Thursday, May 31, 2007

Encourager Vs. Discourager

As one man told us - "When my mate encourages me, I feel like there's nothing I can't do! There's no mountain I can't climb or problem I cannot solve. I'm the man!" Nothing reenergizes more. I have an utmost concern for women who constantly "push" discouraging comments to their husband. The truth is the word "Encourager" is so foreign to them, discourage is all they know how to do. Come on now.......think a moment at this question: Do you look for opportunities to compliment him on his wisdom? Vs. "You don't ever know the answer to any question I am asking?" Bottom Line: Encouragement is to the soul what spinach is to Popeye.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Real joy is found within our own heart- it is a sign of spiritual maturity. Real joy is found in doing the will of God. Scientists have been studying the effect of laughter on human beings and have found, among other things that laughter has a profound and instaneous effect on virtually every important organ in the human body. Laughter or joy reduces tensions and relaxes the tissues as well as exercising the most vital organs. What is the source of our joy? Some are dependent on the mood of others to make them happy. When things do not go to their own liking they become hard to live with and often make the lives of those who are around them miserable. Then there are those who make our lives a joy just by association. When you are with them you cannot help but have joy also, for it is contagious.
My hubby and I were watching the weather report on TV last night and all of a sudden, we both started laughing at exactly the same time. We were actually laughing at the same thing! We both knew that the National Weather Guy was pronouncing a town wrong as we used to live in that state; so instead of criticizing him, we burst out in laughter. And then we "joyfully" started laughing at each other's laughing! It's definitely contagious to be joyful! Nehemiah 8:10b "The JOY of the Lord is ...... our strength! And as the song says "It's joy unspeakable and full of glory....full of glory......."

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Amazingly Incredible Sunset! Wow!

That's the best way to describe it! We had the privilege of taking a spin on the Lake yesterday and see the amazingly incredible sunset which was definitely a picture card keepsake! To top it all off, there was a Lighthouse at the end of the bend! The only word to describe it is Wow!
We are definitely thankful for an aha and wow moment to stop and reflect on God's great handiwork! Not only that, but a great time of rest and renewed spirit from a previous week of untold challenges. I can only hope your day was inspired, strengthened, and blessed as well.
My prayer is that we all will look forward this week of becoming a more productive, fruitful worker in the workplace or wherever we are privileged to serve!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Proverbs 17:22 keeps going through my mind on this Memorial Day. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Thinking of the happy times I had with my "Mamma" and visualizing (since obviously I couldn't go this year) her grave decorated in remembrance. Also, remembering the many other friends, family members, and co-workers who are with the Lord but thinking of the great memories they left behind.
I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: regardless of my past I look forward, this day, to what lies ahead. My gratitude list gets longer and longer for so many who care and God's love that is poured out continually! A merry heart.....absolutely!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Each day God gives me a challenge. (I actually ask for it!) Today's is disciplining myself to flourish in God by making advanced decisions about my spiritual life. Of course I am making an advanced decision about being in Church today. Instead of making 52 decisions to go to Church each Sunday, we made ONE many, many years ago! And I'm going to read my Bible, pray, journal, and spend time face-to-face with God, and seek to love. I was thinking - wait a minute, these are commitments, decisions that are not up for grabs depending on how I feel at the given moment. Just making the advanced decision(s), it is going to be much easier to follow through. I told a dear Lady whatever it takes right now to make marriage mutually satisfying and work by facing conflicts as they arise. Mark on the calendar "new growth...a better decision." I believe by making the right decision and experiencing a little discomfort, the whole rest of the day, even years would be better. This is delayed gratification as it pertains to decisions. When it comes right down to that moment when all of those emotions and voices are converging, it is easy to cave in. (Re: Even a decision about exercising) That's what I mean by advanced decision-making. It's already been decided, so don't even think about it. These little signals don't change the fact that I have already made a decision and that is nonnegotiable. See ya in Church - my husband is ending the "Elijah Series" today with biblical answers to depression.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Prayer does not cause faith (faith: Forgetting All I Trust Him!) to work, but faith causes prayer to work. One of my favorite scriptures is II Corinthians 4:18 "We expect His divine intervention while we choose not to look at the things that are seen but at thethings that are unseen, for the things that are seen are subject to change." Prayers to me are personal confession - I pray until I know that the answer is fixed in my heart. When the WORD of promise becomes fixed in my heart, I find myself praising, giving glory to God for the answer, even when the only evidence I have of that answer is my own faith. We have a God whose eyes are over the righteous and whose ears are open to us: when we pray, He hears us. My faith looks up to Him and my prayer is that He supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory! Today I'll be *much in prayer for services tomorrow as *much will be done to reach out inviting others to attend! (I love that word *much; it makes me want to do more .... to further the Kingdom!)

