Monday, November 29, 2010

Praise You Because Of His Confidence

Who knows all the movement of God's Spirit other than You? Can any see what Your planes are for the future? Does one person know the day of His return? There is no one.

I cannot fathom it....I only know You are my everlasting God. You never grow faint or weary in caing for any of us. His strength goes beyond all other means as we depend on Him. Even with all our technology, He is even greater. He controls the balanc eof it all.

Thank You for how You give me strength as I wait upon you for confidence.

This is why I praise you, Father. Through Your strength, I can run and not be weary. I can walk and not faint!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves.

by May L. Becker

Friday, November 26, 2010

Depending On Him!

Praise be to You, O Lord! How blessed I am for trusting and obeying you! What peace I have in delighting in your Word. In knowing and depending on you, I am free from all that worry and frustration. I'm free to experience a life of victory in you!

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because He trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:3-4

Thursday, November 25, 2010


We have a fabulous day planned! Sooooo thankful for our two kids and love, love, love them!!! And are VERY thankful for them!!!! THEY ARE SO THOUGHTFUL AND GRATEFUL!!! Marvelous!!!! So close a family!!! Hope your's is also!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What Are We Thankful For?

I'm thankful for my hubby, my kids, our devoted friends, and the families that live so far away. I'm thankful most of all for God's amazing grace that carries me through! I'm thankful we have the freedom to have our Bible with us. I sure wouldn't want to live in a country where they are not ok.

I love Thanksgiving and can't wait to see our family and be so grateful. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's and may God bless you greatly!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


2 more days!!! Are you thankful?

I am. We couldn't make it if we weren't. Every morning I am the most thankful person on earth! God blesses us as we abide in His will. We get so many prayers for us and God has His protection on us. Still serving God....still helping others. We are VERY thankful to our God for His provision, care, and love! I'm also very thankful for the every drop of food on our table. Thank you Lord, so very thankful!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Just ask God for prayers for families during the Holiday Season. God knows all about families and what they are going through. May He bless your home with so many blessings and supply your's and our needs. At that point, I am very grateful for the answers to prayer to happen! Always pray or/and journal your prayers. Then cross out when the prayer is answered. Blessings today to you!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Need To Share As Women

Sharing makes us understanding of the problems involved. What I'm trying to say is just this: In every age and in every culture women need each other to share, to comfort, to enccourage,, to help, to care. And if this is lacking there are serious consequences affecting not only the woman herself, but her home, her husband, each child and consequently her community and church. Strained relationships, sharp criticism, lack of appreciation, and wrong attitudes begin building up in minds. Molehills become mountains if women do not share.

Sharing reveals workable solutions as each listens to another's "how I solved it."

Sharing brings release as each unloads and air some concerns.

Sharing strengthens each other and thos who know God pray together. Asking for wisdom from God in sharing is the bottom line. Your take on this. I would love to hear it! Happy Lord's day!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Continued Contentment

Please send comments on why you are not content? I would love to blog that with you! Happy Saturday!!!! Enjoy your time off work! Thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate you!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Be Content!!!

Are you content?

Now be honest! When did you gripe last about those things beyond your control? You're too short, or too tall. You don't like the community you live in. You wish your husband would get a raise.

According to the dictionary, the word "content" is derived from a Latin word which means to hold together.

If you are content you are organized. Your thoughts are holding together in the situation. You think clearly about the situation. You keep in focus the true values of life. You need to hold together to be content, with yourelf with just who you are, with the unique personality qualities, and talents God has assigned to you!

You exist as you are. So accept yourself. Be content!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just Congratulations!!!!

Today is our 43rd wedding Anniversary!!! Wooo hooo!!!! Would you believe someone gave us a gift card to Outback.....we will be going at lunch since it's more economical!!! See ya tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is a Grandmother?

little bit teacher
little bit best friend
cheer grandkids on!!!!!
What feeling in all the world is so nice to have my grandchild's hand in mine? It is soft, small and warm. It is as innocent and guileless as a rabbit or a puppy or a kitten huddling in the shelter of my clasp!

Looking through the world through the eyes of a child.

The notes that are left that say "I love you grandma."

Can't you tell? I love it!!!! I have a lot of friends who are Grandmas....woohoo These darling precious angels are such a heart of deep love and watching them grow is the very best!!!! Fabulous!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being Happy!!!!!!!!!

What makes you happy?

Some ladies are happy just being home bodies. Not me...I have to GET OUT! I am a people person so I have to wander out and see what is up in the world! A friend of mine says she is happy just staying home and staring at the walls. Oh, no, not me. It would be "housebound" for me and I would feel closed in.

It makes me happy to check on people and see how they are doing. God can help me make their day. Not that I want all of the glory, I just keep thinking they may need encouraged! That makes me happy! ...and the grass is always greener on the other side! I've been studying Habakkuk, so I need to not only be happy reading this book in the Bible but if I can let Christ shine through me, so be it!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Precious Daughter!!!

I purely love so deeply our daughter. She is always taking time out if she thinks we need to talk and it hearts me because I miss her greatly!

