Saturday, June 9, 2007

Counting Blessings

Wouldn't it be great if everyone would begin counting blessings instead of griping about what they don't have? Grumbling, faultfinding and complaining.......leaves a down-attitude. Today I am counting my blessings and believe you me, there is a lot of them. I have the most awesome kids in the world, plus grandkids on top of that and a husband that I am eternally grateful for. Plus on top of all that, the people at church! Most of all, I'm counting my blessings for the many friends I have that keep in touch. Today I'm going to give praise to the Almighty God for all my needs being supplied and as I thank Him, the blessings will continue to mount up!!!! No wonder I'm up seek His count my blessings, naming them one by one! Glory!!!!!


Mary said...


You are absolutely right. I catch myself sometimes when I am in a quiet place during the days and I will begin to "Thank" God of whom he has brought into my life, such as my children, my family and friends. And the list continues on until I am down to thanking him for even the trees outside that gives us oxygen on a daily basis. Thanks Carol for your daily blogs of inspiration. You are a blessing.


Carol Donnelson said...

Thanks Mary!
It's a journey of commitment, love, extreme gratefulness and praising God for the grace and mercy He allows us to grow and draw from. Thank you again for your wise and admonishing words!