Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween/Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Halloween/Happy Birthday Son. I hope our Son has a phenomenal birthday. I know he's sure brought a tremendous lot of joy in my life.

This blog will be brief. I've been asked to go help a Mom sew her kids' Halloween Costume(s); apparently they are wearing them to school. Wearing them to school should be fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All You Need Is Love..........

In my teen years, the song by the Beatles was extremely popular "All you need is is all you need...." And I can still hear the repeated phrase at the is all you is all you need; they always ended their songs with fading out the real meaning of the song. Maybe they thought in the 60's we just didn't get it....we got it!!!!!

One Author of a book I read on "Love" (Frank Clark) said "A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it." True, true, true. When love weakens, I remind myself (& so does my husband)...hey we are forgetting to say I love you at the close of our phone conversations. It's never to late to begin saying it! I truly have so much love to give and when I feel like life has a tendency to go sour (like lemons) I pull the reins back and say I need to give out more love.

Believe you me, I've seen so many women go bitter for no unknown reason at all...mostly just because they don't get their way....when if they would just check their "love tank" and see how empty it is; they would begin filling it back up and could graciously sing the awesome song "All you need is love....." and begin to have a joy beyond comprehension. Can you say it?.........I LOVE YOU! How abut the Julie Andrew's Song, "Love makes the world go 'round....." Of course, I deeply love my husband, our kids (of course, all inclusive, daughter-in-law, grandkids; brother and sisters and families..........the list can go on and on.) Christ loved us enough to die on a rugged that's love!

I've almost memorized I Corinthians. 13 - THE LOVE CHAPTER in THE BIBLE...........MY daily prayer is "God please let me love more...." Today is a great day to spread a little love around and share the joy that you have found......I always start out by saying, i just love the way you are so kind.......or......i love the way you express your thoughts.....or........i love the way you're wearing your hair ........something to spread a little love around. This should be a super Tuesday ...I think I'll begin by making a "Carol's Creative Card" for my hubby, my true love!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Time Change

I'll have to quit thinking about it. I've read so many articles in the newspaper about the fall time change. Getting an extra hour of come many people are really going to do that? Having an EXTRA hour in the day will make everyone want to be happy!!! We all do so much for others, we don't think about the EXTRA HOUR of sleep.

But, reminder: at 2 a.m. on Sunday is the time change.....NOVEMBER 4th.

I think the computers and clocks on cells that change have already changed because it usually falls on the last Sunday of October. So don't freak out if you think your time is off. It is! This blog will say 6:19 a.m. on the computer as I am typing it; it's really 7:15 a.m. and it will show that time on the blog. Time is of essence in so many of our lives, of course, but remember to have a happy Monday................sending love and prayers, Carol

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Where Is God When You Need Him?

He is there.
Just call upon Him.
Ephesians 3:14-19 is what I read when I ask the question "Where is God when you need Him?"
I promise.........Bears repeating.....He is there.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

People Who Purposely Inflict Pain......

........they're not happy.
........are very miserable.
........are untruthful.

Wasting time and energy on revenge is unnecessary.

They are more miserable than they try to make you.

Just keep on being the fun loving, kind, joyful, giving person that you are.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Super Friends

We had some super friends call and wanted to stop by and give our church some office supplies (i.e., 1,000 legal envelopes, file folders, name tags, & paper). Wow! How cool is that!!! We were just talking about the fact that we needed to get some envelopes because we were out.

They were telling us they recently celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary! She is getting ready to retire and he was teasing saying he is a "couch potato." Anyway, it was nice to drop what we were doing and visit with them. It was hard to believe they stayed about an hour, but we all talked about how time flies so quickly these days! They are "cat lovers" and we are "dog lovers" so you can imagine how much fun we had since all our kids are grown adults, but wish our animals would behave accordingly!

