Sunday, August 31, 2008


I wouldn't trade anything in the world for being a has so many fabulous memories of joys and happiness. Whenever I feel myself inferior to everything about me...I can still hold up my head and say to myself: "I am the daughter of the woman who.....had so many kids she didn't know what to do with we did for ourselves and boy did we ever become self-dependent!" Let me not forget that I am the daughter of a woman who bent her head, trembling as she stated many times "You kids...I don't know what I am going to do with you." At the same time, a woman/Mother who still took the time to introduce me to soothing luxury of a bubble bath and who let me venture out on my own and that is where I found the edges of my personality rounded out as at the age of 15 went to work (walked to work) in a Drug Store where my first job was a "soda clerk"......

Even though my Mother is not with me (she passed on when I was 25 years of age), I can never escape her presence in my heart. Never, never.

I hope this has been an encouragement to those of you whose Mother is always in your heart every single day and that you'll celebrate often the glorious Mom/Momma/Mother you have now or did have! Oh, the joy of being the Mom and reminiscensing of how fabulous it is to be the Mom of two kids and the unique bond between us. I hope this encourages you to stay close in love, admiration and respect to your Mother because if you are a Mother you will reap the benefits later on passing on a heritage and beautiful thoughts of the wonderful times and again JOY of being a Mother. It's a relationship that defies a complete description. Remember also to let love rule!

Happy Sunday, happy mothering, and have a safe, restful Labor Day weekend!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Getting Focused

Sometimes it's hard to find answers just when we need them most. Like getting the "crude" "bug" or whatever it is called. I thought it was the 24/hr. but it turned out to be the 4-day! Ever been ill at the same time as your hubby...not fun! I'm up and getting focused....we have a pretty big job to do tomorrow, so we're both hoping the bug stays away all day so we can get our work done.

Probabaly the rest has done us some good - we hope! Hearing from both of our kids was encouraging!!! My husband and I felt like it came from eating some bad chicken and lingered. Who knows? But for today I feel some better. It has run "its course" long enough for me. Have a happy Labor Day weekend. C ya in Church tomorrow 10 a.m.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I may have blogged on this before.....did I tell you I love to organize? In fact some of the ladies at church have actually asked me to come over and organize them and I have to decline.........I only like to organize my junk!!!!! I promise before the year is out I will clean out the hall closet and organize it. My daughter was looking for a baby pic of me.usually they are 'RIGHT THERE' - well this time they weren't............and blankets....why do I keep so many? I would love to have a closet that if you open the door and you don't see it right there.....pardon me but it ain't there!!!!!

I will give my self some credit...I organized the den has Christmas stuff in it so whalla.....that's the only place you can find Christmas and gift wrappings! DONE!

And my office area is pretty organized so far........I need to do a scrapbook of my birthday so that pile can get done.......oh, did I tell you I got the most gorgeous cards I ever saw in my born days???? WOW!!!!! I am blessed! And my three bouquets of flowers have finally seen their days...but they are magnificent.....our daughter got me one! What a day I had!!!!!!!! Or should I say week!!! Our son got me the neatest thing (besides other things) an egg boiler....he got it in Japan his wife is the gadget of the century!!! It is soooooo awesome and boils egs QUICK!!!!

So back to organizing! Drawers with shirts and jeans in.....oh good grief and's a good thing I live about a block from Goodwill Industries because away we go with old closet clothes not being worn!!!!

Have a happy Thursday! 'nuff said about have to be in the mood! And today I'm not because of a "bug" I caught this week...ugh! And my hubby has it also!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Great, Phenomenal, Fabulous!!!

Out of the 40 invited, 40 came!!!! WOW! What a fabulous birthday celebration I had at church and with family! I hope we all got what we wanted out of it...FUN!

I'll have a kazillion thank you notes to write but this shouldn't take long.

I am appreciative!!!! If you had a part I know you will know it was phenomenal and great! Our daughter did a marvelous job keeping my Spirit up! WoW the comments she made about me.....I will always charish and remember it!

