Monday, March 31, 2008

Yard Work :- )

I decided since it was so beautiful yesterday after church that I would do some yard work. Putting down mulch, pulling weeds, planting impatient (spelling???) and petunia flowers and pulling more weeds.............ugh..........feels kind of like I tuned into some sore muscles, but I'll survive!

Spring is definitely here and I love sitting on the porch watching birds land!

God's wonderful handiwork. We need to stop and smell the air outside and take some time to just "BE" --- i HOPE i'VE encouraged you to take some time to yourself and just ponder at nature and all its beauty! Have a happy Monday!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

April Showers Bring May Flowers

It's almost April....but the showers we have had recently will make Spring just be gorgeous!

I love to plant flowers.

I love to go to Church - Rejoice for the beautiful Day He has given us!

See you there......10 a.m.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just Keep On Prayin'

......yes the load is heavy when a prayer request is presented....

......yes, God answers prayers.....

......yes, continue to call into our 24/hr. Prayer Line.........

......yes, the "Prayer of a righteous man availeth much..".......says the Bible....

......yes, His will to be done is what we should pray for.....

......yes, prayer and safety to those who are in need of that today.....

......yes, pray for services at LC tomorrow (& don't forget to bring a friend...)

......yes, pray for Pastors.....oh, so needed....

......yes, and church attendees also......

......yes, pray for families in need......

......yes, just keep on Prayin' - PRAYERS WORK!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Air Conditioning In March?????

We cratered this week and instead of opening the windows, turned on the air March???? Oh yep.....

How about you?

The weather changes sooooo much, but be comfortable for your own liking.

Oh yes, it's Friday.............this should be a very eventful day....looking forward to Friday Night Dining Out! It feels good to be served and JUST ENJOY a nice dinner and the events of the previous week. I'm still extremely grateful for the marvelous time we had at our Son's and Daughter-in-Law's after Church last weekend. We're borrowing on Sunday's wonderful Easter events and rejoicing over the beautiful spring and great blessings that have come our way. I hope you are doing the same!

What's also awesome is the fact that the visitors we had are coming back! Yea!!!! 2.....yep....1 more days 'til church again!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


.....I'm pretty sure I'm used to the new Spring time change. It's way too dark in the morning though and I feel like I'm still "in the nighttime zone" but we just have to accept it.

What's your favorite time of day?

It's a known fact I'm a MORNING person. I have automatic eyelids that shut sometimes at 8 p.m. (eeeek) but to awaken refreshed, it calls for that! My husband is just the opposite. He's an 8 a.m. riser....and how he stays up so late is beyond me, but then again, he wonders how I can get up so early!!!! They say, OPPOSITES ATTRACT....very absolute in our case! We've been married 40 years and if we're not used to it by's way too late for not accepting this pattern!!!!

The way I accept it and look at it is.......this.......S.......P......A....C....E
At night he gets his space and in the morning I get my space.......AND then we communicate in the a.m. at some time what each other does in OUR SPACE. I HAVE TO HAVE MY SPACE and HE HAS TO HAVE HIS SPACE.......that's all there is to it. I have seen far too many ladies who are in their husband's face ALL THE TIME and the poor guy has no time to breathe........come can do my Mom used to say, "Tend to your own knitings.....leave him alone."

And that's what life's all about....You be you and Me be me!!! But, plaaeeezzze let me have S........P.......A.......C.....E!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Love-Based Marriage

According to the Bible, every law written and every prophet's message all center upon one concept: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12. This applies to all life.....a new command I give you: love one another as I have loved you.....
So we must love one another.

A control based marriage is build on dictatorship.

A love based marriage is built on love and a healthy relationship.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Still Rejoicing Over Sunday! it, love it, love it! We're beginning to get feedback regarding "welcomed guests" that attended Sunday Services Easter. "We'll be back!"
"Great Service!" "Are you always this friendly?" "What a great Church!"

My Goal was accomplished to fill every pew in the church! That makes me feel so great because I knew it could be done! I would not give up! We had greeters at the front and back doors! You are always welcome, so make it a good day and we'll see you there! May God truly bless you on this last Tuesday of the month is my sincere prayer!

