Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Love One Another"

The Bible has so many scriptures to compel us to "love one another." We may not like their attitude, gestures, or rudeness, but God helps us put up with it because of love!

Love is kind; patient; understanding whether or not the person accepts it or not. We are still admonished to give love. Some of us - that is all we have to give.

Agree? I'd love to hear your take on it. Be blessed this Sunday!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Never forget: We go where our dreams take us!

Most of the thingw worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. That's negative! Let the power of passion, expect great things to lie ahead!

Don't let the negativity choke your dream! Find the willpower to achieve it!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Encouraging A Talented Granddaughter!!!

I'm up early; I could only sleep so long, but wanted to get up and send an encouraging card to our granddaughter who was a super actor in a Play she was in @ Middle School (or is it Jr. High???) last night! I always get that one mixed up!!! It was a great one act play and what was so precious is that her Dad and Mom congratulated her with bouquets of flowers when it was over. Now that just sends chills up my spine!! And I forgot my camera.....But it was an aha moment for sure!

I hope your Friday is filled with happiness and kindness towards others. Our granddaughter is so precious and super great in all things she participates in. Sure makes me want to get up early and get this day going!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Honor the Whole Team!

People who build successful teams never forget that every person's role is contributing to the bigger picture.

Some of the darkest days of Winston Churchill who was in Great Britain was the men working in the coal mines. Many wanted to give up their dirty, thankless jobs in the dangerous mines to join the military service. So He faced thousands of miners one day and passionately told them of their important to the war effort, how their role could make or break the goal of maintaining England's freedom. It's been said that tears appeard in the eyes of those handened men and they returned to their unglorious work with resolve!

Everyone needs encouragement. Just let someone know their work is appreciated is so effective! Enjoy your Thursday!!!!

Honor the Whole Team!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Be Blessed!

What in in the world does that mean?

Just exactly that! Blessed by the most wonderful of our precious Lord! Blessed means happy! I believe it it be blessed until your happiness occurs because as you make that statement, it seems that person does get blessed! We've been blessed beyond comprehension; I couldn't even begin to talk about it! So, when you see that encouragement, just bow your beautiful head and thank God because you will be blessed! Sometimes when we get blessed by someone, we know we truly see the hand of God on our lives and stop everything we are doing to pray and thank God! The encouragement of "being blessed" changes everything! Happy Wednesday! Look up "But, my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory." That explains Be blessed!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Adding to Life's Inescapables!!!! Dedicating This Blog!!!

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. I owe deepest thanks to a lady/devout friend for rekindling my light and I want to pray for her a fabulous day as her candles ae's her birthday today! Geneva, a valued "Commenter" on my blog! And she's also a twin! So both of you are wished a very happy day!

Here's Geneva: Does all the good she can, by all the means she can, all the ways she can, to all the places she can and at all the times she can!

When we were in the Pastorate, she gave countless hours to Administrative work at our church for my husband and me! And she never missed a day at Church Service for 52 weeks for several years!! (That also includes Wednesday nigh and early morning Ladies Women of Worth Classes! So faithful, creative, our right hand armour barrier, loving, and trustworthy!!!! May God bless you in such a very fabulous way today, Geneva, and may this be the best birthday ever! All honor and praise to the Lord for ALL the many many talents you have!!!!! With the incredible love of the Lord, I happily dedicate this blog today to you, Geneva, as you celebrate the big day and thank you for what you mean to our family!!!! Be blessed and blessed today!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Think of Joy for the Week!

I've never seen such a gloom n' doom world! Put that smile on this week and have great joy! how do you get great joy?

J - Just make it a plan
O - Others first
Y - Yourself to bring joy in whatever circumstances.

Now, that takes work, so remember - don't give in to gloom and doom!

...and from Monday to Friday have a very JOYOUS WEEK!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Great Morning!

Got texted at 3:46 a.m.

Never give up folks! God is in control! Already I have three answers to prayer. But, our commitment to go to breakfast is fast approaching; so what I can say is "Good morning and I am so happy I am a morning person" 'cause I've already been blessed!

Happy Sunday and remember to care about yourself and know that our God reigns in EVERY situation!!! EVERY situation!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where Is God When You Need Him?


When you need Him!