Definitely super friends and we wish for them many many more happy years as she was 15 years of age (mind you) when they got married!!! Happy Friday eveyone and God bless your entire day!!!!! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


......or better yet known as "Stump the Pastor".......even though we give honor to the Lord for serving a nice meal to all present, yet, still, there remains anyone who has a question that my husband has not been able to answer. Hark! A couple that have been faithful each week have commented that this week (Sunday after this a.m. Service; 10/28) have a question that they believe will stump him!

It's all in fun, of course, but I've seen some pretty interesting questions and he calmly answers them. As you can see, I love to BRAG on my husband and his quick thinking ability to answer the questions. What a tremendous ability!

One more comment............Sunday's menu is "homemade" tacos, quacamole, and spanish rice! How about some home-grown jalepinos? Yum, yum! We hope we see you there!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Some Sort of Role Model or Wisdom

For a while, my husband and I were home to watch the "Seinfeld" series at 6:30 p.m. And it seems the major discussion now on "Home" television is the real Jerry Seinfeld's wife has discovered how to keep the right vitamins in the foods for kids to eat....disguising it so the kids will eat sweet potatoes, cauliflower and the many veggies that make for great health. I've seen her on television demonstrating her new recipes to help kids eat healthy foods.

On the other hand, Jerry made a comment "A two-year old is a kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it." From my point of view, it's nice to have a family (in our era it was "Ozzie & Harriet") that has great goals to at least seem normal for a "role model" ..... something to think about.

My prayer and goal is to look carefully to how I walk! I live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as a wise sensible, intelligent person; making the very most of my time - buying up every opportunity to prize Wisdom and when to use it HIGHLY! (II Cor. 5:17)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Attitude of Gratitude Day!

I am very grateful. Today I am grateful for people who take the time out to say "Thank You." I call it an attitude of gratitude. I went over to the church and there was a really cool envelope sticking out of the mailbox with an adorable ribbon tied to it. So, I opened it and it was a beautiful thank you note to "me for being so kind" to a lady I had been communicating with.

All the time I had been thinking how KIND she is and here she sent me the "kind note about me."

It'll make your day! Especially when it comes seemingly out of nowhere. Go ahead make someone's day..........send a warm and fuzzy thank you to someone that means a lot to you....via cell, 'puter, transporting the note to their mailbox, text message, work phone; awe come on; it's heart touching and warming!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Living Today On Yesterday's Blessings

Not only was the church service superb, as well as W.O.W., & 2nd & 10, but KFC had a super special on fried chicken so we invited my husband's Assistant over and her family to eat, complete the administrative work, and watch the ballgame! Just before they were leaving a devout friend of the family came over with a guy who comes to our church and we even had enough chicken to go around the second round! What a blessing with all the activity.

Thank you all for the many prayers for my husband as he has been recovering from a pulled muscle in his back. He says he does not have the spasms anymore and feels so much better!

According to the Barna Group, the average Pastor lasts only five years at a church and churchgoers expect their Pastor to juggle an average of 16 major tasks. Pastors are among the nation's most overworked and underappreciated group of professionals. I would like to personally thank each and everyone for the appreciation they have shown both of us during "OCTOBER PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH."

Yesterday went by so quickly, so we think we'll just live today on yesterday's blessings (which are many) and will be enough to go around the second time! Oh, and may you be blessed a in a marvelous way TODAY ALSO!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Where Do You Put Your Trust?

Interesting question........How about this question: Can you be trusted???






Significant Other???






See ya at 9 a.m.- TODAY -W.O.W. Women of Worth and find out the REAL ANSWER.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Defining Woman

It takes valuable time to answer the question "How would you define a woman?" In the environment where I grew up it was understood that the woman would stay in her place at home and in the church. Then when I went to Bible College, the question remained "Was this place God's place for her?" Who decided that she was too emotional to make decisions, and that her ideas and opinions were invalid?

