Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Keeping Spirits Up

I've found there are at least two ways to keep my spirits up and my heart cheerful, even in the face of the worst pressures of daily life. First of all, I WILL myself to thinking positively. I deliberately choose to concentrate on those things that are uplifting, and I push the negatives right out of my consciousness. Second, to reinforce my individual efforts, I try to spend a fair amount of time in the company of those who think positively, those who encourage me to stay buoyant and hopeful, no matter how gloomy things may seem. Top it off with Proverbs 17:19-24 and your spirits WILL be up as well as mine!!!!!


Angie said...

My favorite uplifting verse is in Colossians 3:1"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."the whole chapter is wonderful. Keep up the great encouraging thoughts.

Carol Donnelson said...

Ooooo that's a super great verse, Angie! Thank YOU for encouraging the encourager! You are always a blessing!