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's Going To Happen!

.....I'm going to learn more about blogging....bear with me, but one day you will see some things I have learned to add and it will be cool! I have the "want to" so as soon as I can study the "know-how's" it's going to happen!

I hope your Easter was dynamic and eventful! Great celebrations!

Keep on rejoicing over the many victories and great memories of 2008! I'll have a lot of follow-up because of the many visitors we had at church! Love, love, love it!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Is Here!

.....My gratitude goes out to everyone who has participated to make this day so special! From where I sit, I can only be ever so thankful. Yesterday's great memories are still alive in spending marvelous time with our Son and fam. Topping it off (I'll call it dessert) was talking with our Daughter who knows just what to say to compliment me and I enjoy all the times so much I spend with them! I feel such pride and joy....oh, I could write a book on what these kids mean to me.....I have such a great feeling of Easter excitement! Enjoy your bonding with family. It's all worth it!

See ya at 10:00-11:00 a.m. for a great time of celebration for Easter where the teaching by my hubby will definitely be relevant and thought-provoking! Enjoy your Easter, whatever comes your way to celebrate!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today's A Big Day for Our Grandson!

......and today is his 7th birthday! He's been telling me for a while now "I'm 7." When they know there's a birthday party, they automatically think the new age number! Good grief!!! It doesn't seem so long ago that he was born. 7 years has flown by!

His birthday sneaked upon us due to the preparation of Easter Services, etc. So, last night we went to the Mall and purchased his presents. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees some of them. Of course, he is always so thankful and the way I look at it.......this fabulous Grandson rocks! Playing Wii games, reading, playing with his hot wheels or knowing names of movies, he is so precious. (Those are words Grandmas use........precious.......and that he truly is!)

What I really think is cool is the way his Sister handles being the Big Sister at his parties. She is so humble about it being HIS birthday....I love it! Oh, are we in for a treat today.........a) getting to see our fam. b) his little friends and how he interrelates with them.....this is going to be a great day.......preparations for Easter Service, and his birthday. Happy Birthday our incredible Grandson!!!!! Have tons of fun as I know we will as we celebrate you finally being 7!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Good Friday, also called Holy Friday or Great Friday, is the Friday preceding Easter Sunday. It commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus at Calvary.

A lot of people plant certain flowers on this day. I can remember when I was growing up, my Dad was a brilliant mechanic as well as a Horticulturist and on Good Friday he always planted hybiscus.

I think Good Friday is a great time to reflect. It gets me in the Easter Spirit thinking about my Christianity and what gratitude I owe for the crucified Christ.

Each and every one are definitely invited to attend Easter Services on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. You are very welcome and we'd love to see you, your family, and whomever you bring.

Have a blessed Good Friday and make it a good one!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Is Almost Here

.....I'm a traditionalist! I know I'm going to get a lot of e-mails from posting this.......but I love to get new clothes and dress up on Easter. To me, it's just a new beginning......celebrating a Season of renewal, feeling great, and looking super! In fact, I have thought so many times at Easter wearing a hat. Then I talk myself out of it. Ba-hum-bug on the people who say well, I don't think I'll go - I have nothing new to's totally up to the individual! You can still spiff up and look great in whatever you dress up in!!!! To me, Easter is almost here.....I know one thing for sure....I do need a new pair of shoes this off I'll go some time today or tomorrow to purchase a pair.

Have a great's the person in the pew that is of utmost importance!!!! Hope you have chosen Lighthouse Church for your place to attend! We're having a Communion Service this year! I cannot wait!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reality Checks

I have a deep, dark confession. I do pick up my husband's dirty socks. In any marriage there are going to be a few personal idiosyncrasies that result in each spouse serving the other in a mundane tasks. My husband is forced to repeatedly close my closet door and lock the doors at night. This is where the spirit of servanthood and unconditional love breeds health in amarriage. Yes, every single day the first thing I do when I get up is put sugar in his coffee, even though he perfectly capable of doing that for himself; but guess what he does for me?.....he makes the coffee at night and sets the brewing to go off at 5 a.m. even though he knows I am quite capable of making it.