God declares that we are capable, intelligent, and virtuous --- more precious than jewels, and our value is far above rubies or pearls. (Proverbs 31:10). God honored, defended, and valued women. He delivered those in bondage to sin, forgave them and restored them to wholeness!

After many years of fighting to breaking out the mold designed for me by others, I came to know the God who created me. There seemed to be no escape from my prisons of guilt, shame, fear and intimidation. Instead God provided a way of escape and that was to FULLY RELY ON HIM. He would supply my needs and wants! Through prayer I could express the emotions and I could depend on Him second by second!!!! Come on, women, we're so awesome, as He uplifts us to be secure, trustworthy, and cool!

My TODAY is a result of choices I made yesterday. I chose to serve a living God who cares about me, my needs, my wants and my empowerment to make wise decisions. As I assume responsibility for my decisions, I will reap the rewards for trusting Him.

I find that some women are angry with God for His failure to intervene in situations that they actualized by THEIR unwise choices. It is time, I believe for each individual woman to arise, determine her worth, and set positive standards and let God guide, according to His will and purpose.

If you don't fully understand all of this.......set your alarm clock early, and attend W.O.W. Women of Worth (spelled MOM upside down) at 9 a.m. tomorrow in Fellowship Hall. Refreshments will be served. We've had a steady attendance and women are commenting how much it has helped their life to find ANSWERS! Tomorrow's subject is "Authentic Women"............come on'll be glad you did! I promise!

Friday, October 19, 2007

I Cratered....Random Thoughts/Candy Corn

For my husband's b-day (in September), I wrapped his present with corn candy (Brach's)........the best in the whole world! It was a small bag (9 oz.). It was been unopened because he said if it opens, he'll end up eating the whole pkg. in one setting!

Rest of story.......last night for supper I fixed his favorite meal; tender steak, baked potato and steamed cauliflower. That being a lot of carbs, I decided since we didn't have any cookies or sweets.......I would open the candy I cratered. As I was quietly opening it, he appeared! He was so surprised because normally I NEVER WANT can scrape me off the ceiling, especially since I have enough energy for today, tomorrow, and the next day!

That candy corn was so sweet, I don't think either one of us will want ANY candy for the duration!!!! It's going to be very tempting since I OPENED IT....Betcha can't just eat one....I ate four and he ate four, believe it or not. He put the leftovers back in the bag!

It added some humor, we stayed awake discussing why do we always want candy corn at Halloween?? Or, is it just in the fall???? Here's a thought....eating candy corn that late at night is not worth the consequences.... sleep deprivation.......oh well, it won't be the first time I've lost sleep, but rest assured, I will make it up!!! A good thought: Rest assured I will remain sweet and sensitive, eating just one candy corn was like a spoonful of honey; actually the main ingredient is pure says so on the package! ahhhhh - sweetness....have an awesome and sweeter than ever Friday! I know I will!!!!..........(Be SWEET, that is!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seasonal Change

As we watch the leaves change colors this Fall, I hope it reminds all to enjoy the Seasonal Change. It reminds me to trust our unchanging God! Yesterday I did a study on Psalm 37:1-7

Fret not thyself because of evildoers.

They shall soon be cut down like the grass.

Trust in the LORD, and do good.

Delight thyself also in the LORD.

Commit thy way until the LORD.

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him.

Just what I need! How about you? What are you studying?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One Of My Favorite Verses

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering." Hebrews 10:23
This verse calls us to an UNWAVERING commitment to our faith. I need to be reminded of this from time to time. Because..........when we have a goal to bring others to church, we must not give matter what we face, our God is faithful!

Faithful Creator.....He designed us and knows our every need.

Faithful Savior........He provides us with skills, knowledge and resources to thrive in our surroundings.

Faithful Provider........He desires us to come to Him in prayer that He might meet our needs.

The theme song that our WELCOME MAN gives at church is "Passing the faith along to my brother.....passing the faith along..........Helping to build the faith of another......passing the faith along." If you ever hear that song, you will not forget it. As the teenager I was talking to yesterday said, "God rocks!"

