Thursday, April 30, 2009


Every day, passion speaks to us through our feelings. That's why when you allow yourself to become anesthetized by what others think, you literally block yourself from living the life you were called to live. I promise you that if you make a choice that doesn't please your mate, your friends, or whoever, the world will not fall apart. The people who truly love you want you to love yourself. And as you become clearer about who you are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you.

Extend the love you have to others. That's what I do. If they accept it, great; if not, they loose out. Your feelings are fickle sometime, but still allow yourself to give love and by all means try it, if you have not. God is always there to help you. I admonish to give your feelings to him and He will make your day brighter.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Get Focused - First Excuse and Lies

Where is the first excuse in the Bible?

Genesis 3:12 - It was the woman you gave me who brought me the fruit, and I ate it.
Adam made the first excuse. He indirectly blamed God for giving her to him. Then Eve blamed the serpent. Both tried to excuse their action by blaming someone else.

What are some example of other people who had poor excuses?

Genesis 16:5 - Then Sarai said to Abram, "It's all your fault!"

Admit when it's your fault. Hey ladies - a lie will get you nowhere! Get focused Mothers!!! Especially if your kids catch you in a lie. The truth will set you free!!!! You have my prayers and support on that one!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Positive Attitude.....I strive for this

...having a positive attitude not only takes the limits off what God can do in and through us, it also helps us see our circumstances from God's perspective and enables us to enjoy our everyday lives! I memorized this from a speaker I heard once and believe you me it works!!!!!!! (Try it, you'll like it!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Have Faith In God

He will see you through your struggles.
He'll never give up on you.
He'll give you faith, not fear.
Just trust Him!
Happy Monday!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yea - It's Sunday!

God is great!
c ya at church.................W.O.W. today......
Great music!
Great message by Pastor Jim!
We've had our adorable, cool, precious, extremely smart and alert grandkids this weekend! I could blog hundreds of pages on them.....instead I'll just close with this statement and they chuckle when I say these four words: They rock my world!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Priorities..... written straight from the heart!

Keep your priorities today and don't get side-tracked. If you promised someone something, keep your promise. By all means, make your list and cross off what you promised and the list just gets shorter and shorter. I could write a book on priorities. Most people have not one single clue as to what it means to prioritize. That means to tackling the task and rid yourself of things that annoy and the "put-offs" for too long list. Keep a great attitude and face the challenge with a cheerful outlook and it won't be long until the impossible task is DONE!

Write down six things you must take care of TODAY, tackle them, and mark off what is accomplished! By all means, make yourself a priority and do something you enjoy because you're the only you there get that make up out, doll yourself up, and be proud that you have the ability to live a super great life with God at the helm! And when you are tackling the toughest task, remember to say "Thank you Lord for the ability to multi-tasking and you have given me the Love for others, to pass on a cheerful attitude." And by all means, be grateful He has given you great health and a sound mind!!!!! : D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Book of Jeremiah Just Rocks My World!

You think this day and age is weird....just read about Jeremiah in the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament of the Bible! It rocks my world - talk about calling on God! Yeppers! If you don't have time to read the whole chapters, just pick out one! He wrote a letter to captives of Babylon!

Jeremiah 29:12 - "Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray with me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." He always sent encouragements - such a comfort! That's why it rocks my world!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

God is sooooo good!

He is always there for us. All we have to do is call upon Him. My favorite scripture is Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee mighty things which thou knowest not." I love it! All we have to do is A - S - K. How many will take the time to do that? I do and I brag wonderfully because it is when I see answers to prayers. Perhaps someone has not been been feeling up to par or they need an exact prayer request. I take it to the Lord and leave it there. Then I will hear they are feeling better. I lack patience sometimes because I pray the Lord will heal him/her before they have to take OTC medicine and are in a daze.