Friday, May 25, 2007


I love Outreach. The church will never die. It is eternal. As part of the church, I feel like my task is to step forth and share the good news of what God has done for us with everyone and anyone who will listen. There is an urgency in this when we realize how short life really is. When you feel reserved or frightened about testifying of God, think how you would feel if you inherited a million dollars. Could you keep quiet? Or would you shout for joy and tell all your friends the good news? I'm rejoicing as the heart of the Church beats stronger and stronger and God is glorified. The choice is your's. I can assure you at our church you will hear the Bible taught! That makes me want to reach out even more and have a huge vision to invite others and fill those empty pews and let others hear what I hear each Sunday!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The power of ONE Sentence

God is going to shift things around for you today and great things are going to happen.

Bigger Picture

Knowing there's a bigger picture allows us to be more peaceful and to learn as things begin to develop. Whenever we're pushing against what it is, as though if we tried hard enough we could force the tempo of change, we need to remind ourselves of what is right and fair. Then, as we work to address the negativity (belligerence, aggitation, frustration....) strength comes in from God as we learn patience, gentle spirit, and wait to see the bigger picture. A-ha moments.... Possibly a bigger picture is taking a risk.. doing a great thing for yourself or better yet someone else that offers many rewards. Right now we are already looking at the bigger picture (getting beyond ourselves) and expanding the sanctuary as we grow one life at a time! So many people have the "Me, my four and no more" syndrome. I always want to be a part of a bigger and better picture!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


My brother (who drove an 18-wheeler all over the U.S.) always commented, "You wake up with new optimism every day!" He couldn't have been more perfectly correct! Energy begats energy! I know some people who have never experienced ENTHUSIASM and that's so sad. A new day means I can experience excitement, new ideas, learning, helping, praying, and all the fun and challenges life has to offer. When asked what is your day going to be like? I would gladly reply- I'm being honored for being an awesome Mom by our daughter who was out of state on Mother's Day 2007. I thank God for having given birth to such thoughtful, kind, and amazingly incredible kids. Although they are in their adult years, they have tremendous respect for "their Mom" and that makes this new day the very best! Excited - you bet! As a Mom and I am polite to my kids, I show in the most simple and direct way possible that I value them as people and care about their feelings as well they care about mine.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Illustrations & Prayer

I love to hear stories (illustrations) because I feel like they mirror our lives. They present choices, surprises, mystery and adversity. The main character learns big lessons--or not. For better or worse, whether we realize it or accept it; we're part of an exciting narrative; big story or little - the great act of God gives an amazing context to each illustration.
Special Note:
We will hear many many stories about Jerry Falwell's life today at his we grieve with Macel, Jonathan, Jerry, Jr., Jeane and the amazing grandkids, in-laws, and everyone that knew him, over the loss of Jerry Falwell who also was a dear friend to us... I request prayer from you for all events. One of the great things about Jerry is that he was an avid prayer warrior and he always said "Nothing of eternal consequence happens apart from prayer." Prayers avail much. There would not be enough space on this computer to illustrate all I have to say regarding prayer. Great be continued at a later blog.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Congratulations Graduates!