I'll just say, "His faithfulness rocks!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Remember This.............

"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."

I hope this touched you!

Please know you are thought, cared, and prayed for, THIS DAY! Watch out for gloom and doomers who will try to steale your joy.........Surround yourself with positive people.........those who are brave enough to tell you to kick the negative thoughts far away.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Annual Appreciation Sunday - WOW!

Okay, I can't help but blog about yesterday's event - Pastor & Wife Appreciation Day actually all over the U.S. I can dig it!!!! Beautiful flowers, lots and lots of gratefulness and appreciation for what we do. My husband doesn't like a lot of hip-hip-hooray because he feels like his job is a higher calling than to brag about his accomplishments and especially since his confidante and prayer warrior in the Ministry, Jerry, has gone home to be with the Lord. Jerry always gave a huge appreciation for knowing my husband and my Father-in-Law, who, of course, led Jerry to Christ. Me....I guess I have a lot of recognition motivation in me (comes from having been a sales consultant for a cosmetic company) and competing to win awards. Also, comes from being the middle child in a pretty big family!

I wanted my husband to be the recipient of the beautiful flowers yesterday because he was having back issues (somehow he has pulled a muscle and it's very uncomfortable), but we both enjoyed the appreciation day! One lady served us lunch; that was really cool!

So, my caring thoughts today are on others who care enough to step out and give their appreciation, loyalty, and gratitude. It'll sure make our week! Thanks everyone for being so caring. What a tremendous Service!

This week is beginning great! I hope you get a lot of appreciation for how great you are and your week will be tremendously blessed. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

#1 Priority Take Care Of Yourself

Pace yourself: What does that mean? Look at the goals you have and if you see that it is going to put you in "Grouch-ville" take some time out and read a book, or a hot bath, or just sit and stare at the wall, but prepare yourself for fast pace!

My taking time out for self is going to bed earlier the night before and getting an extra hour of zzzzzzzzz's in so I can be mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally prepared the next day for whatever befalls me. Just getting that extra time to curl up with a very very special nighttime prayer to God and ask Him to make me an instrument of His will, to get a great night's sleep, and be prepared for the day for ALL the things I have to do. Everyone knows I'm a high spirited person anyway, but when I take care of myself by seeking God to help me, then I dump it on Him and He takes care of me. As they used to say in Oklahoma, "taking care of it with one stone aiming at two objects."

How many of you really take time out for yourself? A MUST......A HAVE TO.......A VITAL!!!!! (& believe you me it is not being "Self Righteous!")

Gotta get ready for Church. We have Q&A today and we have a new family that is coming. We are having hotdogs Virginia style...oh yummy!.......can't wait. See you there..........10 a.m. Let's pack out the Worship Center for God!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's Back!!!!

Yes, I had computer withdrawals while mine was in getting fixed.

Yes, I shared with my husband his computer. He didn't mind at all. It was odd thinking of what to write on blog with all my pics he has of me in his office.

Yes, I moved my desk area several times to get re-situated.

Yes, I am extremely thankful to have MY OWN 'puter. Everything is cool now!

God is sooooo good. See ya in Church tomorrow. 10 a.m.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Celebrating No Dog Bark Week!

Hasn't this been amazing week? Every single day was filled with enjoyment! Maybe I could declare this "National Dog Week!" I had to take Pixie in for grooming this week and they put the cutest Halloween ribbons on that cutie pie's ears; she didn't like it, so she kept swishing her head back and forth to get them off. I'm going back today (I was in a huge hurry yesterday) to really thank the Groomer for the extra care they gave her. Then we saw two very well behaved dogs at a home last night; then we have rejoiced over the greatest fact that this has been a NO DOGS BARKING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Week! I'm wondering - can't these people hear their poor dogs outside barking at their own house???? The minute our dogs bark outside, we go out immediately and quiet them down. My husband says that Pixie barks at a leaf that moves. A-ha...then Chloe, our dog for thirteen years (or has it been fourteen?); if she barks we know it's for a reason. The dogs that have been barking in the neighborhood have a shrill bark with a rhythm to it...extremely annoying!