How about you? Do you call upon God when you need Him? I know so many of you are shy about commenting to my posts, but I can rest assured I will hear from you via e-mail and that's okay. Blessings for a super great Tuesday! He has answered prayers already this week for me! Thanks for your uplifting prayers!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Blessing Plus

Living off yesterday's blessings.....
The Band was a blessing Plus.
Today is take it easy day and enjoy the blessings we received.
Plus everyone loved the sandwich bar which I set that's even better...full tummies, blessings, and hearing a message that knocked the socks off us!!!
I'm so glad you were a part.
Have a super week - an encouraging word would be - don't let drudgery and drainy people take your blessings away. Always look up and be grateful for your talents and intelligence. I'll be writing some information for a pray my brain gets in gear and it doesn't take that long.
Keep on blogging......this is a blessing!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

You're Missing A Blessing!

Yesterday hubby and I sat and enjoyed immensely the Worship Band that is performing today at our church. Such talent! Amazing! They were playing R&B worship....come on - just awesome!

Starts at 10 a.m. - over at 11 a.m. then we have Q&A --and fabulous Sandwiches (turkey, ham, balogne, roast beef) - as we say in Oklahoma, "Can't beat that with a stick!" Come on out! Casual, just be yourself'll love it! Yesterday I called a total of 22 people who say they are coming out for sure! C ya there!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is There A Getting Out?

Yesterday I watched the Oprah show and she had the co-founder of Twitter on there. This thing boggled my mind. Anyone at anytime can get on and find out what the other person is doing AT ALL times. As much as I truly love to connect with people, that would be a bit too much. How about privacy? And would you really want the world to know what you were doing every second? Hmmmm I'm going to have to check this out; although it substantiates it's reasoning. My other question: Do you have to have a Blackberry to get on it? 'jez curious. It's up and coming and if you want with the program, you have to get in on it.

I'll check it out a few times. I do have some friends who blog and have Twitter also. Hmmm Today the Worship Band is coming to set up at our church and will be playint tomorrow in Service. Make it a point to come and hear them. They are awesome! Plus plan on staying afterwards for Q&A. C ya then. 10 a.m. Come early and have coffee with us!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Heart of Compassion

If you ever read the book of Colossians in the New Testament, you will find great things (very positive) and I can list a few. Have a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing one another, forgiving one another because the Lord forgave us.

Even yet, beyond all things above it says put on love, let the peace of the Lord rule! We should all (as Christians) be in one unity on these things, to build up the body of Christ. It makes the joy of the Lord complete. And if you really want to know about all these subjects, come to Lighthouse Church on Sunday where my husband is continuing the series "JOY" from the book of Philippians. C you there...this Sunday is the Worship Band performing.....awesome! 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life as a Journey

Failure is just a way for our lives to show us we're moving in the wrong direction; that we should try something different. I was recently reading about a Professor to MBA students ask her students to create a "Personal Development Paper." - In other words a vision statement for their lives. Many of the students, some of the brightest minds in the country, wrote about life as a journey with its own process for success. Yet some talked about how terrified they were at the prospect of failure.

If you really believe life is a journey, then you recognize that not all journeys follow straight roads. You can count on the curves, bumps, detours, uphill climbs - and even the downhill slides. But the greatest lesson is to do your best, ejoy the journey and then release all attachment to what is to come. Let it be. And be comfortable with whatever it is. If you make choice thqat doesn't please your mate, friends, or whoever, the world will not fall apart. Enjoy the journey! Be sure and take your Bible with you! (My study on Proverbs that I'm doing now is awesome!) That's a great book in the Old Testament.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Respecting My Husband's Space

My computer is down. So, we plugged in the laptop to charge the battery. In the meantime, I'm using my hubby's awesome computer with a huge monitor! (I'm getting spoiled.) Naturally I'm in his office and it intrigues me. Of course, he is a computer power point genius (& downloading music) so I dare not crash the way, for the life of me I can't imagine why mine went down. It was working so great! I had called tech support and after that it was worse! I'm not sure if the whole thing got wiped out or a virus was in the process......

It's homey in here. He has his office organized just the way he likes it. Of course, he has a lot of pics of me on his desk. Trust me, I respect his SPACE and leave it maticulous when I finish checking e-mail, type, blog and the other reasons to use his computer. Am I grateful? Absolutely! So....if I don't get around to answering your e-mails, please forgive. I will catch up, I promise.