I know this is a super great event for all of you graduating from High School, College or even taking classes and graduating over the web. Our grandson goes from Kindergarten to 1st Grade. I know when I was a kid, would you believe we even had Graduation with little cap and gown for that huge event! Congratulations everyone and may your dreams and prayers come true for whever decision you make with your life! You are fit and worthy. Always look for God's favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight of God! Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ! I Peter Happy Monday!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Serving Leftovers

Busy people rarely give their best to the ones they love. They serve "leftovers." Too drained, too tired or too preoccupied, they fail to give their loved ones the attention they need. I know I have shared something exciting during the day with my colleagues and friends and then when I got home, I had little enthusiasm (if you can believe that..) sharing it with my husband. So lately I purposely have begun keeping things to myself until I can share them with him first. That way he never gets the leftovers.
See ya in Church. Worship is only from 10-11 a.m. (Please be my guest(s) for Q&A afterwards.)

Saturday, May 19, 2007


We are faced with CHOICES many times each day. Upon arising we must decide what clothing to put on, what to eat for breakfast, if we are going to take time to pray and read the Bible, plan for the day and work...choices are necessary in every phase of our life. Joshua 24 re: Abraham; vs. 15 Choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I love that verse. All through life we must keep choosing. "Yes" or "No" are two of the most important words in our life. We cannot look back and wonder what would have happened if we had chosen a different path when we came to a fork in the road. We have to look ahead and make certain to choose the right path on the road we are traveling TODAY. One of my favorite statements when I coach women is "I wouldn't go there if I were you--it will cause chaos." Especially when they make downgrading comments about their mate. You cannot take back words that hurt. So...the choice would be to say something positive and uplifting. How about a meek and quiet spirit. Again, the right choice is vital! Strive to have peace and contentment. Hey - one other thing. If your choice is not to make a comment to my blogs, that does not bother me at all; my passion is blogging and my choice is to ENCOURAGE anyone who cares to read it! That's my choice and I am so very grateful and blessed to share my caring thoughts!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Carol Day

Good Day......I'm taking a Carol Day (have already been to Starbucks!)....Hair, nails (I don't do pedicures), Mardel bookstore to check out the latest beloved Lady books that are new. Lunch @ LaMadeline's my very favorite lady place in the whole wide world and topping it all off with a date with my favorite husband, confidante, lover, (he asked me out--some day I'll share it with you) (very creative I might add) and come home pretty late to check on the cutie pies (Chloe & Pixie) and then a great night's rest. It has been a rough week with the passing of our warrior friend Jerry.
One of my favorite passages is found in Jeremiah 18:1-6, specifically vs. 6 where God longed to make the nation of Israel into a people that would serve Him b/c individually we are Vessels meet for the Master's Use! See ya in Church Sunday and I'll be sure and share my Carol Day!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

He Lightens the Load.....just let Him!

God lightens the load and we truly need to completely trust in His time, His purpose, His way when troubles come. We need to follow each day in His footsteps. It doesn't matter where we stand: in poverty, wealth, fame, or glory. In everything we should put our trust in His care as He lightens the load. Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." No longer do we have to dig in stubbornly and claim our rights, because He goes before us and fights our battles. His burden is light......oh, do I love that promise!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tremendous Loss

What a shock when our Son called yesterday to tell us of the death of our dearly beloved friend and confidante Jerry Falwell. Then we received a call from Channel 8 news for our opinion of him. Although they did not show most of the interview with my husband, it helped to mourn the loss to tell of Jerry's great legacy. He definitely was a warrior for God and truly wanted nothing for himself but to see others happy. When our daughter lived in Virginia we went to see her, but also had the privilege of going to his 70th birthday party. One would think it was for everyone there instead of Jerry. That's how giving and loving he was. He truly lived up to the title "friend." We undergird his lovely wife, Macel, two Sons, one Daughter and, of course, their spouses and the many grandkids, in prayer over this tremendous loss.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Saying "Thank You"

It's such a great feeling to say "Thank You! It's when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you: perspective. If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is "Thank you," that would suffice.