He was there all the time!

Call upon Him, He is there! Oh such love, peace, and joy! Don't let the grump-o-s get you down! And they will try to get you down! Pay no attention. God keeps you joyful and full of excitement for others. Selfish living will destroy you! Think of others and call them; do something to connect! Ask God when you call upon Him to help you through and not be so selfish and you will see such joy flow because your life is sooooo much better!

God is so wonderful; I can't explain - especially when you get your mind off yourself!!!! Where is God? In your heart, so be ever so appreciative!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

More Appreciation

People want to be regarded as human beings. Loved, appreciated! Not as sounding boards for other people's egos. They want to be treated as an end in themselves, not as ameans toward the gratification of another's vanity.

Happy Friday! You are special!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love & Forgive

A choice!

Do you see trees of darkness? Negative tree limb with no leaves.

How 'bout switching to positive thinking?

Based on truth!

You no longer have to be driven under a toxic brain.

What are the reasons that you do not love? ...or forgive?

Game plan is forgiveness.

We were meant to have a life of extraordinary lives! The woman brought her alibaster box and honored Christ; it was a testimony to her!

Where do we find God? Story about the woman at the well...look it up.

He loves you with an unfilling love!

External truth! ...and those are my thoughts...have a Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The Bible says "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus...." Ooooo I love that verse! Why would we want to change HIS workmanship? And then we helps us from the inside out to be the kind of person we should be! Sure the outside is there, but our behavior, our attitude, our realness on the inside is His workmanship!

Peeps forever ask me why I don't have gray hairs and do I want them? Bring 'em on!!! Our kids are always saying, "Mom you are such a superb Mom and Grandma...when are you going to get gray hair?" I don't know but when I get it, I won't color or cover it's me.....classy Mom and Grandma, are you kidding? As long as I fit the age and I'm moving on up to Senior, Senior Saint, I can still have an efferdescent personality or positive attitude, that I don't act like a fuddy duddy, old and no one wants to be around...

I remind myself every day when I look into the mirror.....I am HIS workmanship; my God is pleased!!! ...and of course my hubby is pleased also!!! yea God!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


You have tremendous power to affect the lives of people around you. Encouragement from you could be the difference-maker in someone's day, work or even life, sending that person in a whole new direction.

It's difficult to encourage people if you don't know what encourages them. Become a student of people....learn what makes them tick....know what lifts them up! God gives the power and grace! Just do it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

In The Spirit Of Love......

I don't have any problem at all saying "I love you!" In fact, it's very easy! There are so many who can't express their love. As I begin to get older, I feel it is mandatory! Of course I want to be remembered by truly loving and meaning it! But how about you? Do you have the spirit of love? After knowing I gave birth to a boy and girl (of couse, they are grown adults now!) I love both of them equally! And I do love them! And I want to continue loving and living a life of happiness, joy, peace, and contentment! All of these are examples of love and they are a vital part of my life! .....a great way to begin the week....yep, I have the spirit of love and not only the spirit, but the great feeling of having many more years to love my hubby, because I believe "Love conquers all!" When you love someone, there's no if's, but's, or''s such a feeling of happiness! As said on FB, woohoo!!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

God loves you and so do I! (See FB Mind comment!!!) I'm off to a romantic breakfast buffet!!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Encouraging Friends!

You are one of the greatest friends of all time. If you are reading this, I want you to know, you ARE my friend because you make me feel like a "somebody" whom you believe in and I need that! There are none in the humanly "down" position so low that they cannot be lifted up and none in the humanly "up" position so high that they can disregard God's point of view on their lives. The barren, the widow, the orphan, the eunuch, the alien, all modes of human hoplessness, are fruitful and secure in a friend's caring!

Sure Psalm 94 is one of the most comforting passages in the Bible, but the encouragement of a friend reflects on hope, in adversity. God delivers and you help me reach my goal. Thank you for rekindling my light!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Special Prayer Requests:

To name just a few......
For people having to drive on these trecherous roads with possible ice and snow.
Kids who can sleep in...looks like no school for all ISD's.
People who drive on it and go out to work will have perfect protection for safety.
Weddings on Valentine's Day, especially that the roads will be melted by then.
For other states where our families are as the snow is making it difficult. (& any who are experiencing power outages!!)
Health and strength for friends and family.
Peeps to begin reading the Bible. (Not boring.)
Just remember these prayer requests.