We talked yesterday and just had a marvelous time. How about you? Do you have a daughter you can confide in and she has super support for you? I sure do and this morning I am just saying "Thank you Lord for raising a daughter who is so giving of her preciousness, love and amazing thoughts." We both needed it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Seek First To Be Understood

When you understand where people are coming from, what they are trying to say, what's important to them, and what they are trying to say, what's important to them, and so forth, being understood flows naturally; it falls into place with virtually no effort. Communication will break down, and you may end up with a battle of two minds.

I worked with a couple who spent the first ten years of being frustrated, arguing about their finances. he couldn't understand why she wanted to save every penny they earned, and she couldn't understand why he was a spend-thrift. After working with them, they have a nice balance between spending and saving. Seeking first to understand!

This will translate into better, loving relationships. Seeking to be the key to problems, victories, and a happy living!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Obedience is an Act of Faith

Essential element of our relationship with Him!

Romans 1:5.....believe and obey Him, bringing glory to His name.

God wants us to do everything He commands us to do.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Acts of Kindness

Even the smallest acts of kindness and encouragement can multiply inthe lives of others, snowballing into something bigger than we ever could have imagined!

You have never tested God's resources until you have attempted the impossible!


Today I've been invited to a lady's jewelry making show. I would never have enough in my budget to buy anything, but I can go encourage her by being there since she has invited me so many times. So, that should be fun. Of course, I will save my energy for FNDN!!!!! yea!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Being a Grandma

I offer a smile of delight; tons and tons of love, a soft cheek to snuggle, a warm embrace, and proud cheers! Love transends!

I cherish the change to see a new generation grow, prticipate in our grandkid's explorations and experiences with enthusiasm, and quiet comfort at every stage!

I love to gather words of appreciation and wisdom, to know it flows across the generations. I get to reaffirm my bond because of my past with Grandma's, reflecting on the past to inspire the future!

I love this part of my life!!!!! How about you?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Great Accomplishments!!

I corinthians 4:7 says we are no better than anyone else. All we all hve is God so why boast that you are the best!

There is a healthy satisfaction from accomplishment, which includes thanksgiving to God for what He has done through us. But it is arrogance to think we did the deed all by ourselves.

Give God the glory for all accomplishments! Yea!!! That's what I suggest! It works so great!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wow!!!! Happiness is.........

Getting so many comments on my Facebook. Yesterday I heard from so many friends and it made so happy!!! I am a "keep in touch" friend and when I hear, I just bust out in excitement all over the place!!! It sure makes me feel like they care and want what's best for me!!!'s spilling over in joy and happinesss even today as I begin the day! Thanks everyone!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Give God Your Faith

God does not look at your past mistakes and exclude you from His promises. Neither does God give you His promises on the basis of any good works. It is your faith in Him that brings God's promises to you.

God doesn't look at your Resume. He isn't impressed with your cuteness or your cleverness. God says, "if you will give me your faith, I will give you more for your future."

Romans condemnation ....walk according to the Spirit!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Great Evening!!!

Chef Hubby ended up having just chili and macaroni which was delich!!!!!!! Yummy....Baby, it's cold outside so it was delightful tasting. We watched the sitcom "Office" which I stayed awake for the entire 30 minutes. My eyes have automatic shuts when the TV is on. It always puts me to sleep, especially if I have eaten anything sweet.

Great evening! Ended with a phone call to us from our daughter, so I can honestly say the evening flew by!!!!

I'm thinking of changing my blog. I get so many comments about how positive I am, so I want to make my blog more personal and actually get some community involved. If we're not honest with each other and share, how do we learn to get over some of the pitfalls that wouldn't last as long if we just knew we're not alone...other women go through the same ills and great things that help women not get stuck in the same ole, same ole. What do you think? If you won't comment on this, plug in an e-mail to me so I can hear your heart! Happy Saturday!!!! And, by the way, FNDN was incredible!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Not Tell The Truth? (Cont'd) Thursday 4th & Friday 5th

Why do people lie?

Acts 20:30 says some will distort the truth in order to draw a following.

To become popular. In acts 5, Ananias brought part of the money to the Apostles, but claimed it was the full amount.

To make selves look good.

God is truth, so lying is in opposition to God. Truth always seeks what is right and good. Lying always seeks to cover up the truth. Proverbs 6:16-17 six things the Lord HATES - no seven....lies, haughty eyes, a lying tongue!

I would say women lie whenever they attempt to deceive God, others and their own self!

Truth stands the test of time; lies are soon exposed!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


What should be my highest priority?

To love God!

Mark 12:29-30 tells us how to develop the right priorities!

Seeking God and doing His will should be our first priority and will helpput all of our other priorities in order.

Proverbs 14:26 Those who fear the Lord are secure; He will be a place of refuge for their children.

Right priorities bring true happiness, joy, delight, and an abundant life.

What are your priorities? I will share mine: God (to keep my life balanced), my huband is next, then comes the kids, and then I prioritize my daily life. My home fits in there. Planning the evening meal, etc. Love, love, love priorities.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What does the Bible say about drugs?

II Peter 2:19 are a slave to whatever controls you.

And that is your MASTER.
If God is your Master, He will raise you up and encourage you, but drugs will only tear you down and make you a slave to their addictive power.

Have a happpy Monday!