Monday, May 14, 2007


One of my favorite Bible verses is "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." You can't know the truth until you're willing to know yourself-and vice versa. Knowing yourself is a lifelong process, with your biggest lessons often emerging from your biggest mistakes. Giving your power to someone else - believing that the love others have to offer is more important than the love you have to give to yourself. Is God waiting for you to tell the truth, to make a decision to pursue the life that was meant for you or be stifled by the one you are living? The truth is that which feels right and good and loving. Loving doesn't hurt. It feels really good. It's that which allows us to live every day with integrity. Everything you do and say shows the world who you really are. Let it be the truth!
(Added note: I hope your Mother's Day was super....mine was so incredible! celebrated Sat. & Sun....I have the greatest kids in the Universe, so loving and so thoughtful!)

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Motherhood is much more important than a role. A role is something you play; motherhood is something you live.....Motherhood is for real; roles are symbolic. Roles can be changed while motherhood is for life. Motherhood has had a rough trot of it over the past few decades, falling in and out and now has found favor even with pop stars who are willing to give it a go. I believe a Mother should give her children a superabundance of enthusiasm and support! I know my kids are grown adults, but I love them so deeply and I learned after they were leaving home to the adult world to give them "wings to fly." Though no Mom can make a brand-new start, she can start from now and make a brand-new ending! I love people, I love my Mamma dearly who is in Heaven and today I will give tremendous honor to my Mother-in-Law as I talk to her on the cell phone because she lives out of state.
I know many of us have already begun the celebration of our honorable day. Last night I was treated like a queen as my Son and Daughter-in-law took me to eat at one of my very favorite places and presented me with so much love and a fantastic creative gift I definitely appreciate. Since our Daughter is on a trip, however, before she left presented me an invitation to spend the entire day with me. It's like our Son always says, "Mom you will always be my Mom." And our daughter "Thank you for giving me life." Thank God for such truth! Happy Mother's Day! My next big event is celebrating all the Mothers at Church! See you at 10 a.m. :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007


One of the points I left off last night was "Patience." Our electrical power went out this morning and JUST NOW came back on. Waiting to write my blog has seemed like an eternity. I love the Bible verse that talks about giving grace to the humble. It means I should humble myself under God's mighty hand, that in DUE time (patience) I may exalt Him. I know there is going to be so much tremendous outpouring of love to all Moms which begins today and definitely tomorrow, so I'll just be patient because my husband has said all Mothers would be honored in a very special way tomorrow and a gift given to each one. Of course I will wear a white flower and he will wear a red flower. Happy Mother's Day to everyone! The day is ALMOST here! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Friday, May 11, 2007


When making a decision, all the facts involved have to be laid out on the table. It takes time to process the information and consider the possible repercussions or benefits of this decision. I worked at a place where my boss always said "Avoid the paralysis of analysis." Evaluating all aspects, to me, is the WISE thing to do. I constantly see people acting in haste and delaying too long to reach a decision. Perceiving what's best for all parties involved is a great undertaking. I am extremely grateful for God's guidance and direction in any decision making and always trust in the Bible. (Proverbs 3:5,6) Think about others and the consequences it brings when you make the right decisions today. I know I am! I have made a great decision to celebrate Moms and Daughters at a Banquet in honor of us. Let's face it, we're all either a Daughter or a Mom! What's my HAVE FUN!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


