Thursday, April 19, 2007

Intangible Tools of Love

We all possess the intangible tools of love, understanding, compassion, and faith. I read once Women pass on from Mother to Daughter.... an everyday level of practical caring and at the deeper level...This definitely is a teacher of love - the first teacher and the most important! But, send ME to love....and show that love. Why? To bring pardon where there has been injury in a life I casually brush against. Also, to help turn doubt into faith in a person with whom I live intimately in my circle of family or friends.....A-ha - to bring joy into a life, consumed by sadness, which touches the hem of my life. Send door, into the next room, to speak somehow to a human heart beating alongside mine. Maybe she needs a note of dignity, has a hopeless situation....send me to show forth joy and love that she has never had the will to want. Perhaps the most important love to be given is mainly to reflect your light in the darkness of futility, mere existence, and the horror of no hope. I see generations of women bearing a flame..handing it down from one to another ....never to be extinguished. The Bible teaches me to keep that flame of love alive! Sharing the love God has given is the greatest joy I have ever had. And to my husband, whose hard work, influence, and love can be found on every single blog, how did I get so blessed to have so much love. To him I say, I love you infinity x infinity. Spread a little love around today. Someone's life needs it. If nothing else, it comes back to me in so many ways. I tell you, there is so much joy to show in loving someone and the time goes by so fast! I am so grateful for love! I'm confident before this year is over I will have accomplished a goal: memorizing ICor. 13 - the ministry gifts governed by love!


Mary said...


This is a great post. I hope to pass on the passion of love that I carry in my heart to my daughters and my son. I really enjoyed reading this it was interesting.

Carol Donnelson said...

Thanks Mary. I know you can do it just in the fact that you are acknowledging your passion. Our kids are our best friends, trusted confidants, loyal supporters and always loving. In this post, I wanted to define some aspects of this unique bond of love.