Here's a note of encouragement: God's Word is sticky. That's why we labor it in, to study its depth, to uncover its riches, to declare its authenticity, to proclaim its authority AND to allow its power to impact lives. Have a dose of Proverbs 3:5-6 today. Awesome!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Honoring Anne Jackson for my 700TH blog!!!!

I am honoring Anne Jackson today! (An OK, cool person!) (Of course she has pics of people who are "cooler than her". But that's what I love about her; she has a beautiful way of putting others before her. She just authored her first book called MAD CHURCH DISEASE. It's an amazingly incredible book for EVERYONE and especially, full time, part-time, wanna be on Church Staff's, Sr. Pastor's, Founders, Entrepreneurs ...a story about her life in the beginning as a Pastor's Daughter and continuing on to the pain and major experiences one goes through in the Ministry (or daily struggles). It is so real and states exactly what happens and takes us down the road of red flags when you know Mad Church Disease is setting in and she even goes so far as to give the entire process of healing.

Anne has come back from some time off blogging, twittering, etc. (plus she travels extensively). If you have not gotten her new book, please, please get it. It's a must! She is the most tremendous writer I've ever seen in our thirty-seven years in full-time Senior Ministry. (& I am constantly asking our kids to get me a book or Barnes & Noble gift card because I am an avid reader!!!) Anne is relevant, had addictions that she is well from, and writes so well; I promise you will not put the book down. She knows what she is talking about! What she has to say in her blogs are always so definitely encouraging! We all are so blessed to have her tremendous, brilliant take on ANY subject and believe you me, she draws a huge crowd and I'm so very grateful to be a part! Thanks are one great person (honestly, I say that with all the humbleness you possess) who cares about Pastors, their wife, their kids, and all the day to day occurrences we encounter! We celebrate YOU and most of all, admonish you to take care of yourself as you travel all over the world! You've made my day in a gazillions ways! My 700Th post today is dedicated to you and all the countless hours you put in to uplift each one of us. Also for your prayers, love, encouragement, and friendship: I give back to you any and all encouragement for your untiring ways to give us answers in your new book, MAD CHURCH DISEASE! A must to purchase!
Lovingly & Appreciatively,
Carol - a 37 year Sr. Pastor's Wife

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring.....Officially Here

The day after Easter Sunday is alway officially spring day for me. I'm encouraged that yard work is inevitable and the bones do bends and lots of extra, extra to make the lawn look beautiful!

Memories of a Risen Christ and happy to know Him as Savior and Lord!

Monday is a "catch up" day and somewhat of an errand off I go and I hope your day will be eventful as you refresh your mind and be grateful for all the things you have to put forth some beautiful spring - y looking flowers or just be thankful for health, strength, and God's love.

Happy Monday to you and your's.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


What a neat end to a very blessed day! Beautiful Service, just fabulous! Yay!!!
It's coming to an end, but we're just enjoying a relaxing evening with memories of a super great service and all the extra activities! God bless each and every one for attending!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Someone Asked Me???????

"What are you doing for Easter?"

My comment - "All the great things that we have done for 37 awesome Church Service, great music, Communion with Attendees, Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos and refreshments for the adults...." In other words, ENJOYING a great service and praying the attendees are received with love and a hearty welcome!

C ya there.......Service begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. Happy Easter and enjoy your day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday!

I'm so happy when Companies let their employees have Good Friday off. Why Good Friday? It is the Friday before Easter - a Christian holy day marking the death of Jesus Christ before Easter (the 3 days).

It's a very sacred day for me. I will be at our church in case anyone drops by to kneel and have prayer to honor Christ's death in gratefulness.

Enjoy your Good Friday and be blessed this special holy day!