When I blog on being a Mom/Momma I'm reminded of the great promotion I have of being a "Grandma." Having several Sisters (literally in my family and Christian family) I have heard every title in the book! My Grandma was actually called Maam-ma - what a godly lady!!!! Now I could write an Epistle on being a Grandma with the two most awesome Grandkids in the entire Universe! They both offer a smile of delight, a soft cheek to snuggle, a warm embrace, and a proud gaze! Those kids are so smart - honestly from the first time their parents would drive to our home, each one of the kids when they were at a VERY YOUNG age knew the street their parents were turning on to see us! From the moment I became a Grandma I have cherished the chance to see a new generation grow, participating in each one's explorations and have experienced with enthusiasm (renewed energy) each time I see them! I manifest that love not only in hugs and kisses (& banana bread) but also in my consistent support in ANY AND ALL achievements. As I came to realizing what a miracle of God grandchildren are, my first articulated feeling was actually one of utmost respect! Of course our Grandson is only in K5 but when you come for a visit, I have an official Grandma Room! And our Granddaughter wrote me a letter and I have framed it - "Grandma do you know I love coming to your house. I love Chuck E. Cheese and the fun, but most of all I love you. I could go on and on and on but I don't want to write all day. I love you." There's a stick picture of us that she drew. Awesome!
Beauty is accepting what you, who you are.....a wife, Mom, Grandma, etc. Ugliness is when you try to be something else! We turn not older with years, but newer every day! Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I hope we don't get so wrapped up in nonessential stuff this Mother's Day that we forget to really enjoy ourselves - because it will be over before we know it. Live now and enjoy it! I can remember the year 2000 when I read in my Prayer Journal "It was a perfect Mom/Momma's Day" - our son calls me "Mom" and Daughter calls me "Momma." It doesn't matter what they call me - I know beyond a shadow or doubt that they love me and have shared that love - something to count on FOREVER! They and their Father have been the single biggest influences in my life! I have superb memories of love, laughter, and tears of joy as I reread cards and comments they have made to "Mom" or "Momma." I call them KODAK moments - and even though they are still here (the Kodak moments) I am proud - so proud to wear my new yellow t-shirt this year ---- "World's Best Mom" and cherish great memories of the Mary Engelbreit book called "Mother o' Mine" that they got me that year! I've decided to make every moment count with them, relishing each Mother's Day as if there would never be another. Breathe a great joy of being a Mom - Let go - remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure - TODAY! Happy Mother's Day early!!!!!! I'm really looking forward to celebrating Friday night as a Mom - that's for sure! And I know one thing for sure - we are all going to have a SUPER TIME! The ladies of LC have gone all out for us!!!! Today I honor both the mothers whose shoulders we've stood on and the daughters who will one day stand tall on ours.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I've had a busy morning with appointments, but want to pause a minute and thank each one of you (either by e-mail or blog). I have about eight minutes to write this. Prov. 24:3 instructs "Through wisdom is an house builded; and by UNDERSTANDING it is established." A house is built but a home is established. Understanding each family member and giving proper respect, to that individual along with wisdom and the right attitudes causes that home to stand the test of storms that will try to destroy the very foundation upon which it is built. In our homes or in our relationship with others it is needful to give understanding to the 'trifles' but they become unbearable if not removed. God is giving me patience today....I tried to place this in the category of COMMENTS and it has fallen under Posting. Since it's Mother's Awesome Week, I'd like to quote something my husband's Grandmother wrote to me: I'm 85 - I spent the first thirty hyears of my marriage expecting my husband to be more like me. I spent the next 30 years resenting that he wasn't. Young girls---and that's those of you under 80 - don't do that. That's not living; that's drudgery. You want to live. You don't want to drudge. Trust me. Understand your man and get on with life. She was 94 when she went home to Glory.


Don't make your husband a project! Making your husband your project says to him that he's not good enough as he is. It makes him feel mothered, managed, and demeaned. I was sharing my "admonishments" to Women and my husband actually said if a man feels like a project, not only will he not ask for your input, but he also won't receive it. The bottom line I get from this is: If you want a project, take up knitting! My great advice would be to have a servanthood attitude instead of making him a project-- ooops or is that a stranger in your home? If it is, reintroduce it. Oh, I'm thinking of one other for wives. Embrace the power of appreciation!