Remember: Always let love prevail and show someone you love them.....we need it. I know I do!!! I am the most grateful person alive right now.....and blessed with many, many gifts! I hope you have a happy day! Sorry I haven't blogged for a while.............tooooooo many other things to do...but I'm back now!!! Whoopeee!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More On Love

What's wrong with saying "I love you." I've been known to say it to some of our church members. Question: Must I love other people? I believe we are commanded (in the Bible and this is where I base all my facts) to love one another. The song "Love makes the world go round" is always on my mind! I claim John 13:34-35 "I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

I don't see anything wrong about saying I love you.....I see the right of it. I believe it's my Christian duty because being a Christian comes with certain expectations. One of them is that we will love others. Our Christian conduct is proof of wheter we love each other, and loving each other is proof that we belong to Christ.

What a re some special things that come from a loving relationship?

Proverbs 10:12 - Love covers all offenses.

I Corinthians 13:4-7 - Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up.

The gifts that come from love are many including forgiveness, patience, kindness, love for truth, love for justice, love for the best in a person, loyalty at any cost, and belif in a person no matter.

For my birthday this week I have had many people that have been an inspiration in previous years and I have ended the phone call with I love you and they with me.

As the song says, "Spread a little love around........" Why not, it sure feels good to know people are that valuable! They are to me!!! And if someone doesn't like it; they are jealous because they withhold love and need to be more loving, kind, and patient. Someone asked me what I want for my birthday? I said "Love" and they said "Hey that's a great gift - we all need it." Everyone needs love. Trust me.. it makes a difference in my life and your's also, if you'll just love.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Super Day

Great is the Lord and great is His faithfulness, love and mercy!

I'm having a superb pre-birthday week. Wow! Thanks everyone!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A True Friend on call 24/7.

Friends get you through bad times and help you enjoy good times!

Right now (I love) just talking on the phone with my friends. I like to find out what's going on with everyone so that when I go back, I'm not compltely out of it.

A friend is an inspiration to me.

Friends are important because you know they are there!

A friend recognizes your mistakes, but doesn't keep count of them. there to forgive and forget!

Friends are not friend if I cannot trust them. Especially is someone tells me they said something behind my back!

A friend will defend you even if you're wrong - because anyone can defend you when you're right!

A friend will not do something purposely to cause strife between my husband and me.

In your heart you possess the key to friendship; nurture it well.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Week Of All Weeks

......looking forward to a week of all pre-birthday week!!!!
My husband has "soft-cuddled" me to remind me it's hard for me to receive because I AM A GIVER............... Back to the subject of "receiving" I begin the week, having already received an awesome gift from a friend of mine (by the way there were 4 gifts inside the wrappings) so beginning with gift #1.........I am proud to proclaim that I received them very well and with much appreciation. (I will admit, I was thinking about getting her a gift all while I was opening all of it.....) ooooops ....I'm allowed one mess up.....just kidding.......It's always been hard for me on my birthday because my Mom passed away on the day before.

Will this week be joyous? Absolutely....I'm looking forward to a great Church Service at 10 a.m. today; Q&A with a super lunch.....and the week of all weeks!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Great Comment!

.....from one of our first ladies...Eleanor Roosevelt


Let that one marinate.

Love, love, love it!

See ya in church tomorrow...........Q&A afterwards also!!!!!
In the meantime, make Saturday a good day!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Must I love other people? What if I don't want to? was asked to me.

John 13:34-35 - I am giving you a new commandment; Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

We worship Him and praise Him for His love to US.

Love helps us to stay focused.

I'm late with my blog today.....I was up at 4 a.m. serving breakfast to a gentleman in our church going on a trip by air......My husband, him, and I ate a fabulous breakfast which I cooked (which he wanted) of french toast, egg, toast and bacon. I hope your day has gone well with lots of love and kindness shown to all!!!!

Now I may be a tad bit late for our date tonight because I have to find a song to sing that my husband has requested by him and me! Enjoy whatever you are doing!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hope is so Encouraging!

