Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

A New Year!

A chance to begin anew.....

A chance to start over.....

Hopefully people who (as my Momma used to say) "tell fibs" will confess they were wrong and they are the ones that ruined the relationship.....that would be a Happy New Year Miracle!!!

But, just like my hubby says -- give them the "Yea...whatever" and go on --they have to deal with their own lies. Woooooo Refreshing!!!!

Okay that's negative.....but remember the New Year brings lots of joy...let that joy in and give encouragement to people. That's my goal......I have lots of joy to spread and am so grateful for God's love, protection, and guidance! He is there; call upon Him....He is the who rescues us when we mess up!!!! His word has the answer to every single issue in anyone's life!!!

Maybe this is the year, you will become what you've always wanted to be.... and in true honesty do it right, so you don't have to be so controlling and be happy for others .....that in and of itself is wonderful! Happy New Year!!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Just a quick blog while I await the household starting the day.

I am a grateful person! Are you?

That's survival for me. Struggles...yes...especially needs are being supplied! My gratefulness is moved into motion to send Thank you cards which I have begun today.

Tieing up loose ends to begin the New Year......are you?

Have a very happy Wednesday and go with me on this magnificent trip of gratefulness!!!! wooohooooooo ...a safe, terrific trip!!!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


FABULOUS Christmas.....visiting with family....if you don't see a blog.....fabulous, fabulous, fabulous covers it all!!!!!! As Pamela says, Peace, love and joy...some times I try to do love, peace and joy....but a lot of people are not to begin with at peace, but I know for a fact that I ALWAYS love, but she is right peace should be first; that way no NEGATIVITY gets in the way!!!!!!! Thank you works...peace, then love, then joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Each One Of You!

May the God of this fabulous Universe bless you in many many ways today, and tomorrow. I am so grateful for my family and friends; I am delighted and loved by their presence.

Merry Christmas Each and Everyone One of You!!!! I'll be back Saturday!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

1 More Day!

Of course, I'm looking with great anticipation to one more day and we will celebrate our Christmas with our kids and grandkids!!!! My heart is jumping with joy!

Giving thanks to God's blessings! As they say in the country, "You ain't seen nothin' yet 'til you see my family together." SUPPORTIVE, LOVING, HAPPY FOR EACH OTHER, CARING.....That's what we taught our kids and believe you me, it comes out when they are around us, paying us back for what we stood by them to see them through! All those qualities and more.

I am so happy when I'm cooking. My parents used to say I was born a cook. I want to serve and make sure the people are eating what they like....not what I like, but what others like.....My list is on the counter ready to cook tomorrow. And I'm happiest when it is traditional, which it will be....God richly blesses you when you think of others first during this wonderful season! Merry almost Christmas Eve!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Great Encourager For Christmas!

Luke describing the birth of our precious Jesus!

Jesus is the reason for the Season! As Pamela states it, brings joy, and much peace!

One a perfect example to follow! So many times, he humbled himself!

Merry Christmas everyone and love one another!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Joy of Friends!

We had our devout friends over last night for dinner! Grrrreeeaaat fellowship, love, food, and encouragement was shown to each other and we shall go into the Christmas week with tremendous memories.

The joy of friends.....we cannot thank them enough! Have you ever been around someone that "makes your day?" Well, they do! But, yet they say we do!! So it was mutual understanding from all of us! I'm relying on Psalms 35:9; And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord! Joy definitely describes it! We have never seen such talent! There is not anything they cannot do. Praise God to get our fabulous Christmas going this week and our hearts are overcome with gratitude for them taking time to come for dinner and spend time with us! : ) Smiles, smiles, smiles!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Things!

"Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

New things turns things around!

There are people who think seeing obstacles is a sign of maturity and insight. But anyone of average intelligence can do that. God wants people who see a way beyond the obstacles and who encourage others to take it. Reach out and touch .... some weary life today. It's time! (Eccles. 3:1-8-9) Blessings, Carol

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Cards!!!!

They are by far the greatest encouragement!!!!!


Feel the love!!


So Warm and give me chill bumps.....

Just amazingly incredible!!

Pictures of fabulous people!!!!

Beautiful and loving signatures.....

Sent with incredible messages!!!!