So, congratulations neighbors for giving your Dog very special attention and it's been a quiet, peaceful celebration! Have a super happy Friday! is Friday in all it's glory!!!! Spread some love around to your Dog (s); I know i am!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pest Control

I'm not sure whether this throat drainage I have awakened to is from the Pest Control Spraying for any and all bugs outside, inside, upside, two days ago, but it's annoying! Weather change??? Cleaning chemicals????

All I can say is hopefully it won't last that long, but I look forward to not seeing any "pests" and I do mean any! As a child I was raised in the country and all we saw was "lightening bugs" and they were lots of fun, catching them, waiting 'til dark and see them light up! But, these creatures now do not go away until a Pest Control Company is called to do a treatment!

Today looks like a great day to chew on a few cough drops, watch a funny movie, and do some prayer journaling! I do think we are headed for some cooler weather, so green tea sounds soothing also!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Give More Compliments & Then Some!

I just cannot compliment my beloved husband enough! I'm blessed to think of his many talents, skills, and "there isn't a thing he can't put together." Recently he finished a master-piece model ship; even made the case, and has presented to our Son. It's awesome! I tease him saying "I've been widowed to a ship" but you know what? I wouldn't trade the tremendous fun, enjoyment, and brilliancy he possessed to get it finished. It took a total of nine years he said! When you've been married as long as we have, and work together as a team at church, you tend to need some .....


private time, (Time-Out)

get-away from each other (breathing space),

individualized hobby, or accomplishments alone.

and I say this with love, honor, and respect!

I list could go on and on.

But, the one thing we need to do more of be ever so grateful for our husband working so hard, providing, and giving us just ANYTHING we want! Sometimes he works (appointments at the church) upwards of 10 p.m. and I tell him how grateful I am for ALL his accomplishments. He can come home, relax, turn on his favorite TV show, and unwind. I compliment him for that. What husband wants to hear "do this, why don't you come home earlier?"......, guilt, guilt, guilt. I'm pretty sure husbands don't like the push, push, push, because they don't do it to us. I truly have learned the art (this is a brag on God truly helping me!!!) of when my husband walks in the door; not bombard him with this, that, and the other. And as Niki says 'JUST DO IT' ....give more compliments, and then some!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Forgiveness Means The Slate Is Wiped Clean

Why is it there is such a difficult decision to forgive?

After hurt, we will never feel ready to forgive someone. I find my answer in Matthew 18 regarding forgiveness and the example of Jesus.

The more quickly we begin the process as He mentioned, we do not allow pain to dominate our being.

It's up to us to take the first step. The journey ends when "Yes" is given. I believe the slate is wiped clean; history; no more; gone.

Forgiveness is not a feeling; it's a fact that WE MUST FORGIVE AND FORGET! I am not a grudge carrier. I've seen some people that will not let the past be forgotten. I'm a "Visionary Person" - I visually see in my mind a clean slate (God also saying to forgive 70 X 70, why bring it up?)

I hope you have many many victories in forgiving others. I think about how gracious others have been to me regarding bloops, blunders, and mess-ups; therefore, I forgive quickly and lovingly.

Starting all over is the greatest joy one can experience!!! Begin that journey. Today is a great day to simply forgive.

Monday, October 8, 2007

86% Believe In God

Do you believe in God?

NBC this morning had a poll on this question. They had the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the percentage was the same as this:

86% to keep the words, In God We Trust and God in the Pledge of Allegiance
14% against.

That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.

It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Why is the world catering to this 14%?