Our daughter Directed "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.

The play in essence said "Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has PLENTY, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Hang on to hope!

You can't drive into the future if you're looking into a rear vision mirror!

One more encouraging thought: Hope is what happens when you first see a light...just a distant, small star in the darkest of night!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Encourage Others and Change Their Thinking!

Everyone needs encouragement. And everyone-young or old, the successful or less than successful, unknown or famous who receives encouragaement is changed by it!

As Mark Twain said, "One compliment can keep me going for a whole month!"

A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change his/her life!

You never know when a moment and few sincere words can have an impact on a life!

Help people gain courage!!!! and then see them go on to change the world!

Yesterday I spent approximately three hours with a lovely lady who is 81 years (young) and what a blessing and encouragement she was! Oh to live my life like her'! I couldn't even describe how uplifting she was! What an example of a lady that loves her family, her job (yes, she is still working) and such a joy! What an encouragement to pattern after. I think we have lost the old fashioned of learning from the older women who are dynamite, fabulous love and encouragement. I pray I'm like her when I am that age! Thanks Mildred!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where Is God In Time Of Crisis?

Psalm 46:1-2 - God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear.

God does not say He will always prevent crisis in our life - we live in a world where not so good things happen. But God does promise always to be with us, helping us through ANY crisis.

Call upon Him. He is there, ready to give comfort!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Yesterday's Victories!

Okay so I'm up borrowing on yesterday's victories....we had a full house for W.O.W. and what enthusiasm from everyone!

That's awesome! I'm sorry some missed out, because it was the best yet!! Just let go and let God have His way! It works out so much better!

I hope your week is extraordinary.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Letting Go

....that's the topic............
don't miss today's W.O.W. Women of Worth.....we will be meeting today in the back of the Sanctuary. See you there..................9 a.m. There will be pleanty of coffee....and fun!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How To Encourage Someone

Wanna know how?

Come to W.O.W. Women of Worth at Lighthouse Church in the morning and the time is 9 a.m. 30 minutes worth of trememdous ways to "Encourage" & "Let Go" - To Give Courage to yourself and others!!!!

See you there.........and have a terrific day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

My Favorite Blogging Subject


Prayer is an act of humble worship in which we seek God with ALL our heart.

Prayer often begins with a confession of wrongs.

Prayer is asking God for guidance and waiting for his direction and leading.

Prayer is an expression of an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father who makes His own love and resources available to us.

Does God always answer prayer?
I John 5:14 We can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask Himf or anything in line with His will.

The Priest in I Samuel said "Let's ask God first."

Take time to pray and please thank Him for all His provisions!

Yea - tonight - Fright Night Date Night!!! : )

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Looking At Life

As I write, looking at life so scantily touches upon the magnitude of this ever-demanding, top-level priority.....I've been a mother for 37 years and am now the grandmother of two precious tots. It's true that if you have children you are a mother forever. For Life! Ages and stages change. On and on the ripples of our Godly influence stretch, days, weeks, months, years, decades ebbing their way. The impact of mothering is unmeasurable. Raising our children was so rewarding and now being "bonding" friends with them is incredible.

So I beseech you, Moms, give mothering all of the passion and purpose it deserves and requires to be done well. Then all the days of your life will be days...and decades...of passion and purpose! Enjoy your Thursday! And while you're at it, make someone's day!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Who determines truth?
II Samual 7:28 "You are God, Your words are truth."
Only God determines absolute truth.

Does God really expect us to tell the truth?
Absolutely unequivably! God's law clearly forbids intentional lying!

I hold up the truth in love! I've seen people conveniently "lie" or "deny" (they both go hand and hand) but still blame and to me it depends on how many people are supporting the lie! Okay....that gets me on a soapbox.....I was sharing with one of my sisters yesterday to remember how sore our bottom got from a leather belt when our Momma thought we were lying as kids????? That's something you never
forget! Yet, people still want to prove a lie and think they are right! Especially when someone won't look me straight in the eye and accuse me of a lie.....I become an extreme introvert on that one and like my Sis said; then that becomes their problem....I really don't think people who really do lie (I'll be bold about it) have lied so much they can't tell the difference between a lie and truth!!!