Thank you everyone......we are blessed!!! and appreciated one zillion percent!

Friday, December 18, 2009


The way I thrive........
Have you ever seen a person who is not having a good day and then you compliment them and what happens! Whoa!!!! This brightens their day!

In my lifetime at a church we had in New England I started a "Compliment Club"....
talk about fabulous! All honor and glory given to God. We can LIFT people up or take people down in our relationships! A great friend I have acquired through blogging and Anne introduced me to and her name is Pamela.....she is on as a friend in FB. She is, even on FB, a complimenter in front of all those people (even my family) and I love herg compliments and encourages to me (right out in the open!!!) FB!!!! Some people cannot go out in public and compliment another person, but she is so genuine about it - she is what I call PROACTIVE. The world is starving for compliments. But somebody must start the ball rolling. Our Sis-in-law, Debbie compliments me on FB. Trust me, not for glory of Carol; but being retired and all the years put into the UPLIFT part, I embrace compliments and that's the raw truth! Geneva, my husband's Administrator at the church compliments me....she's another one that stands out and such an encouragement to me! Thanks precious ladies!!!!

Here's another gut level truth. I believe we must account for every idle word - so we must for idle silence.

Let this soak in....and know God is pleased....very well His pleasure!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Great Things!!!

I Corinthians 2:9 "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

My favorite verse for great things happening to me! Do I love Him? Absolutely, unequivably!!! For certain!!!

Someone once said an automobile goes nowhere efficiently unless it has a quick, hot spark to ignite things, to set the cogs of the machine in motion. This scripture ignites the fire for me! Everybody needs something! I need great things to happen! And I see them happen right before my eyes when I embrace the above scripture. Do not discount the fact that you need encouragement. That's the great things I enter into my private prayer time because I do love God and I want Him to bless me. I also want Him to bless you! Look for it today! No bahumbugs for me today.......I will praise Him for "great things!!!"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


wooohoo.....Sarah, a fabulous blogger had this on her post and I want to share it with my readers:

"Joy is a Symptom

The times in my life I’ve been the most joyful, it hasn’t really been a choice.

It has been against my will.

People say that love is a choice and I’m confident that’s true. And I guess that joy can be a choice in the same way. For example, I choose joy over self-pity, happiness over sullenness and delight over disdain.

Yes, sometimes joy is a choice.

But more often for me, joy has often been a symptom…"

Oh, do I love this!!!! And I thank Sarah for putting it there. I constantly check my JOY thermometer to see how high or low I go!!! Do you? Don't let the Grinch steal your Christmas. Don't let anyone steal your JOY. Occasionally when I don't hear from someone, and it almost sounds purposeful that they leave me out, the first thing that really gets to me is am I showing JOY even though I'm hurt over it?

Some people have never ever experienced JOY and that is so sad. God has made me to always think of others first and to see the JOY on their face is worth having JOY.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This is What I Do For Encouragement:

People get downhearted........encourage them!

People seek models to an example!

People want to be associated with them win!

Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from somewhere where they are saying
make me feel important......never forget the message to give....You add value to others!!!

Encourage them to get caught up on Bible reading.....oh so peaceful and annointing!

Happy Tuesday.....May you be blessed THIS DAY!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Count Your Smiles!!!!

Count your Smiles instead of your Tears
Count your Courage instead of your Fears.....Author Stephanie

I found a note my hubby had written to me about three years ago and he had tremendous words of encouragement regarding my smiles. They make his day.....Oh, the note was so loving and fabulous! It started out "My Dearest Wife..." so you can just guess how marvelous it was.

That boosted my spirits pretty far up! Of course, peeps that know me, know that I am not a gloom and doom person, but I'm human and just like everyone, we all need some stroking! Remember to smile and I picture a kid opening his/her present at Christmas and that bright, shining smile comes across their face...I mean SMILE! Enjoy your Monday!!!! : )

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Encourage Ill People!

Get the card in the mail, immediately! Even if it is Sunday! There are mailboxes everywhere to drop it! If you look at the lives of people who accomplish great things, you will find Encouragers who helped them along the way even while they were ill.

Who can you encourage to do great things? Who has God put into your life to cheer on, raise up, and assist them on their journey and perhaps they are going to be ill for a short time, but need your prayers, help, etc.