Pray that you will have the power to give your husband space, grace, and do not push! Be grateful for all his talents! Okay does not delight in evil! Go the extra mile...fix his favorite meal, clean the entire kitchen, and think of him first as he works so hard to see that every need is met! it comes back one hundred percent as we delight in all our husband's strengths, love, and compassion!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You Can Succeed!

I was talking with a lady last week who said "After 20 years of battling this addiction, I am finally giving it up."

II Corinthians 2:14 says in every day words "You are succeeding!" "You have succeeded!"

To me, it's the victory of self-control. It frees her freedom to love, to experience joy, to know peace, to respond with patience, to have a kind disposition, to act out of goodness, to agree with gentleness. Because self-control leads to success.......THE ABILITY TO MAKE CHOICES WHICH INVITE AND ENHANCE THE DECISION to remain within the boundaries of victory!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Are You Wearing Green?

st.patty's looks great on me!!!! I'm not about to get pinched! :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day to one and all!

Hey, call it "Green Monday" instead of "Blue Monday" as Fats Domino sings - he was always such a favorite singer of mine in the 60's! They say once you learn the chords he plays on the piano, you can be a "Rock N' Roll" pianist! Now, wouldn't that be awesome for me? I'm stuck on the C chord! :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Peace, Courage, & Contentment

I love "Inspiration" Books: I would like to quote one of the writers Maya Angelou:

"Now, after years of observation and enough courage to admit what I have observed, I try to plant peace if I do not want discord; to plant loyalty and honesty if I want to avoid betrayal and lies."

She couldn't have said it more perfectly. This is the exact way I feel. A friend of mine who has gone on to glory said this about me. "Carol, what I like about you is you will crawl to someone's house if you had to - to get peace from discord."

What about you? Were you raised in a home with a lot of fussin' and fightin'......

I believe we should bury the past and live in peace and contentment. It's your choice....Another friend of mine said "Why in the world would you want to always be contentious and stir up friction?" I say.....JUST FORGIVE and let true love begin.

I can't wait to go to church today. My husband and I are singing a really neat song and I love to sing the alto part......see ya in church! Remember 10 a.m. Worship Service starts.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Restaurant World

Why would a person want to be employed in a Restaurant where they do not like to serve? On the other hand, the first question they ask is "What would you care to drink?" If you ask for iced tea and they don't come back to refill the glass, that's annoying. How about the ones that come to your table too many times?

Honestly, I believe a lot of Restaurants need to have more training with their staff to accommodate the customers. And plaeeeezzzze tell the lady servers to not wear strong perfumes.....hello!!!!!!

Is it just me or are Restaurants slacking off in their service?

And don't even get me started on the "Hostess" that greets you when you walk in?

I concentrate mainly on the it hot; how does it look or taste? That's the #1 thing I major on.

It just dawned on husband and I go frequently to a local Chinese Restaurant and I don't ever see kids in there. Hmmmmm

How many of us call and enter our comments as the receipt suggests, or enter the contests to win? Okay....don't get me started; this would be the longest post in history on blogs. (aye!)

......on another note.........we have Q&A at church tomorrow....I can promise you, the food will be hot, delicious, and served well. See you there!!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Calling This A "Carol's Day"

.....that was awesome....Angie R.'s and Mary's comments....'ppreciate it! (Please read yesterday's blog's comments) :) I'm officially calling this I'm taking a "Carol's Day" - for the most part it did something to my emotions to grieve over the loss of such a super Aunt! Yesterday I had a Semi-Carol's Day.....buying groceries to make my husband his very favorite dinner....meatloaf (he bragged all evening that I am the very best meatloaf maker in the Universe!!!) potatoes, carrots, salad...the works!

My "Carol's Day" today will consist of hanging out at Starbucks, getting hair fixed, buying me some little something that only I like. I teach ladies to do this; even if we buy something that cost a yourself something!!!! Okay, everyone that knows me will rest assured I will end up in the purse department(s)...that's fun, and the topper is when my hubby gets home from our Son's office with the wonderful tasting girl scout's cookies that I ordered from our granddaughter......(I hope she won whatever award she wanted to achieve from selling them).....I can medicate my pour aching feet by eating those delicious cookies!!!!! Thus, ends my "Carol's Day" because it becomes Friday night date night.....and we may watch a movie, eat out, or just hang out at Braum's. Ice-cream is another great goodie that uplifts the soul(s)!!!