Monday, May 7, 2007


I am so excited for THIS great day! It's our Granddaughter's birthday and of course I became a Grandma for the first time and I can still remember it like it was yesterday! Going to the hospital and our Son coming out, proclaiming with great joy, it's a girl! She has always offered me a smile of delight, a soft cheek to snuggle, a warm embrace, a proud gaze! Each of these express the unquestioning love of me, the Grandma, and yet her love transcends a gesture. I have cherished the chance to see a new generation grow, participating in her explorations and experiences with enthusiasm (and that she has a lot of) offering steady encouragement at every age! (Actually she offers that to me!) Someone has said "When a grandchild is born, so are grandmothers." I believe that to be true and am indeed honored! Happy, happy Birthday our dear Granddaugher! I cannot wait until we shop 'til we drop!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Getting More Of God.......

As I was greeting one of the dedicated ladies in our church and gave her a hug, a welcome, and I'm so glad you are here ......she answered back - "Oh yes, I must come to church and get more of God from you and Pastor. " Although I enjoyed the compliment, I knew what she meant was that God is here! God is truly the one that sees the whole picture and honestly we don't. If we could, we wouldn't need God. All we can do is continue to trust the One who can see the whole picture. See you in Church!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

What does it mean to RESTORE?

The word RESTORE means to bring back to the first state of condition; to recover again. I've been reading the book of Psalms lately. In Psalms 51:12 it says "RESTORE unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit." God cleanses us and gives us a firm and fixed spirit. I've seen many women who like to restore old furniture. They strip all the old varnish and restore the piece of furniture to its original color. It takes a great deal of time to bring out the beauty that had been hidden for so long.
I received the most phenomenal e-mail from a friend I worked with for many years. At the bottom of her e-mail she had this question. "Did anyone tell you how beautiful you look when you find beauty in someone else?" That question gripped my heart. As I sum up the week, I think of all the subjects God placed on my mind to write and I would say RESTORE means to truly find that beauty in someone else and don't be so self-centered that our life is not experiencing the free spirit, the joy of the Lord and finding the beauty in SOMEONE ELSE. The worth of the soul to be RESTORED with the touch of the Master's hand is my heart's desire. Is it your's?

Friday, May 4, 2007


Kindness is a very rewarding characteristic. The Bible says "a soft answer turneth away wrath." Kind words are never out of place - they are always welcomed in my life! You never have to say I'm sorry for having said kind words. Some times we see someone being unkind when they deal with others. I love the words of a poem I read recently:
KIND WORDS: Pass along kind words you hear; we never know who they may cheer. They may give to someone's heart who's hiding - unshed tears. Kindly words will comfort us, and they may smoothe the path of someone who is near and dear. I know my Friday is as I call it "full to the brim" and I after looking at my calendar began the day with a prayer for people who find it very difficult to be KIND. Of course I immediately opened to Ephesians 4:32 "And be ye KIND one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God hath forgive you." Powerful! Have a KIND Friday! I'm going to!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


One of the keys to happiness is found in UNDERSTANDING. My husband's favorite verse in the entire Bible is Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own UNDERSTANDING." In our homes or in our relationship with others it is needful to give understanding to the 'trifles.' A speck of dust in the eye or a small rock in our shoe might be only 'trifles' but they become unbearable if not removed. I am quite sure UNDERSTANDING comes with time and experience. What you do not understand today you may understand tomorrow or even next year. Therefore, do not be frightening with little difficulties, but take heed to what you know and the rest will come in time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I want to pass on these quotes someone gave me on ENCOURAGEMENT.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”~ Mother Teresa
“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.”~ William Arthur Ward
“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


The world knows our accomplishments, we know our ambitions, God knows our motives!
Our attitude will determine greatly the success or failures we experience. I find the words written in Philippians 3:13, 14 a great source of inspiration. The people who have succeeded in every age are those who have been purposeful and maintained the right attitude.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


We talked and talked! I truly missed my husband and was so glad he got to visit the Ship he was on in the Navy! So many women ask me the question: "How do you get your husband to talk to you?" I always say "Do you know the meaning of an Encourager?" And their answer is always, "Not really." An encourager is one who gives strength, one who gives courage. His heart softens towards you as you encourage him. It is one of a man's deepest needs. I say "You can do it! I believe in you! You're the best! Trust me - it works!