to ignore them.
I'd love to hear your take on this subject: Trust is something you earn.....especially if you've heard someone tell
something (Fact #3...heard it with my own ears) ....then go strict
boundaries to not trust that person until proven otherwise.....I will
let this subject GO because I'm looking forward to what lies ahead this
week.....our granddaughter's birthday and all the awesome Mother's Day
events we have at our church...yay!!!!!! And being a Mom to two tout simplement magnifique (totally awesome) kids is wonderful!!!!!! Have a fun Tuesday!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Motivating & Inspiring : - )

Several years ago I received the "Outstanding Speech Student" award at a College I attended. The speech I gave was to be motivating and inspiring.

I quoted the Founder and phenomenal business lady, Mary Kay Ash, of whom I was a Sales Consultant for her extremely successful Company, Mary Kay Cosmetics!

"God didn't have time to create a nobody - just a somebody. I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought into fruition. Every person is unique and special."

How motivating is that? Very motivating!

And the main point in my speech was keeping business moral in a positive perspective. And the point was to help workers gain confidence by building on their strengths. Think about getting Outstanding Employee of the Year because he/she would flourish in the system. We are all so very important in the scheme of things and should be treated like we are unique and special. Whether a person chooses to treat us that way is their problem, not our's.

And those are my caring thoughts today.............have a blessed Monday and know you are loved!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ask Your Husband, He'll Tell You The Truth

.....okay of the "luxuries" I have is getting my hair fixed. Some times I can do it perfectly, other times, it's definitely off to the hairdresser who cuts it precisely and exactly to my satisfaction. And, of course, I have been going to her for approximately two years. Some times I can't stand my hair falling down in my eyes, so I ask that it be off my forehead....what do I get? Falling down on she explained to me my hair tends to fall in place that way. I would never want a rift with my hairdresser; she has a license to do her job and I love her "laughing at my jokes" giggle. On the day we had our renewal of our vows in the church service on our wedding anniversary, she came over early and gave me a present of "fixing my hair with the veil top pinned down securely." Needless to say, she is awesome!

I shared it with my dissatisfaction about asking for the hair not to be falling in my eyes and that maybe I could do it better myself. He gave me a lil' sermon on "I love your hair like that and you look so pretty.....and no, you know you love getting your hair fixed by that Hairdresser....." So, once again because he was really telling me the truth, I'm just going to accept how it looks and be content with the fact that I love the process, how great it feels to have the fancy looking hair do......Hmmmm what women don't put their husband through, but I'm glad I can trust his comments...of course, always and forever. :)

Cya in Church......remember W.O.W. ladies....Trust issues today is the topic!

by the way.....I'll be transparent and say, Ladies if you are running around with a crowd that belittles, criticizes, or makes you feel like you have less than a great man, (your husband), steer another direction....that is toxic and makes you build walls of resentment, hate, and my words on that one!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Does Trust Have To Be Earned?

Absolutely, unequivably! Because she has proven herself to be untrustworthy.
.....or maybe so many lies being told.

We will be discussing this question with a panel discussion. I have chosen three ladies to be our "panel experts" on this question. Come on out....9 a.m. tomorrow to W.O.W. (Women of Worth) at Lighthouse Church. C ya there!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Every Person Who Is Put In Our Path.........

for a reason!

When we awaken to this fundamental truth, we begin to understand that a benevolent force of energy is available to guide and direct our lives.......God Himself....because when one has not spoken to a friend for a long time, a renewed friendship is always such a blessing and joy!

There are no coincidences........the way we view our life, who comes into our life and I truly believe it is for a reason, is a touch from God and this person becomes a friend that gives insight, support, and just plain ole' love and kindness. Though there be thousands of miles that separate us.....what a refreshing time of fellowship, friendship, and rejoicing!

I hope you have such a joy and blessing from a friend who "loveth at all times" as the Bible says. And of course it's do plan on having fun at the same time!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Choose your friends wisely. Make sure they are trusting. And for sure, make sure they don't lie. Lately I'm running into some people not telling the truth. Okay......offer a prayer up for me. Because that does get my dander up! Have a very truthful, honest day.....plaaaeeeeezeee!