Friday, July 13, 2007


In this day and age, that's a strange word to people who have not been raised up with the word. Lately I have had a lot of Ladies & Moms ask me my thoughts on this subject. At the mere mention of this word.....character, appears a puzzled look...........and the question that follows is what's that? I am proud to say that both of our kids were taught character. As we would spend quality time with two huge character books that instilled the value of respect of authority, responsibility, initiative, honesty, to name a few. In a nutshell my thoughts given on character are there is a great value system in place. I can still remember my husband saying regarding almost all the character traits......okay see that cookie left in the cookie jar...there's only one left so if he or I had said "Leave the cookie alone, please." The next time the family looked in the cookie jar, character was revealed by the cookie still being there. That is honesty and trust. Rather than get the cookie and make up an excuse why it was taken - obviously the character support given by the entire family that there was one cookie left - who took it? To me character speaks for itself - what you do when no one else is around. I would write a book on this subject, but as I mentioned, there are already books published. Rest assured character is not only needed, but mandatory! Have a super happy Friday. I know I will!

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