All because of His Amazing Grace,

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Our society has lost honor. Our President gets flack. Leaders are dishonored. Look at the positive side. If you honor your parents, now you have a promise to stand on! How do you begin to honor? Honor needs to be displayed in action, in words and in thought. Root of honor starts in the heart. I'm so grateful my kids honor me. I feel so respected by them.

Honor means "a valuing." Thought and heart is above action! Honor is a fear of the Lord. We have lost that. II John 8...How do we receive honor? Because we ARE to be honored. Yesterday I met with a friend; she had her friend there and my friend honored me and her friend followed. Because she saw the respect my friend gave me. After I walked away from them, I felt honored; they went all out, exploding in happiness that they hadn't seen me in so long; she (my friend) honored me so!

What is honor's reward?
right motivation
directed by the Spirit of the Lord
teaching character
God definitely
respecting elders

How about you? Are you around people that put pressure on you not to honor your parents, God, or friends? Take your stand for honor!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Interesting it an encouraging word?

I've often thought about it; and I'm thinking it is encouraging. It's determination that keeps us focused (i.e. I'm determined to run these miles, or get this finished) I'll just say I hope and pray you are determined to get your goals accomplished or tasks finished!

Any way you look at it, especially if it is in a positive way, it can add lots of happiness to your life. These days they call it "mind set." In the days I grew up, it was called "you're determined!!!" sometimes given in an angry tone. But, I'll leave it up to you to decide if it is encouraging.

Today I'm determined to get all my cards made, my hair looking beautiful (I'll be determined that the curling iron will work and my hair comes out perfecto!!!!) and accomplish organizing paper work for income tax. Plus the other great things today......happy Wednesday!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Winning creates breathing room! A good team with high morale will use that breathing room to take risks and try out new ideas, new moves, new concepts that it otherwise wouldn't!

In the end, high morale releases the team to reach its potential. Are you on a team with low morale? What can you do to turn things around? How do you get the positive momentum started? You start with encouragement! People who feel encouraged work a little bit harder. They feel a little bit better about themselves.

They start to believe they can win! Any little bit of success breeds more success! Help each person to make the most of his or her talent, and there is no telling how far the team can go! wooohoooo!!! I'm on the winning side; are you?

Monday, February 8, 2010

See Beyond Obstacles!

There are people who think seeing obstacles is a sign of maturity and insight. But anyone of average intelligence can do that. God wants people who see a way beyond the obstacles and who encourage others to take it. Isaiah 43:19

To be honest, until I write a letter to Career Builders and Docker that I disapprove of their gross and untasteful commercial on Super Bowl 44 with the people shown in their underwear! It was repulsive to me and I'm amazed that they were permitted to show it! Do I have an abstacle to overcome because of it? Yes and until we speak up, how will they ever know? Soon and very soon I will see a way beyond this obstacle and encourage anyone to write a displeased feeling about it also; especially if you thought it was not acceptable! Thank God it was in the voted "Most Worse" commercial!

Remember: Love makes all things worthwhile and beyond all obstacles! Six more days!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Trust God!

He will carry you through.
Never give up on Him!
Encourage Others because God is pleased!
Forget all - just trust God!
It's that simple!
Nothing else involved!

Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Marvelous Date Day!!!!

All day Friday.....oh did we have great fun. My hubby dreamed up this one! We're both hobby-ist, so we found a close by Hobby Lobby (I had gotten a gift card from a devout friend for Christmas) and as we were getting gas, we noted with interest the Catfish Restaurant was not there any more (in Keller) but the employee told us where they moved to so we went; talk about yummy and delicious!!! Then off to HL - of course Hobby Lobby (HL) had tons of ladies in there what with Valentine's Day coming up, so he started having fun with the staff there because he was looking for me a Chicken Lamp for the kitchen. And I was looking for Grandma and Granddog Valentine gifts and I can't even begin to say how much fun that was.