Whatever your take is today....I hope it's fun, enjoyable, and helps your spirits to be uplifted also!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!!!

Happy Anniversary to me,
Happy Anniversary to me,
Happy Anniversary to blogging......
Happy Anniversary to me!!!

It was one year ago I asked our Son to please set me up a blog!!!
Do I like blogging? No, I LOVE blogging!

Have I kept my "Caring Thoughts" in tact?

Most definitely!

Do I need to learn more about blogging?

Most definitely!

Actually I live such a public life, we decided not to put pics and make me even more that has been a goal that I wanted to keep and I did accomplish it!

Every single morning.....I bow my head and thank God for our Son taking time out to put this blog in!!! (& my husband says, "Yes, she truly loves blogging!!!!")

True, I do not have a lot of comments.....that's okay with me...I have several subscribers to my feed, and over 600 hits, and I was asked because of the authencity of my blog being so positive to participate in two University writer's classes...which I opted out due to time element.

I've had many many family as well as church members send e-mail comments. I need to learn how to "link" to these people who want my blog on a daily basis. You can put my blog under "FAVORITES" and click on it. There's so much more I need to learn. Dang it...time is always a problem...we need six more hours in a day!

So, that's it in the musings and random thoughts and please know they are VERY caring!!!! Thanks for being a ya!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why Is Our Church Different?

You'll find a difference at LC, the church where my husband pastors.... a place where church CAN be a fun and an enjoyable experience.

You'll enjoy our casual atmosphere where people can be themselves. The Dockside Room offers free coffee and sodas, donuts and snack food. We have really cool music...sometimes pretty loud, but the words are on the screen, so you "rock" when you sing! We like to use modern media to communicate timeless truths. My husband speaks about issues that are on your mind that you can really use throughout your week. Doesn't that sound different?

We are a church that puts God first and traditions last. A church that loves people regardless of their background. We serve lunch at our Q&A's....a great time to "air" your opinions to the Pastor and enjoy just being you!

Although W.O.W. (Women of Worth) is only sometimes once a month.....I know the teacher quite well and the subjects are extremely relevant! At the same time, I know the teacher of the Men's Class, 2nd & 10 and they discuss subjects of their choice.

I love our church and it makes me feel so good to blog about it! Seeing you there is the best part!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Country Vs. City Folk - Random Thoughts

I'm convinced there are some differences.

What they are, I'm sure yet. It's probably taxing my brain to figure out because of the fact that we'll be grieving over the great loss of my Aunt Billie. My two cousins on my Dad's side of the family were there. Super phenomenal people! I hadn't seen them for over twelve years. Some of the neices of Aunt Billie's on her husband's side were there and we got to visit with them the day before the funeral.

I wish I could express in this blog the tremendous legacy Aunt Billie has left behind! Truly awesome! And she received a golden award for volunteering over twelve hundred hours for the Hospital Auxiliary! And about fourteen of the Auxiliary Women were there, who stood and worked right along beside her and to share their great loss as well as our's was such a blessing and very caring people!

I guess I have country and city in me....I enjoyed all the food, the getting up later, and the warm, friendly, hospitable, nice remarks. I was raised in the country, but as the saying goes, "You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl!" So, I probably have more country in me.

That seemed to be the topic of conversation "We live way out in the country."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Is The Church Relevant?

Sure we have rock music, relevant sermons, (truly Bible-based) and great illustrations of how our lives can be victorious, but do we walk out of Church and really live a life of love, commitment, and honor to God? I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately....are we coming to church, putting on the "fake face" (terribly hurting inside, wishing someone would please care?) I can honestly say from the standpoint of where I sit this subject could provoke a lot of discussion.

What's your take on this?

I believe each person that walks in our church today will be looking to see if the walk matches the talk. They'll know we are Christians by our love and kind acts. Relevant? Absolutely....I can tell you one thing for husband, being the Pastor spends hours of studying to give a possible 30 minute messge and he bases it totally on the BIBLE and the way he teaches is that it is all relevant to what we go through on a week by week, day by day basis!