I do know as a word of encouragement, the Bible says "The truth shall set you free!" So come on always be truthful and you live with a conscience that is loving, truthful, and respectful to those around you. I hope your Wednesday is happy!

I'm still figuring out how I can get you to subscribe to my far I do not know how as I know many of you have replied to please be patient with me......I need to find the answer and I promise I will know soon!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Innocent Precious Grandchildren

For those out there in cyberspace who are Grandmas...I have a few encouraging words to say to you. I just finished having our Grandkiddos and looking into their precious faces reminds me how very innocent they are especially because they love me unconditionally. They trust me and I trust them. Our grandson lost his two front teeth after we left from taking them home and he called me to share it with me. He knew his Grandma cared and was concerned because he bit down on a chicken piece yesterday and it made his tooth "more loose."

I have two grandchildren and for each I hve a golden charm in my keepsake treasures. Each night I look at them and for each day I say a loving prayer. To show a child what has once delighted me, and rediscover my pleasure in their interest; this is the great happiness of being a Grandma!! Someone has said, "A garden of love grows in a Grandma." Truer words have never been spoken. Thanks are both adorable, loving, and so much fun!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008


What is true humility?

Humility is not thinking too highly of yourself!

Matthew 18:4 Anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Humility is childlikeness.

Humility is gentleness.

Humility is not having to prove yourself and allows us to take advice.

Humility means accepting the authority of those who are over us.

Humility means thinking of others as better than yourself!

Most of all, humility opens our eyes to see God at work in our life.

God honors and exalts the humble! It strengthens our character - it is for our own good.

Most of all, humility leads to wisdom!

I think humility is admitting our mistakes and just be meek enough to say hey I messed up. In other words being a bigger person!!! Be a part of the bigger picture!!! I pray to be humble as I know the Lord can lift me up to higher levels of living....all the happy things that eliminate stress....just be humble and want what's best for others!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Success is always something you have to recover from!

When I was in High School and College, they would say "She's high-headed; she thinks she's smart." Especially when being very successful.

I'm happy when people are successful. it's aweful to think they don't deserve it! They do deserve it!!!! Trust me, a lot of blood sweat hard work and long hours and fulfilling their dream and goals is what made them be successful in the first place!

God is good! He's giving us a successful ministry for His honor and glory!

If you don't already have a church home, please come to Lighthouse Church at 10 a.m. You're find a warm welcome, great music, and a relevant message! No one will pry into your business, but will be glad you are there!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I hope this blog comes across positive.

Genesis 16:5 Then Sarai said to Abram, "It's all your fault!"

In Exodus 32:24 Aaron's lame excuse for making an idol - something expressly condemned by God - was that it just happened! How often we do the same thing, blaming our actions on circumstances beyond our control. But we are completely accountable for ALL our actions.

What excuse do we have for not putting others first? That's what life is all about to me. And that's where I get my joy. There's no excuse for withholding love when you have it to give.

'Nuff said.....I am going to have a fun day today with two of the most marvelous, adorable, well behaved, awesome kids in the Universe......our grandkids!!! See ya in Church tomorrow!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Planning Ahead

Planning and foresight will help us prepare for danger ahead so that we can avoid disastrous consequences.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths."

Oh wow, do we need to be reminded of that!

And in planning, remember other people are involved, so consider each one and what they have to say. I am definitely a planner. Nine times out of ten, when I plan the music schedule for Sunday, it's always goes right along with my husband's topic. I'm in one room planning music and he's in the other studying; neither one seeing what the other is working on....and it always comes out that we are both of the same mind, and subject! That's awesome in my books!

Speaking of planning, I am planning such a super time with our adorable grandkids this weekend! ....or is it.....they plan me!!! That's ok too!!! : )