I totally believe in God and am eternally grateful for His provision and do put my trust in Him fully!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

"Refrigerator Rights Family"

Yep, that's the title of my W.O.W. study today! Being 94% self reliant. What's the other 6%?

I spent some time yesterday with a lady who wants to give her input on going through divorce. She has some heart wrenching words as to what her part was.....whoa!!!!!

Do you have a barefoot buddy?

Because you're seen so many phoney Christians, do you doubt Christianity is real?

Short blog because W.O.W. Bible verses are where the caring answers are!

9 a.m. :) Refreshments will be served.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Outlook On Life

Comments re: Church & Life






There's a guy who comes to our church every Sunday (never misses) and the first thing he says when he enters and is greeted with a Bulletin, "I just love coming here and it feels so good to know I will be blessed by both of you." I will honestly say, his outlook on life on Sunday is there's no ifs, ands, and doubt about it, this is where he brings his family to worship every week!

Does Church make your outlook on life better? Worse? Of course I would love to know. Especially since this is my biggest OUTREACH day!!!

After taking the entire week and not going to the Church building, but doing a whole bunch of home makeovers, I cannot wait to go to the church today, and he is right, when you first walk in, there's a feeling of "belongingness" "safeness" "Hope" "I love it!" "Security" "Family Feeling" .... and the list goes on and on.

PEOPLE make the church; it's not about the beautiness of the building, although that helps, but the warmth felt by this Pastor and Wife and others. What I like most, is no one tries to pry in your life or run your life. You can just be YOU, arrive at 10 a.m., worship, leave, and know you've been given a NEW OUTLOOK ON LIFE, possibly something we never thought was in the Bible, go to your own home and enjoy Sunday to the fullest. My husband's messages are relevant (& actually he's a humorous speaker). Personally I love being challenged by his Series of messages. Right now the subject is the dreaded "S" word by so many women -"Submission." Come on out, help us fill the Worship Center to the max!!!! See you there!!! In the meantime, enjoy your Saturday! :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

LF - Likability Factor Randomness

Lately I've heard statements "I could give a rip whether anyone likes me or not." or "I know I'm not liked, who cares." or heres a good one "Who cares whether I'm liked or not?? Grrrr grrr") Where do you think you rate on the LF?

In looking back over my life, I can honestly say I have lived the best of both worlds; People Pleaser; Non-People Pleaser. After a very thorough study of the greatest book I'll ever want in my life, the Bible, I became a God pleaser. Do I mess up? Most assuredly, but the fact is basing answers and debates, the Bible is THE MOST ACCURATE and I feel rates pretty far up the scale with a LF!

Most women think the Bible is boring. I'd like to know which part they are reading? No....definitely not boring! Very relevant to what is happening in our lives TODAY!

I teach a W.O.W. Class every other week at our Church. The class has grown significantly. (I would say from 1 to over 10 would definitely classify super growth!) That's my vision, passion, to look out at the women in the class and learn how lives can be for the better; not push, push, push their husbands, but challenges in their own life to be real, be trusted, have the LF factor!!!!

This Sunday is going to be about Connection, Plugging In, Getting Beyond Walls Women Put Up........see you all there..........9 a.m.

Refreshments will be served and plenty of flavors of orange juice for sure!!!! I'm always a "Wannabe Likable" ---------------are you?
Awe common' I know you are!

Tonight is FNDN.........whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Blog Look

My husband is teaching me Power Point! Now that I've ventured out to places known on the computer, I decided to go into Template and change the look of my blog. I don't have a problem with change, however, some people do. The only way it can be changed is two choices; the other look or this one. I kinda like this one. I'm sure I'll be changing it back, but for now it's been fun to be creative. It looks sort of Halloweenish! Ta-dah!!!!