This morning is our W.O.W. Women of Worth (MOM spelled upside down) and I guarantee we will talk about a relevant subject: "Trust" The ladies will be given a time of voicing their opinion with no fear of being judged or citicized. This is our only W.O.W. class for March, due to Easter and the 30th being on Sunday. See ya at 9! By the way I see the 'puter is not up to time yet....right now on my other clocks which we changed last is 6:19, not 5:19 as this blog time says.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Tribute To Aunt Billie

.....if only I could know more about how to post pics, videos or whatever on of these days I'll sit down and take the time to learn.

In the meantime, I covet your prayers as we mourn the loss of my very favorite "Auntie" - Aunt Billie. She lived a philantrophic life; always volunteering to be a "Candy Striper" at the hospitals, taking flowers and cheering people up with her humor, and wanted no praise. The community in Missouri ALL knew her! I believe she has lived to be almost 90 beautiful years of age, and all of Heaven now welcomes this lovely lady.

She and Uncle Rheble, her hubby of course, were exceptional and truly mentors as we raised our kids way back in the 70's. They had no children of their own, but KNEW THE ANSWERS. And they thought we were the greatest parents in the entire world becaue our kids behaved so well! Uncle Rheble claimed my husband as his phenomenal "nephew." And Aunt Billie claimed me as a neice who "hung the world." Actually Aunt Billie was my Dad's Sister so she was my "for real" Aunt. But, Uncle Rheble gloated over my husband; I'm sure that's where I learned true, trusting love and respect for my hubby!

Aunt Billie passed away Thursday night at exact midnight. Uncle Rheble passed on about ten years ago. What a Saint she was! She wrote "puns" for the newspaper and she knew exactly what to say that fit the ocasions! My Sister e-mailed me re: her loss. All during the night, I awakened with precious thoughts of her and what a legacy she left for my life! I can honestly say, I cannot find one bad word to say about her.....she always bragged on us ALL THE TIME, and when we went to visit her, would let us know face to face how smart, intelligent, and wise we were! The heighth of encouragement. We'll enjoy the pics we have in our family albumn and thank God for such a fabulous Aunt!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy Friday!!!

My husband and I have fun, especially on Fridays...actually I think Friday Date Night begins on Friday Date Morning..........some day I'll explain the details of that. In the mean time, have a happy Friday. I'm late with my blog this morning
I was looking for a very important file and finally the last place I looked was where I found it! Ugha-ugha (Sigh - I found it!!!) I still take pride that I'm a very organized person. Unfortunately, the file was in the wrong place at the right time!!!! (Figure that one out!) Have fun THIS DAY!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Where Did The Hot Water Go?

...this is a caring blog straight from the heart.......

For a few weeks now, we've been noticing the hot water in the shower or tub diminishing.....hmmmm - where did it go? Yesterday while my hubby was gone for his annual physical, I heard water running....I checked both bathrooms and the kitchen water running...of all places I heard water running in the actual room (of its own) where the water heater is located. Not a good sight! There was four inches of water running from who knows where but spilling out all over the two carpeted rooms beside it.

Evidently, the Plumber says something fell from the off/on pipe and it just kept had to go somewhere! We've had this same Plumber since 1991, so we valued his knowledge of fixing it! Oh, it will be fixed but if you have not had a Plumber for a while prices have changed drastically! I negotiated a price with him; his Supply Water Heater vs. Home Depot and Lowes. It's ludicrous the Labor Charges because all new pipes have to be drilled in to the outside....My husband verified that he is giving us a fair price.....but I promise you, I'm still gasping at the astronaumatical way the prices have changed since a couple of years ago. + it calls for City inspection.

Looking on the positive side; at least we will have a tub and shower full of hot running water and believe you me, that is worth it!!!! Hot Water is such a healer and when you wonder where it went or was going...that's worse -- I was definitely born a curious person and I can't tell you how many times I asked my husband the famous question "Where is all the hot water going?" Guess I found out....