Thankfulness to our blessed Redeemer,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hopefully No Rain

The weather is showing rain on Easter day..........the kids' Easter egg hunt will have to be placed inside if that happens. pray for sun shine everyone! C ya Sunday 10 a.m.....oh, and I pray your Good Friday is a blessing! (I'm one day ahead to hope your day is eventful tomorrow!) Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Of course Easter is a time we celebrate the risen Saviour! And that I love! He is always there for us! What a great and magnificant God! I always feel like Easter is a time for renewing our vision, faith, and gratitude for the Lord suffering and giving us grace, mercy and confidence to continue on in our lives. Not to be doom and gloomy, but to be happy for what He has done for us and through us. I do want to get an Easter Lily for the platform at church for Sunday in memory of my Mom who always loved Easter! As many brothers and sisters I can still remember dying Easter eggs one year. What a mess! Yea for Easter. Our services begin at 10 a.m. - great service and an Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos afterwards and refreshments. C ya there!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I live in the space of thankfulness and I have been rewarded a million times over for it. I started out giving thanks for small hings and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That's because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.

"Say Thank You!" and have a lot of thankfulness this day!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009



"Faith is the substance of things hoped for - the evidence of things not seen."
Have faith today and love and trust and be happy!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Amazing Love

Our Women of Worth W.O.W. Class taught by your's truly are really on to something talking about the subject, love. It's amazing how the love subject can get so confusing. Some people just can't accept love or know how to give love. We;re dissecting the word and how the Bible women accepted it. It's a great class and it's always interesting to hear other ladies' history of giving love as a person, Mom, Grandma, etc. I love it!

We're amazing women as we start with faith and honestly mix pure humility; add strength of character that rises above the stress of life's surprises. Toss with generosity POUR IN LOVE FROM a heart that's true and it yields one amazing woman! and that's our recipe for Love. I Cor. 13...the LOVE chapter is the icing! Try it, you'll love it! C ya in church - Palm Sunday today. 10 a.m.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Morning Person ....Random Thoughts

I'm a morning person! Can't help it; I believe I was born that way! People rag me about it! It's such beautiful times to be completely alone and having my brain go in gear and hark! - here we go starting a new day! I have a friend who just can't get up in the mornings without 2 or 3 alarm clocks going off! Oh my goodness; my heart goes out to her and believe it or not, I love to wake people up in a soft tone. My husband always wakes up in a super great mood. He does most of his sleeping in the a.m. because he's a "night" person. You'd be surprised at how many people ARE NOT morning persons! I go into some restaurants of Servers who come to work at 5 a.m. but gripe about it. That one annoys me, but I have a choice not to go there. Don't rain on my parade (morning) I venture off to another Restaurant where I get greeted with some part of a smile and positive welcome!

That reminds me when a visitor comes into church at 10 a.m. when our Services begin...just maybe they are really not morning persons, so please give them a smile and positive attitude about them being there. We love visitors at our Church, but it dawned on me perhaps they have a struggle getting up even that a.m. hour!!!

So, whatever you are...a night owl, or a perky cheerful morning butterfly (like me) just rejoice that we are all still alive and have choices to be what we want to be! You can call me a yucky happy morning, cheerful person, but I love it and will remain this way forever! Enjoy your Friday - I know I am!!!! C ya in Church 10 a.m. Palm Sunday! OUR REDEEMER LIVES!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm A Positively Wired Person

A study was done by psychologist Henry H. Goddard on evergy levels in children. He hooked children up to device called an ergograph to see how they would respond to the words of others. He found that when tired children were given a word of praise or commendation, the ergograph showed they experienced an immediate surge in energy. But when the children were criticized or discouraged, the device showed their energy took a sudden nosedrive.

Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word! My husband praises me by always saying "You were a Cheerleader Mom, always cheering our kids as they grew to the next level and you are doing the same great thing with our grandkids." wooohoo....I love those encouraging words! How about you? What has been said about you? I'd love to hear.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hearts Entwined Forever

Your relationship with your daughters is one you can rely on; there for life, an ongoing, developing relationship. (That includes daughter-in-law also). Mine are precious. Love, love, love them! A circle joined to a circle! Family faces are magic mirrors; looking at people who belong to us, as we see the past, present and future even through our granddaughters!!!!!!!
Enjoy your Wednesday!