My caring thoughts today; don't let the sun go down on your wrath. (Ephesians 4:26) That's a biblical quote that has been long overlooked these days. Yesterday I was talking to a lady who has carried a grudge against her mother-in-law for 22 years and she is "not going to apologize." My heart aches for her because after wrath (anger) comes bitterness, and once in that locked attitude, sends what I call ugly behavior! And people that have bitterness, it shows, believe you me! It will affect her health. It's sad and tragic, when all she has to do is say "I was wrong, I am sorry for hurting you like I did." Apologizing is not a sign of a wimp or weakness. It makes for what I call "clean living." Give me some of that. We all are better off not letting the sun go down on our wrath. She is the one that looses out by not having peace, love and contentment toward probably everyone.

Let me know either by e-mail or blog whether you like the new look and thanks for listening in.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Green Thumb

I've been told by our beloved daughter that I have a green thumb! If it's possible to inherit something from daughter to Mom, then I got it from her. But for my birthday she got me the most gorgeous gardenia "tree" plant. What's really weird is that according to Martha Stewart's office, where she sent it from.....gardenias are supposed to bloom in Spring.....hello - there are six absolutely gorgeous gardenia flowers that burst out just in one day! It's like she just bundled up a whole new present and sent me a flower bouquet!!!! The smell of the gardenias is heavenly!

Back to the green thumb. Repotting plants is not my forte. But I can see I am going to have to make myself repot.....ugh.....some plants I have definitely need repotting. I'll have to do it. She says when a plant gets pot bound, it will whither away and soon be gone. I sure don't want that to happen. Well, it's off to the shed for bigger clay pots (I hope I have some) and doing the dreaded task. They are beautiful plants (6 to be exact) and make rooms so lovely. It's kind of like watching our grandkids see them one day and the next week, they look at least a foot taller. Growth is healthy and I do enjoy healthy plants.....I really do! Guess I also will accept the fact that I HAVE A GREEN THUMB! Thanks dear daughter for always encouraging me to repot, pamper, and love those plants! I have to tell about the time she planted fabulous morning glories (purple) in our yard and after four years of those magnificent plants and other periannuals in our yard, they grow every year so very lovely and definitely enjoyable.

That reminds me. We're getting ready to give the front yard a "makeover." Might as well, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride......have a super Wednesday! and remember to thank God for all His provisions as well as lovely, lovely flowers, plants, buses, greenery, trees and awesome landscaping yards, indoor plants, and for sure a green thumb!!! :-)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Study On Wisdom

As I've often heard kids say "That's cool!" I found a quote by an Anonymous person that says "Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech." I've had so many (women, men, teens) comment regarding my blogs and saying due to their busy schedules do not have time to comment. That's okay - to me that's the wisdom of pacing oneself as they go about a busy week! No problem with me. I'm glad to put out "caring thoughts" and "minding my speech."

Ecclesiastes 7:4 says "Wisdom is good with an inheritance and by it there is profit to them that see it" wisdom....."a wise woman buildeth her household instead of tearing it down." It's a great study and all I can think of to say is "Ain't God good?" He surely purely is!!!!


Monday, October 1, 2007

God Sees The Heart.....random thoughts.......

As long as we have a clear conscience, the thoughts or words from others can neither add to nor subtract from true worth. We are what we are and God sees us as we truly are.

My value from God does not depend upon the judgments of people. He looks upon the heart and sees my intentions and sincere efforts. Too often we're judged by a person's own likes and dislikes or by their own vanity and fixed ideas.

It is impossible to satisfy everyone. I labor hard to improve the lives of women (because they seek my help), but cannot prevent the harsh criticisms and judgments of some. My life is based on what God sees from the heart my intentions. He sees also the desire, while people see only the action.

I know I sound philosophical today, but I totally rely on God and see Him directing, supporting, and permitting whatever occurs, be it good or not so pleasant things. My highest wisdom lies in embracing a God that is all-wise and knows what is best for me. True, He expects me to do my best to correct the wrongs which happen to me; but when I cannot correct them, that is when I am to embrace his wisdom by following His divine greatness and knowing He is there to bring victory.