Okay I'm ready to keep a meek and quiet spirit today while the Plumber and his helper fix the disaster....because they do charge by the hour.....okay ladies....I will need your prayers on this one...don't worry I can do me! The happy feeling of a longer hot shower definitely outweighs the excruciating barely enough hot water!!!

Here's some more info re: this yucky event: Some of the water had to be totally drained by a hose connected to the water heater. This is the second new water heater we've had to have, and according to our expert Plumber, will be the last! My husband is a the #1 and I do mean #1 man can FIX ANYTHING...but I become very obedient when he says "Let the Plumber fix this one!"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reward Yourself!

Set your goals........and I am encouraging you "Do not give up!" Have an active part in looking at the goals and mark off the ones you have accomplished! Reward yourself! Be extra kind to yourself! You deserve a super award! I just finished a book I've been reading - why reward myself for reading a book, one may ask? That's a milestone for me....sometimes I read one or two chapters, never to see the book again...out of sight, out of mind. So, I'm rewarding myself. No, not with another book....something I've been wanting for a while; a new coffee cup! Not that I don't have enough and extra, but my favorite place to find one is Starbuck's!
I hope you reward's fun.....loving......and a cool thing to do!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

Yippee....for those of us who are a.m. persons, it's getting lighter outside earlier. Okay...I've decided this is the time change I like best. It's lookin' good! Hurry and get here Sunday, so the time can roll on!!!! Set your clocks forward (Spring forward)....can't wait! In the meantime, pray for patience, 'cause I'm rockin' with this one! You can bet I'll be up and up 'em!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

....what an awesome grandson!

First of all, I want to say we were all so happy my husband was back in the pulpit!

Secondly, not only did I thoroughly enjoy the blessings and fabulous compliments on being the "Chef" for the spaghetti and meat sauce lunch at church, but we had our grandson for the weekend!

Thirdly, I count it a privilege to blog a super weekend with our Grandson! Who said six year olds (oooops.."7 Grandma" he says)aren't so very smart! He'll be 7 pretty soon! Being the Chef meant getting up earlier for the event and as we carried all the "kitchen stuff" as he called it, into the church, I did not have to tell him one thing to do.........HE HAS REALLY LEARNED THE CHARACTER QUALITIES RESPONSIBLITY AND INITIATIVE!

When he got out of the car, carrying his sack of donut holes (this is a must when he comes to Grandma's), he also carried (on his own) another item; opened the door for me, and stood by the front door church to open it again until I carried my stuff in. We actually had to make 3 trips to the car and church and each time, he was a precious little gentleman and respect for Grandma, and said "What else, Grandma?"
Now, as we said in Oklahoma...... you can't beat that one with a stick!

When he began outgrowing his toys at our home, he gave them to the Church Nursery; so off he went to play with the wagon full of legos. He stacked them very high and none came tumbling down! This next "brag" is great! After church and the ladies had cleaned everything up, he asked me if he was supposed to carry anything to the car (on his own). I do have bragging rights being the Grandma of this very cool Grandson. He also "slept like a log" at G & G's; I'm sure his week will be a good one - I know our's will be----I loved it when he asked his famous question on Friday...."Grandma can we go to Chuck E. Cheese?" I'll let you guess the answer to that!

added note: Next Sunday, March 9 is TIME CHANGE....Spring forward 1 hr.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's Gonna Be Delicious!

Homemade spaghetti sauce!!!!

The garlic bread is real......

The sauce is from "scratch"......

Don't miss it......


Q&A after a.m. worship service this Fellowship Hall

I'm the appointed Chef, so bring your questions and appetite! See ya there!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Routine Or Creature Of Habit

Sometimes when I begin my daily activities I feel myself following a Routine....

Hmmmmm or maybe I'm a Creature of Habit.

Then I will add something NEW to the mix.....

Today, I'm going to have to be a Creature of Habit as tomorrow we will be having Q&A lunch at off to the store I go to get the groceries; then arrange them at the church kitchen; then organize the food....sounds, because we still have tomorrow to get the food out (there's always volunteers who we so graciously thank to help) and get it at least warming up!, because we love serving it!

It's fun, delicious, and so learning.....the questions that are asked are so relevant and bring such a unified group....see ya there!