This did not end...then he had gotten a gift card from Olive Garden and he wanted to use it up, so at 5-p.m.-ish we went to Olive Garden. He drank iced tea and I had decaf coffee before our meal and we decided to text our daughter...both of us...and she just had a fit that we shared our FNDN (Friday Night Date Night) with her and the Grandoggies!!!! She and her "Pappa" are so close and she set it up so all he could do was reply, of course...but we passed around my cell phone which is the only texting phone; oh it was so phenomenal...I can't even describe the love going around at that table! The Server figured out what was going on so she chimed in!!!

When we got home, we rejoiced over such a super day; I'm positive there will be more of those....great romance and sparks in our eyes and oh do I ever love Valentine's day, especially being retired!!!! ooooooh yes!!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just Keep That Love Going!

When you love, you love! It's always in my heart to love! Oh, if only this world would just be loving and encouraging! Wouldn't that be tremendous; a world of loving and encouraging peeps! We could just be awakened, turn on our 'puters and see love and better yet, feel love. My love comes from God who blesses me with His love and viola!!! Can't help but keep the love going!

Enjoy this:
Happy the home where love is found,
Where lyalth, truth, and kindness abound;
Where God is loved above all others;
And children honor their faithers and mothers.

My home may be spacious, great or called small,
But when God is honored for love,
Faith will conquer fear and despair!

Just keep on loving!!! If I had more love to give, I would! Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are you hurting?

It's true! There are people who think seeing obstacles is a sign of maturity and insight. But anyone of average intelligence can do that!

What does turn your life around? Outward show of appearance? Having a large sum of money? Trying to keep up with what Society you dress or look? Are you hurting and secretly keeping it?

God wants people who see a way beyond the obstacles, learn from them! But, if you never admit you have issues, then how do you see beyond them? Do you still make the same mistakes?

I send prayers. concern, and love!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Adding Value!!!

Adding value is really the essence of enlarging others. It's finding ways to help others improve their abilities and attitudes. An enlarger looks for the gifts, talents, and uniqueness in other people and then helps them to increase those abilities for their benefit and for that of the entire group. An enlarger is able to take others to a whole new level......adding value! Can you do it? Of course you can! You can't be selfish though! You are valuable yourself, but when you are selfish, I want to be honest with one wants to be around you! Add value! It works!!! I wish I could post how many people send me "value" thank you, saying I am valued by them. It gets my excitement going and motivates me! Truly!!!! Thx all!!! I value you!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Carol Day!!!! : )

From sun-up to sun-down I truly had a magnificent "Carol Day!" I couldn't resist coming home for lunch. Let me explain. I ventured to Braum's and was going to surprise hubby with our most delicious lunch, at Braum's a hamburger and their melt in your mouth french fries that are served hot! But, I came up with a genius idea! A 1/6th of a pound hamburger and french fries lunch is $5.51 with taxes. Violla!!! I glanced over and saw they sell the very hamburger meat, buns, french fries, and even the shredded lettuce right there at Braum's! So I purchased a pkg. of buns, 3 lb. hamburger meat, shredded lettuce and french fries. The bill came to $6.16 as the hamburger was on sale! So if I would have purchased 2 hamburger meals at the regular price it would have been 3 times the buying and fixing it myself!

Next steps: I surprised my hubby, came home, and cooked the meal! It was delicious and now we have at least four more meals----what a savings of money!!! We had noon candlelight! Can't beat that with a stick!!!

Then I was honored on my Carol's Day at Petsmart for making the Management's day as I had written a fabulous, complimentary letter to the CEO of Petsmart on these people for helping me with my favorite hobby, getting my fishtank and families of fishes all set up. That's just incredible how they honored me!!! I never felt so important. It was a surprise, so I really didn't get home by the time everyone talked to me about 5 p.m. I can't even express how surprising and fabulous that was!!! Wow, wow, wow!!!!! What loving, genuine, marvelous people!!!!!

Was the day over quickly? Yes Did I have a fanatastic Carol Day? Absolutely
Did I get everything done that I wanted to get done? No....but I will look forward (oh so forward) to my next Carol Day and finish up!!!! What a day to begin February love month. wooohoo......I am a person most blessed!!!! And of course, I'm up at the crack of dawn and couldn't wait to share my eventful day with my Blog readers!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Love Month

Day 1....can't favorite month! Am having a Carol Day today....c ya tomorrow!!!