Help others to do the things God created them to do on the road to getting well, and you share in their achievement of wellness! I take potato soup, saltine crackers, and a tad bag of fresh fruit to people that I find out are ill. Of course I don't go in the house, I drop it off at the door. It's such a humbling experience I almost dislike mentioning it.... because it's such a natural and I just want God to get all the honor and glory.......but just want to give you an idea of what to do. My heart goes out to them - even the smallest acts of kindness and cultiply in the lives of others, snowballing into something bigger than we ever could have imagined!

Bless them Lord and please make them well.....sooner.....give them strength to the max!!!!! Prayers, many prayers for those that are ill today; rest, rest, rest and I do send my encouragement to you that in no time you will be up and at 'em!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stick To Your Plan Today!

Those are encouraging thoughts my ladies!!!!

Stay on your plan or you'll mess up!

Make a List! That's what I do.

I refuse to spend away from the budget!

Come on! You know we can do it!

Don't detour!

Be tough on yourself!

And stick to your plan today!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Encouragement to Leaders

There's a lesson about leaders. Leaders can win the confidence, trust and friendship of the people they lead by taking the spotlight off of themselves and putting it on others. In fact, this priinciple works in all areas of life!

Philippians 2:3-4 "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition of conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."

Everyone needs encouragement! Just letting someone know their work is appreciated makes a a TEAM run more smoothly, becoming stronger and more effective.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


There have been very few challenges in my life I haven't met or exceeded.

mostly driven (ahem....unhealthy) lives of competition; I find a goal that's just a little bit out of my range, but not completely unimaginable.

let's design some cool cards for family and friends. check! (done)

send a blog daily for encouragement....yup!

trying to write and publish a book....Humm.

thus, taking a writing class at the Sr. Center...check

retired so that I a honey bear in a real sense to hubby.....yup

and be free to be meet the challenges and still helping ladies along their struggles!

We are all challenged - it will change your way of thinking and doing!!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ultimate Priority!

I'm not suggesting that your life has to take on an air of false piety. But it only stands to reason that if you will make the pursuit of God the ultimate priority in your life, that decision will inevitable make an impact on the precious children He has entrusted to your care. You don't have to stand on the street corner with a "repent or perish" sign or force your kids to become professional preachers. But you should make every effort to live the Christian life boldly and intentionally and to share the love of Christ with the friends, extended family and other acauaintances within your circle of influence. One of my biggest suggestions I tell ladies when they come to me and say they are loosing touch with their kids is to make sure they live their faith. Kids see phoniness a mile away. So, make it your ultimate priority! Even our grandkids...if I don't suggest to have nighttime prayers or prayers at the dinner table; they will remind me...."Grandma, we are going to pray, aren't we?" That's my encouragement for Wednesday. Have a good day!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Staying Focused!

1. Stick to your goals!
2. Stay focused on the main priorities!
3. Remember your core principles!
4. Matthew 25 - read it - talks about staying focused!

There are so many issues that people need to tackle and they are all worthy and serious concerns: religious persecution, the environment, the tax burden, poverty, war, and the list goes on and on. And that is why we need to stay focused; because they have a direct consequence for each one of us! Have a blessed Tuesday!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Be gracious! Lately I have run into not so gracious people. Hmmm - Christmas spirit? I don't think so. Example: Photo machine at Walgreen' Associate was assisting me with my buttons to push to get my project to come out right and some guy appeared out of the blue and proclaimed that "hurry up, I don't know how to do this (swear word) thing!!!" and the Associate didn't even move; but I said "I'll only be three or four miutes." He went to the othe machine and started to push buttons on his own.

I was gracious.

But, it was a choice, even if I was gracious, would he make a slam in anger because I even said something? I think judging ourselves to see if we really are gracious so that it doesn't explode with someone. Ot always pays to have graciousness. We can make a difference in someone's attitude, if we are nice when someone is not so nice. It does work. Even with co-workers and family. Have a very happy Monday!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Encouraging Word: Transparent!

Transparent....a foreign word to a lot of people. To me it means do not be phoney! Okay I love that!!!! I live in a "glass house" - very transparent and don't mind that I share the awesome truth with people! I am not lukewarm about my relationship with God....some people panic rather than pray, and be real in Christianity and I'm sure it makes kids shy away!

I'm not suggesting that your life has to take on an air of false piety. But it only stands to reason that if you will make the pursuit of God the ultimate priority in your life, that decision will inevitable make an impact on precious children and all people you come in contact with. You don't have to stand on the street corner with a "repent or perish" sign but you should make every effort to live the Christian life boldly and transparently intentionally and to share the love of Christ with friends, extended family and other acquaintances within your circle of influence.

Embrace this perspective; I dare you to! You have a better chance that you will feel more grounded and committed as a follower of Christ at church or wherever you are! Even on Facebook!!! woohooo Be blessed this Lord's Day!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Are You Organized?

I'm surprised my Momma didn't name me Carol Organizer Donnelson! What really makes me feel good is to organize!!!!!Getting your home to support you, instead of having to look for something and waste such precious time!!!! So, I started feeling better since I had the crud and decided to organize a cabinet in our kitchen. It's done and ooooooo it looks fabulous! I do have a reputation of moving furniture...but since I exercise and work out and then move furniture, it's not on my agenda these days! So, I hope this encourages you to fix (ooops) organize your kitchen so that it dosn't wear you out when you begin to bake for the wonderful Christmas Season. By the way, after I had the support of the kitchen, I made peanut butter cookies so my hubby could smell them when he got up! It worked!!!!! He smelled them. mmmmmmm good! Now I'm going to sit, eat the cookies and watch the Adolphus Christmas parade that my kids and some of their friends were in a few (I thought I would say few in stead of several) a-ha.... years ago......I love parades!!! This one is a great one!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Speak It Today!!!!!!

Speak up TODAY, Friday and say something positive!

I had coffee with a lady who recently moved to another town and she confided she felt isolated and lonely. I advised her to start her own Compliment Club and for the first few days, do nothing but practical compliments to her self. Her praise to herself may byoy up the morale of lonliness and struggle past it and begin to do good deeds for others. I told her some stories of how God leads me to brightens someone's day or I'd be in that category. LONELY! Too negative and ugh is my response!!!

I find that compliments have a positive impact and the experience made an even great impact; it's a principle that works.

Try it, the world is starving for appreciation and hungry for compliments. But somebody must start the ball rolling and I don't mind and before our coffee was over, she said she wouldn't mind either! woooohooooo Another joining the "Lonely Club" (oooops I mean "Compliment Club".........yea!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Being a it!!!!!

I have tons of "Grandma encouragement!"

When I first became a Grandma; of course Taylor came into this world and I will never forget the tremendous feeling I had at the hospital when our Son came out and said, "She's here!" Now, she is still amazing, fabulous, and brilliant! From day one, she has always been a delight! Of course our grandson is equally as brilliant and I take major pride in these two awesome grandkiddos!!!

Here's my encouragment for the day and your's if you are honored by being a Grandma. This is out of the "I love you, Grandmother" cards that both kids got me when we had a "shop 'til you drop" a couple of years ago at a Mall.

"Nothing you do for grandchildren is ever wasted!" I like that!!!!

So, today is "Carol's Loving To Be A Grandma Day!!!!" woooohoooooo and this is how it feels: Our grandkids steal my heart and take my breath away!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Making Someone Feel Important!!!

Just DO IT! I visualize something happening. Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from her/his neck saying - make me feel important! Never forget this.....when working with people! Simple message, but try it, you'll be happy because it's such a great feeling to know you initiated it! Make it a super great day not only for yourself, but some one else!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

900 Post!!!!!!! wooohooooo

Can you imagine? 900 times I have sat in this chair and my brain early in the morning functioned to write a blog!!!! I'm patting myself on my back!!! yea....I cannot thank our Son enough for putting this blog in for me and have never regretted writing one word!!! So I'm celebrating me today and the Lord has given me so much wisdom in encouraging! Why write, I would rather leave a legacy behind that I was positive for the cyberspace world! This world has gone that way, so I'm thankful I could be of help to desolate souls! Trust me, we all need encouragement! I know you would agree! Encouragement changes everything! Actually our daughter came up with the phrase Blogger: Carol's Encouraging Thoughts, so I've been challenged every single day by the kids we raised and I am so happy!

Thanks for reading my blog.......I am so blessed.